Thursday, September 29, 2005

Apakah dia yang kamu cari?

Bagaimana meyakinkan diri kita kalau pasangan kita sungguh-sungguh atau sekedar merayu dengan kata-kata manisnya untuk sekedar menenangkan dan menyenangkan hati kita???
Simak penuturan Paul Joanndes, PhD , penulis Guide to Getting It On berikut:

  • Pendengar yang baik. Saat Anda bicara, matanya akan fokus pada Anda. Setiap kata disimaknya dengan seksama hingga Anda tak perlu repot mengulang. Oh, ini pertanda bagus!
  • Tepat waktu. Saat kencan atau janji menjemput, dia bersedia datang lebih awal atau minimal tepat waktu. Minimal kalau terlambat sekian menit, ada pemberitahuan sebelumnya
  • Cinta itu tak memaksa. Tubuh Anda sedikit melar dan dia mulai protes? Idih, maaf ya. Sepanjang pertambahan bobot tubuh masih dalam batas kewajaran, jangan biarkan dia berkomentar panjang lebar. Atau tolak saja deh
  • Bahasa tubuh. Ini pertanda natural yang hampir 'tak pernah salah'. Jika dia dapat menghargai Anda, sikap dan perilakunya membuat Anda nyaman, hmmm…mungkin si dia inilah sosok yang selama ini Anda cari. So, tunggu apa lagi?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Good Morning...

Hello, osashiburi's been almost two months since I started my placement. Briefly these are what I do during my working days.

07.00: My mobile alarm rings, it plays my favourite song, Waltz from Suneohair. I grab my mobile and turn it into snooze mode for another half an hour.

08.00-08.30: Finally, I wake up after having snoozed my alarm twice. Lazily I get up, wash my face and brush my teeth, then turn on my laptop to watch anime. While watching I prepare myself to get ready to go.

08.40: I'm in a rush, putting everything into my bag, finishing my breakfast, locking my doors and waiting for the lift coming. Sometimes I forget my cellphone and go & back to pick them for another 2 minutes.

08.52: If I'm on time, this is the first metro 51 that I could catch.

09.05: I'm 5 minutes late for many many times ^^; I greet my boss who has always been there when I come and already busy with her bunch of works and she greets me back "OHAYOU!!" I don't know why but sometimes she reminds me of my mother who is always busy every morning with her cash book and calculator when I just woke up from my dream.

10.00-11.00: I'm working in front of my computer, checking email, filing invoices, updating the seminar list, having fun with dreamweaver and not forgetting to answer the phone and also prepare myself a cup of tea and some snacks...yummy. I'm gaining some weights in the last 2 months. I hardly bring snacks to the office actually, but there is often someone has oishii snacks to be shared.

11.30: Sleeepyyyy...sleepy...and my head is a bit dizzy after staring at my monitor for the last 2.5 hours. I'm thinking about my project but haven't got anymore idea. I open some online games and news page or relax myself by reading some interesting books available in my office. I've found some interesting book about Rijkmuseum, Rembrandts collections, and of course Van Gogh. Lately, I'm still reading Van Gogh book, huhu how I love this painter since I knew him from my childhood tabloid 11 years ago and now I'm in his country HOLLAND and had got a chance to visit the museum.

12.30: Lunch break!! Most of the time I'm too lazy to move my butt somewhere else when I want to save some euros:p so, I stay in the office and make myself a cup of soup and reading some manga online. Unless, I will go downstair and go to Burger King then enjoy myself to be alone with a crispy chicken menu.

13.30-16.00: Time to go back, so I go to the post office to pick up mails then go back to my office on the 9th floor. Sometimes, my boss asks me to go to the bank or to other company (in the same building of course) to pick up something or deliver some messages from her. At least I can move my body a little bit. It's not good sitting too long and waiting for jobs when you've got nothing to do or no phonecalls. So I go downstairs and go around the building from one tower to another tower or find a shortcut and finally meet people.

16.00-17.00: Horrayy!!! one hour to go...I become so exciting finishing my work. Then around 16.45 I wash my dishes and prepare myself to go home. Sometimes by the end of the day, I have a little chat with my boss, she likes telling stories about recent news, Japan, her hometown, her son, and some stuff she's doing recently, not seldom too she sometimes asks about me and my country and I love to listen to her since I'm missing my mom and I have no one to talk at home :) :) hehehe...

Ok I think that's all for now...I hope I can successfully manage to finish this placement well even now I'm still not good in answering phone and sometimes feel nervous to greeting strangers hihihihi...once there was a mind-illness guy came to the office and he kept talking to me for more than 45 minutes.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Believe it or not...

When I told them about the cause of Mandala Airline's accident, some said it's so stupid, other said they had known it already, but not few said that I told a lie....but it's true that the cause of the airplane crash was the overweight of "2 tons of duren fruits!!" that were being carried unconstantly inside the plane...nah, can you believe it?... (have no comment) (-__-#)

Friday, September 09, 2005

Kalau saatnya tiba

Ketika saat itu tiba tak seorangpun pernah menduganya, tak seorangpun bisa mencegahnya. Saat itu adalah saat yang telah ditetapkan-Nya.

Orang berkata akhir jaman ah itu sih masih jauh. Nyatanya kemarin malam tak terjadi apa-apa, hari ini pun matahari bersinar dengan cerahnya. Banyak orang takut akan datangnya akhir jaman, terlebih setelah mereka membayangkan apa yang akan terjadi seperti dinubuatkan dalam kitab suci dan apa yang mereka dengar dari para tetua tentang datangnya hari itu.

