Monday, September 05, 2005

How should a leader be?

  • A leader is someone who can guide us to certain direction.
  • Someone who is able to make a fair decision.
  • A person who knows exactly when to say yes when must to say no.
  • A leader is someone who not only can make good promises but also knows how to fulfil those promises.
  • He/she is the one who get the trust from the fellows and the fellows know where to go when they have a problem.
  • To be a leader means not only to lead but also to serve
  • Someone can lead the others to follow his/her instructions if only he/she first listens and understand each of his/her followers.
  • Not to accuse and blame but to show the way and give another chance.
  • A leader is considered having the ultimate decision, but he should not feel the right one before the fellows feel the same way too.
  • A leader is not to be protected at the first place but to protect his men and show them how much they mean for this organization.
  • Someone who always remembers his/her fellows in his/her prayer and not thinks about his/her own needs.
  • A leader shoud not only be strong and tough but also be sensitive too to sense problems arising in his/her surrounds.

  • Everyone will hate their leader if the one always shows up and never admits that he/she has made a mistake.
  • A leader should listen to others but he/she should be able to make a clear decision and not follow the majority or a strong influence that comes from his/her close person.
  • A cruel leader is someone who punish his/her own people for something that they weren't able to do and on the other hand be very friendly just to persuade someone to be a member (even the person has no interest to join) just because that person is very skillful.
  • A cruel leader is a leader who only knows how to be the most right and most knowledgable one. You are fool and I am smart, you are wrong because you don't pay attention to what I say.
  • No one likes either weak leader who can only follow what people say or someone who is PRETENDING to be the leader (even she is the leader's wife).
  • I don't like big mouth leader who loves tell stories how suffered he/she is when he/she did many great things just to show that he/she's deserved to be a leader.
  • Please open the eyes of those leaders who don't realize yet that everything what they say everthing what they do just make their fellows leave them one by one.
  • Please...please forgive them, and please give us strength to be stronger and more patient to stand with that kind of leader.

Anyway, I'm disappointed with my leaders whose names I don't want to mention here. Not because that they did something bad to me but more about what they have done which hurt my fellow friends deeply. Hope that God will open their eyes...and change their heart.