Saturday, April 28, 2007

Friday, April 27, 2007

Being Pathetic

I used to be a very pathetic person when it came to beg someone's love. I was and hopefully I am not like that anymore. When reading my junior's blog, I recall my old self when being in a relationship for the first time. So demanding yet denying myself to be such demanding person. For example when my bf didn't reply my sms or call then I would be so annoying by crying out loud, which I realized it was mostly for myself not because of him, be so depressed and so suffering just to get his full attention. However, when he asked if I had done that because of his fault, I would say "No." Was it the one that is called pride or was it simply an ego?

My junior is being in that moment at this time. The time when we are told not to expect too much (yet we can't stop expecting) because it brings only hurt. The time we think that love is all about losing your mind, doing everything, giving anything, and sacrificing everything just for him without expecting the same amount of return. Again here we are lying to ourselves about the fact that there are expected returns.
I can think that those things mention above are silly and unreasonable now. But at that time I wouldn't be able to think that way.

Speaking of faith, I would say that those are what the evil tries to affect our mind and feeling by turning upside down what God says about hope and love. I think there is a slight difference between expectation and hope. Expectation is what you predict will happen while hope is something that you believe it will certainly happen.

The scripture does not say if we love someone we can lose our mind and sometimes have to sacrifice all things and that's why Christ died on the cross. That's not the point. But it does say if we love someone, it should be meant to protect, to have trust between each other and always to have hopes.
I hope this can help to ease your mind sis.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Adakah skenario dibalik kejadian seperti ini?

Adapun alasan mengapa post ini ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia karena cukup susah mendeskripsikan uneg-uneg saya ini dalam bahasa Inggris. Terus agak serem juga sebenernya menulis sesuatu tentang sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan "kematian." Postingan sebelumnya juga ngomong soal hal satu ini. Kurang tahu juga koq sedang dapet inspirasi ngomongin hal-hal kaya gini ^^;
Sebetulnya saya kurang yakin juga dapat mengungkapkan hal ini dalam bahasa Indonesia namun apa boleh buat saya tidak tahu bahasa lain. Maka dari itu mohon kemaklumannya kalau tulisan berikut ini susah dimengerti.
Begini loh...akhir-akhir ini saya tuh sering merasa dibalik semua pembunuhan brutal ada satu skenario yang hampir sama. Yang dibunuh biasanya lebih dari satu orang dan cara membunuhnya bisa dibilang sadis lalu si pembunuh mati bunuh diri dengan meninggalkan pesan terakhir. Masih ga percaya? kalau saudara tidak sengaja membaca postingan ini mungkin masih mengingat beberapa insiden di bawah:
  • Kejadian seorang anak tertua membunuh kedua orang tuanya dengan pisau dapur di siang bolong waktu adiknya sedang bobok siang. Katanya karena si pelaku tidak diturutin keinginannya untuk memiliki sebuah sepeda motor. Akhirnya si pelaku mengambil nyawanya sendiri dengan menikam dirinya.
  • Lalu beberapa bulan yang lalu, seorang istri yang sedang ditinggal suaminya mencari kerja di luar kota tega meracuni keempat anaknya dengan memberinya minuman beracun dan yang lebih seram seluruh kejadian itu direkam dalam sebuah video hp. Lalu si ibu meracun dirinya sendiri dengan meninggalkan pesan minta maaf atas perbuatannya dan berharap dengan berbuat demikian akan mengurangi beban ekonomi sang suami.
  • Yang paling baru, kejadian di sebuah universitas Virginia, pembantaian terhadap para mahasiswa di siang bolong oleh seorang murid Korea jurusan sastra bahasa inggris yang ditemukan mengidap tekanan jiwa karena penderitaanya dan keluarganya yang tidak kaya. 32 mahasiswa-mahasiswi ditemukan tewas di tempat dan Sang pelaku juga ditemukan mati di sebuah ruangan tertutup dengan menembak dirinya sendiri. Selang beberapa hari, sebuah stasiun televisi menyiarkan video dan foto yang berisi pesan terakhir si pelaku tentang motif dan alasan melakukan semuanya itu.

