Sunday, January 09, 2005


I look at myself and think over..hey the year has changed!!

I'm thinking and ask myself...hey what r u goin to do this year??

I close my eyes and make a wish...hey could I just turn back time and stop it at the time I like most??

I open my eyes and realise...hey your vacation time is over dear..wake up!! stop dreaming, your new time has just begun..

I check my agenda...hey there are things you should finish..come on work work!!

I take a deep breath and exhale...hey there,do u know that I miss you so much?

I stare at those pictures in my laptop...I know that I'll meet you again soon in this year..the new year has just started

I shut my laptop down,
I go outside my room....hey my friends are there and say..let's eat together

I smile at them and take my place....hey guys how r ya doin??
I laugh and forget all the things I've ever thought before..geez!!

there's no certain reason why I'm writing this :p just wanna say to myself..don't worry be happy =)...God works on all things.

I've waken up..n now it's time to go to bed hihi bye bye

My Xmas04 n New Year 05 seems that my English is not getting better yet after my year end holiday so this time let's mix the language again *giggle* Ceritanya abis balik dari Belanda. Biar bilang seribu kali ke bokap gw kalau gw ke sana cuma mau ambil ID baru ternyata ga mempan...bokap tau aja kalau gw pengen liburan di sono ketemu doi, sahabat, ma temen2. huhuhuh jadi malu tapi bersyukur banget koq kalau akhirnya acc dari bokap turun juga cihuii!!

So akhirnya gw abisin kira-kira hampir dua minggu di Holland sambil numpang sana-sini..(ampun deh lo Lea). But it was the best Christmas and New Year holiday ever for tau kenapa padahal gw ga kemana-mana kecuali bolak-balik Amsterdam-Haarlem. Mungkin karena di sekitar gw ada orang-orang yang gw sayangin cieee....

Biar ga panjang-panjang sekarang gw mo buat list apa aja yang udah terjadi selama vakantie di Holland..

-hari pertama semua sakit kepala, cape2 abis perjalanan 7 jam langsung hilang deh begitu liat doi lagi nungguin di pintu kedatangan..(huhu bahasanya aneh banget) ^^;

-besoknya ada perayaan Natal nih di GBI Dotdrecht (bener gini nulisnya??) thanks God banget kalau isa ngerayain Natal.. hiks terharu.. abis di Sweden kagak ada gereja berbahasa Inggris..udah mbayangin bakal jadi Natal tersuram seumur hidup

-maen drama dadakan..ada pemain sakit nih..dikirain cuma pemeran pengganti ternyata maen jadi main starringnya (oro...~~) kasian deh lo Lea ngaplo di panggung maen drama pake bahasa belanda ga tau satu katapun...(>~<)huhuhuhuuhu..tapi kalau buat Tuhan apapun ga ada yang mustahal..amiinn jadi bisa bersyukur lagi deh..Natal-natal dapet berkat ngisi acara hehheehe...

-Maen CS (counter strike) untuk pertama kalinya...gila bener selalu jadi korban pembunuhan..emang ga ada bakat maen game tembak2 an dikirain mirip Duke Nuken tapi nggak... but there was a little happiness when I could kill my dear hunny twice least I killed someone in this game..

-Ditraktir KFC ma mas e KFC *hepi*...akhirnya setelah 4 bulan di negara tanpa ayam kentucky ini bisa makan juga berdua ma Anna di Haarlem..felt like little heaven for me but it's true..

-Ambil ID di city council ...finally I've got my new ID!! ni ID udah mau di discard ma gemente gara-gara ga diambil-ambil. Lea payah ngapain lo ga kasi tu ID lama ke sekolah biar bisa diambilin??!! But I believe it's God's plan..that I could go back to Holland and enjoyed my year end holiday..(dasar gundul!! what a f***in reason you had)

-kaimono alias shopping...what a perfect time!! discount everywhere..akhirnya barang bertambah..di saat tas udah ga muat lagi (-__-#)--bertobatlah nak!! udah mo akhir taonn...

-new year's eve..!!spending the night at Lordy and Johan's place (again) can't believe it's been a year...rasanya baru kemaren lalu kita kumpul di tempat yang sama. Time does go fast..some people stay, some leave, and some new come..many has happened during a year and we never know..all I can do is give thanks that I still have Him in me and people that I love around me...31/12/2004 ada Anton, Har Bud, DKNY, Riri, Fedi, Dodo, Beni, Lordy+Johan+tante+om Ben (yg punya rumah), Arief, Ardee, Josquin..(ada yang belum tercatat??)
ups kelupaan si Hendra..gomen ^^;

-makan.. beginilah nasib orang numpang..makanpun akhirnya nunut di rumah orang ^^. Kalau di Anna gw dapet masakan Indo terus dari toko afhal tempat doi kerja, di amsterdam gw dapet kesempatan ngicipin masakan koki sekaligus calon pendiri restaurant Gaasperplaas cak Har Bud 'n mas Anton :p huhuhu...asik!! serasa makan di restaurant tiap hari selama di holland..(hoii sadar mbak..numpang tuu!!)

-pulang see what I mean..time goes very fast..when there's hello, there'll be goodbye..gara2 flight jam 7.20 pagi, gw mau ga mau harus ada di bandara semalaman sambil nunggu malam berganti pagi (biar nyatanya tetep aja gelap huhuhu..winter sih). Buat Anton..thanks a lot mau nemenin gw bergadang semaleman. Sad but de tijd is bijna op...all I can say is see you in the future.

yup..I think it's enough for today..udah hampir jam 2 mesti bobok ni. This posting is a memory without sound that plays like a movie in my mind..and I'll keep it for the rest of my life. Thx