Thursday, September 06, 2007


Yep..being consistent is difficult. The easiest example of inconsistency is this blog. I thought it was very fun to do whatever I like with my blog. This is my own creation and I can write whatever comes over my mind including the language selection.....and also my decision to end this post now!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Learn when to stop or go on

Many say that work hard for living. The Bible says, you who are lazy don't eat. Well I don't deny it, when I started working I learn that earning income is not as easy as asking money from my parents. We do need to do some works in order to live in real world or when we decide to start living independently apart from our parents including their financial help.

The other also say when something allows you to earn more money you should keep doing it. This time this sentence has stopped me for a moment before I agree on it. Some thoughts are popping out in my mind,

whether it is absolutely right statement or not,

will it make me happy to have more money?

Will my saving enough to cover all my costs if I don't do part-time job?


If I continue, could it lead me to be a "money's slave? (this one is scary)

Then I look back at myself and ask, "are you strong enough to work seven days a week? I mean five weeks in the office and two days part-time during weekend?" Honestly, my body and my mind can't really handle it. To have extra income from weekend job is tempting
to be with my beloved and my friends during weekend are even more alluring.
My bf often comments that usually that exhausted tiring face and voice are always there everytime I finish my part-time work and then he gets upset that I have only a short time to chat with him because I directly go to bed an hour later after coming home. Just for your information the take-away shop where I work is in another city that takes me about one-hour for one-way trip.

What a long thinking that I had. Until two weeks ago I still considered it is ok to work on the weekend because my friends can do that and so can I. Then last Saturday I hurt my own back while tyring to lift a heavy crate of frozen food back to the fridge at my work (it did make "cracky" sound). After the little incident, I could barely stand up well when I woke up on Sunday morning. Actually I still have to work that afternoon in the same place. I went to church but my mind was not on ease, kept thinking whether I should go to work or stay and take a rest. I asked forgiveness from God for not focusing all my heart and mind during the service.
Finally after it finished I made my decision and called my lady-boss to cancel my work today. It was quite a shame as in Holland when you have made an appointment it surely is impolite to cancel it in less than two hours before the appointment time.

However, on the other hand, I think that I had made a right decision that time. I might lose my job but it is better than I fall sick even more and cannot work anymore.

What I learn so far is to know my own condition...and realize that everyone has different limit and capabilities.

Monday, August 13, 2007

At the peak

After almost two weeks of reading manual finally I gave up and almost bored-to-dead. One hour for me it feels like forever. But I told everyone that I have finished reading it (just trying to make good impression he?!). It was last Thursday's afternoon, five minutes before 17.00 when finally I closed the Yellow manual folder and bravely stepped into my (temporary) supervisor's office and (ehm) challenged him to give me job to do or I mean I take a day off for the following day (Friday).

Honestly, I was having a little hope that he will let me off on Friday because anyway on Monday my real boss from other department is coming from his vacation and he's going to give me my first assignment. Unexpectably, he tried to guess my mind and uttered it to me, "I know that you actually don't want to take a day off, right?"

"umm..yeah right!" I smiled strangely while answering back (I hope he couldn't read my expression).

And he continued, "I have a plan for you, there are some things that you can do tomorrow."

I asked, "for a half day and then I can leave earlier?" (with blinking eyes which show full expectations)

"No, it is something that I hope can be done for one full day," with smiling over his face because the problem solved.

"OUCH!!" (Homer's style on mute mode)..."well ok I'll come to your office tomorrow"

And the next day, I did do some works for him for the whole day. In the end I still left some works unfinished when the time had shown ten to six.
Time did fly very fast, when there is something to do. Well for now I can say I love working than doing nothing :p . Am I trying to be cool? comment

After all I really learnt my lesson...

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Back to the office back my old habit

Trust me I can't stay awake without at least three cups of coffee a day....Moreover until my supervisor is back to the office I have to finish two big binders of reading materials. I don't want to say this in front of my colleagues but reading too long has caused me to feel bored and sleepy for the whole day. Hiks I miss my pillow and bed......
I hope it is just the beginning...they say everyone has to go through the same pattern........but for how long???
We'll see and wait ok?!!

Friday, August 03, 2007


I'm back after letting this blog vacant for the whole two months...
I have a new blog...special dedicated for my favorite hobby: watching Japanese drama hohohoho (laughing proudly like Shin-Chan posing Action Kamen).
The address: (I cannot stand the temptation to create a blog at Wordpress) (~o~).
Unfortunately it's still a mess...only some posts are there.

Ok it's almost 5 I have to go home now



Cerita tempo doeloe...Pergi ke Jerman featuring Anna, Silvia, dan Adi

Bahasa: Indonesianya Lea tempo doeloe tahun 2003 (anak Indo yang tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia dan baru belajar bahasa Belanda)

humm...mau crita apa ya?kejadian kemaren bener2 masih cukup mengejutkan,lucu,cukup adventourlijk jg,menyebalkan,tapi fun jg,sing pasti sangat membekukan kaki ama tangan,membasahi badan juga,terakhir yang pasti melelahkan pyuuuuhhhh. Sebanyak itu terjadi dalam 13 1/2 jam di Keulen. (ati2 aku bakal ngoceh banyak lagi nih yang gak sempet diceritain di telpon).