Apakah ada sebuah buku petunjuk tentang melalukan pembantaian brutal bahwa setelah melakukan tindak kriminalnya maka si pelaku harus mengambil nyawanya sendiri? Saya pernah mendengar seorang sastrawan Jepang menerbitkan buku tentang cara bunuh diri namun tidak menyebutkan sebelum bunuh diri seseorang harus mengambil beberapa nyawa orang lain.

Atau sang pelaku hanya tidak ingin ditangkap dan dijatuhi hukuman oleh pihak yang berwajib? Lebih baik mati sekarang dan menjadi hero daripada menyandang gelar kriminal yang akhirnya juga dijatuhin hukuman mati?

Pada akhirnya saya kembali berpikir...tidakkah para pelaku itu menyadari apa yang menanti di kehidupan setelah mati? Bukankah yang terjadi setelah kematian itu bersifat abadi dan tidak ada kesempatan kedua? Sedangkan di bumi, orang masih memiliki kesempatan untuk bertobat dan memulai hidup yang baru untuk mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik setelah mati?

Saya bertanya kepada Tuhan, kalau hidup itu adalah suratan takdir apakah akhir hidup seseorang itu juga sudah direncanakan? termasuk mereka yang mengakhiri hidupnya sendiri? atau hal itu adalah sebuah pilihan? Dalam beberapa kasus, tidak sedikit orang-orang yang tidak berhasil mengambil nyawanya sendiri.

I have belief that heaven is so real and so is hell. That's why I come to this conclusion;

Life-span given in the earth is like a time given in an exam. There are some little sections with questions and options. The choices are our rights to decide which answer to choose. If we think we have made mistakes in some parts, we can still revise and correct the wrong ones as long as there is time left. However, when the time is finally up there will be no more chance and only two results will be rewarded either PASS or FAIL.

The only difference between life-span and exam's time is that we never know when our time on earth ends OR how much time is still left...10 more years? a week? or even 1 more minute?...just like that in one glance IT HAPPENS & FINISH.

Really I do not want to scare anybody but I sometimes feel very afraid of how short our life is. Even the oldest person on the earth age cannot compare the age of the earth where we have been living till today.

The doer of Virginia incident was only 23 as old as I am can't I thank you that I am still given a time to live until this day.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The last enemy defeated

The last enemy, name "death", had been defeated......

When Jesus rose again on the third day after His crucifixion (I shout HORRAYY!!!). Apostle Paul wrote in his letter that He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead and soon this will be followed by great harvest on earth: the risen of, first, people who died in Christ and then followed by those who put their faith in HIM.

Why this is a biggest celebration that has ever taken place on earth's history?

I think death is always frightening for most people because none from afterlife world has ever given testimony how life after dead looks like. If death is not that horrible, why would in every funeral, people cry and mourn..hardly find someone with a cherish face? Even when the scariest leader, Saddam Hussein, was sentenced death a couple months ago.......I am very much sure there are people who felt left and couldn't accept this.

(Imagined if I were a rationalist who is trying to find the answer to this problem)
Healthy is over when sickness comes...and sick is gone when the cure is found...(see the circulation?)
Life ends when death comes....then how can death come to end? What next?
Are dead persons really gone from the world...have they disappeared forever from universe
Will there be a reincarnation as some religions believe there will
Honestly, I really don't like this kind of belief if it is really happened...a never ending life-cycle..born as a human, then do bad things in the world, die, and then reincarnate as a pig...pig goes to butchery process, die as a roasted pig..and then what?? Maybe it's better to check this clip from youtube for a while.

If the reincarnation is a fact, why should the world concern about the increase of world's population? I hate the fact if life is really a circle, there is simply NO ending and NO clear beginning about who I originally was.

Over the reincarnation issue, I would say, the history of the fall of first humans into sins, then centuries afterwards, Jesus who was sent to earth by God Himself died at the cross, burried and rose again on Easter Sunday and conquered the death...has given me a much better image about what comes next after the death....
There is a hope of an eternity live in the heaven, a place that is thousand times better than the earth...

“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die” (John 11:25-26).

Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday

More than a millenium ago, a son of man was cruxified for the blames that were NOT His but actually those were ours that He brought on the cross.

He died so that through His blood we could be forgiven and saved...

That son of man's name is Jesus,
my Lord and my saviour.

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to those sins and live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed (1Pet2:24)