Tetapi ketika hari itu belum datang, pesta pora masih berlangsung, kejahatan masih di mana-mana, tempat-tempat prostitusipun semakin menjamur, karena mumpung masih bisa bersenang-senang sebelum hari itu datang dan mungkin datangnya masih bertahun-tahun lagi.

Benarkah demikian? Mengesampingkan hari kiamat itu sendiri, berapa banyak kah orang yang memikirkan berapa lama lagi dia dapat hidup? Orang kaya bisa membayar dokter paling ahli tetapi dia tidak dapat membeli kesehatannya. Demikian pula memiliki kesehatan yang baik pun tidak menjamin dirinya akan hidup lebih lama daripada orang yang sudah divonis hidupnya tinggal 1 bulan lagi. Mungkin orang-orang yang sudah divonis itu harus merasa lebih bersyukur karena minimal mereka bisa mengira-ngira kapan waktunya di bumi akan berakhir.

Kejadian Tsunami Natal lalu dan jatuhnya Pesawat Mandala baru-baru ini seharusnya sudah cukup memberi sebuah pelajaran beharga bahwa hidup ini bukan kita yang menentukan lamanya. Manusia boleh berusaha tetapi yang Di Ataslah yang menentukan.

Kalau pesawat itu tidak jatuh...

Sang pilot pesawat mungkin kemarin sudah merayakan ulang tahun anaknya yang ke-5

Novi sang pramugari akan kembali ke rumahnya dengan berseri-seri mempersiapkan pernikahannya di bulan November

Pak Hendramon tidak harus kehilangan toko dan kedua anak balitanya, dll.

Peristiwa-peristiwa di atas sekarang hanyalah sebuah andai-andai belaka.

Bagi yang masih diberi waktu untuk hidup janganlah memikirkan hari kiamat itu masih jauh karena kalau seseorang meninggal maka waktunya di bumi ini juga sudah berakhir. Lebih baik memikirkan bagaimana kita hidup hari ini, karena tak seorangpun tahu apa yang akan terjadi di hari esok sehingga ketika waktunya tiba kita tidak didapati sedang melakukan sesuatu yang mengakibatkan penyesalan selamanya.

human's time is limited, GOD's time is for eternity

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Wishing lists...

Things to be done before this year end.
  • Way to behave well
  • Greeting guests well and nicely
  • Speeding up the work completion
  • Be more sincere to myself
  • Serving ocha
  • Speaking up
  • Not smiling too too much..(lol)
  • Answering phone and listening carefully to what they are saying
  • Remembering properly everyone's names
  • Learning the art of bowing?
  • Having meal-time 3 times a day
  • Stopping to snooze my alarm clock...WAKE UP!!
  • Understanding more Japanese
  • Riding my bike until my office not only until metro station
I'll add some more if I remember something...

Monday, September 05, 2005

How should a leader be?

  • A leader is someone who can guide us to certain direction.
  • Someone who is able to make a fair decision.
  • A person who knows exactly when to say yes when must to say no.
  • A leader is someone who not only can make good promises but also knows how to fulfil those promises.
  • He/she is the one who get the trust from the fellows and the fellows know where to go when they have a problem.
  • To be a leader means not only to lead but also to serve
  • Someone can lead the others to follow his/her instructions if only he/she first listens and understand each of his/her followers.
  • Not to accuse and blame but to show the way and give another chance.
  • A leader is considered having the ultimate decision, but he should not feel the right one before the fellows feel the same way too.
  • A leader is not to be protected at the first place but to protect his men and show them how much they mean for this organization.
  • Someone who always remembers his/her fellows in his/her prayer and not thinks about his/her own needs.
  • A leader shoud not only be strong and tough but also be sensitive too to sense problems arising in his/her surrounds.

  • Everyone will hate their leader if the one always shows up and never admits that he/she has made a mistake.
  • A leader should listen to others but he/she should be able to make a clear decision and not follow the majority or a strong influence that comes from his/her close person.
  • A cruel leader is someone who punish his/her own people for something that they weren't able to do and on the other hand be very friendly just to persuade someone to be a member (even the person has no interest to join) just because that person is very skillful.
  • A cruel leader is a leader who only knows how to be the most right and most knowledgable one. You are fool and I am smart, you are wrong because you don't pay attention to what I say.
  • No one likes either weak leader who can only follow what people say or someone who is PRETENDING to be the leader (even she is the leader's wife).
  • I don't like big mouth leader who loves tell stories how suffered he/she is when he/she did many great things just to show that he/she's deserved to be a leader.
  • Please open the eyes of those leaders who don't realize yet that everything what they say everthing what they do just make their fellows leave them one by one.
  • Please...please forgive them, and please give us strength to be stronger and more patient to stand with that kind of leader.

Anyway, I'm disappointed with my leaders whose names I don't want to mention here. Not because that they did something bad to me but more about what they have done which hurt my fellow friends deeply. Hope that God will open their eyes...and change their heart.

Friday, September 02, 2005

to be with..

tahun pertama kita terpisahkan oleh batas kota
tahun kedua kita terpisahkan oleh laut dan negara
di tahun yang ke tiga ini, kita terpisahkan oleh station metro...
moga-moga kita masih bisa terus bersama di tahun berikut dan berikutnya meskipun terpisahkan oleh batas ruang dan waktu.
tentu saja 'slalu dalam lindungan Yang di Atas....aminn.

2 B with U
zutto isshoni ne...