Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Strange translation of Indonesian language

I recall my memory when I started learning English for the first time. I used to translate every single Indonesian word into English without changing the structure or understanding the meaning first. Only this time, I'll try to put them in the right order.. :) Believe it or not not few Indonesian people still do this way of translation (!__!)

what we are trying to say (M)
Baju kutungan-->you can see (Indonesian way of reading: yukensi) (M: tank top :)
Bola dunia--> world ball (M: globe)
Bulu tangkis--> smashing feather XD (M: badminton)

Cerita penghantar tidur--> sleeping delivery story (M: fairy tale)

Es kelapa muda--> the gun (read: degan) (M: Young cocounut juice)

Jeruk bali-->balinese orange (M: grapefruit)
Juru kunci-->keys expert (M: (grave) caretaker)

Keliling dunia-->around the world (M: world trip)

Puteri salju-->Snow princess (it's Snow White)
Puteri tidur-->Sleeping princess (Sleeping beauty)
Puteri duyung-->mermaid princess (little mermaid :p )

Roti tawar-->tasteless bread (M: sandwich bread)
Roti dadar--> flatten bread; pen cake??!!! (M: pancake)
Rumah kaca--> glass house (M: green house)
Rumah makan--> Eating house (M: restaurant)
Rumah sakit--> Sick house (M: hospital)
Rumah tangga-->ladder house (M: household)

Taman kanak-kanak-->Children's park (M: kindergarten)

I'll update it again soon...any idea?