Monday, July 24, 2006


YOu are leaving by one, most of you.

Time does fly very fast before we realize it..I quoted this phrase from Mr. Kato, the head of Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, who came to our office last Friday. Perhaps that was the last time I met him too because he's leaving for Bahrain today and planning to move there in September.

Forgive me for being such a indifferent person, one who hardly gets in touch with you in Haarlem. However, when it comes to the moment like this I often recall all the memories that we had from the moment when we were just freshmen in Hogeschool InHolland.
All those struggles of adapting with a new foreign place, tears and happiness, all efforts in the last 4 years finally should be ended by the mean of graduation ceremony.
Those are more than enough to face the fact that it is hard to say the word "goodbye and take care" to all of you who are going back to Indonesia for good.

Are you back for pursuing your dream?
Are you going to be ok there? or don't you miss Holland?
Would we meet again someday and would you still remember me?

I don't know but perhaps it's true if someone says I am an egoist and a-social person with a lot of curiosities of new places and new experiences. I went to Sweden for 2 semesters and when I came back I preffered living in a totally brand new environment to Haarlem, that's why I am here in Amstelveen surviving.

When I was feeding my curiousities, unconciously, I think I have neglected my friends too much. I broke so many promises just because of my laziness travelling 1.5 hours from Amstelveen to Haarlem. Shame on me (-__-#)

I am not good in socialization neither in building a long lasting friendship, but I always remember each of you in a special way :) (I don't ask you to believe it though )
Now that the time is almost up, I just realize that I should have spent more time with you know you much more and to let you to know me a little bit more.

Well I still do not want to say goodbye...would it be better to say "see you in the future and take a good care of yourself"?

Dedicated to all colleagues from class 2006, Haarlem

Best wishes,