Location: Schoterstraat Haarlem
ceritanya kemaren masang weker jam 4.30 tapi baru pada bangun jam 5.15. si Adi malah masih sempet2nya mandi. aku, Via, en Anna dah siap ae (ceritanya bukan belum mandi lho ya...malemnya udah). akhirnya cabut ke amster jam 6.11 pakai vol tarif lagi...(asli kaya masih malem banget...ramalannya sunnya baru keluar jam 9)

Location: Amsterdam NS
Anna dikabari Tata en Tg baru berangkat dari Haarlem. Kira2 jam 7 kretanya dateng si ICE (asli keren banget dalem'e) orang2 udah ramai juga di peron 4 pagi itu. Pas kreta dateng Tata Tg pas dateng jg..akhirnya berangkat juga 10 mnt kemudian.

Location: ICE
jalurnya sih cukup panjang dari central trus lewat Duivendrecht mo ke Utrecht-Arnhem-Oberhausen Hbf-Dusseldorf Hbf.Taunya sampai di Arnhem yang udah ketutup salju dimana-mana...tau gak ternyata kita salah gerbong ama tempat duduk. Akhirnya pada mengungsi deh gerbong lain yang ternyata lebih exclusive...(huaaa rugi kenapa gak dari tadi) masalahnya tadi Anna salah liat tiket yang buat pulangnya ntar. Gak isa lama2 d di sana meskipun kereta udah kena vetraging 20 mnt. Pd waktu sampai di Dusseldorf rata2 semuanya lagi pada bangun tidur.

Location: Dusseldorf Hbf (NS)
gara2 divertraging kita akhirnya ketinggalan kereta yang buat overstappen ke Koln Hbf dan kereta ICE selanjutnya baru berangkat 1 jam kemudian. Akhirnya abis tanya kanan kiri plus pada kademen kabeh...jadilah kita ber 6 penumpang gelap di kreta dengan jurusan yang sama ke Koln. (Kretane agak tua...kursine atos ki waduuuh).

Location: Koln Hbf (NS)
udah jam 10 pas nyampai sana...cuaca baik2 ae hehehe cuma adem'e gak karu2an (menurutku lho). Keluar dari station keliatan d katedral terbesar di Europa (jadi terkagum-kagum deh...gila buesar banget megah gak karu2an walaupun dalem'e bolong sih gak ada lantai 2 dan seterusnya menang tinggi ae). Kumat deh kebiasaan lama anak Indo...apalagi kalo gak mengabadikan moment2 kaya gini sambil nugguin Kerst Marktnya buka jam 11. abis puas ngeliatin katedralnya, aku ikutan pergi ke centrumnya d.Mungkin kota2 di Jerman kalah bagus ama Holland tapi centrumnya kereeennn!!! jalannya dipaving, outdoor (herannya aku malah inget kota Solo ^^; )-->gak nyambung. Ada beberapa toko sing sama plek ama di sini kaya C&A, Esprit,Mango,Expo, Media Markt,dll tapi ada juga sing gak ada kaya Louis Vulton, GAP, en Douglas. Aku sih gak teralu peduli selama isa dipoto (^o^)v.
Sing payah orang Jerman memang lain ama orang sini! sing pasti kurang ramah, tukang main serodok ae, angel banget jalan ama mereka, cuma nek ditanyain gak keberatan koq njelasin dgn bhs Inggris (walaupun cuma sebagian) Selebihnya pakai Dutch jg gpp mudeng koq mereka dan akhirnya menjawab pakai Jerman juga (komunikasi sing aneh)

sekitar jam 11 kita mutusin ngunjungin Altermarkt...(Anna sangar dee punya kabeh infone dari internet). Lah di sini si Via dapet perkara...dee mo beli panekoek...tapi sing jual gak mau jualin karena dee yakin Via belum berusia 19 thn (???!!!!??) aku sampai geli dewe. Lah bayangin masa Via sampai nunjukin IDnya kalo dee udah 19thn, tapi sing jual tetep gak percaya...akhirnya dijualin juga tapi gak boleh milih rasa kecuali coklat (lho???!!!!). Dasar aneh2 ae....duuhh. udah tengah hari....makan di KFC d (huaaaa)-->aku dah cerita sing ini.Bar makan malah gak pergi2 malah ngobrol sampai 1 jam lebih, padahal sing ngantri lumayan juga. Critanya pada bingung mo kemana lagi. Gak isa pulang....lah bookingnya ambil kreta paling pagi (07.00) pulang paling keri (20.18) (dasar anak business memang gak tanggung2 maksimalin waktu untuk harga tiket yang sama) abis makan masih jam 1 an. Di luar udah mulai snowy lagi....dingin brrrrr.... akhirnya pada pergi dewe2 trus ketemuan lagi di kerst markt deket katedral (sing ini lebih besar dari altermarkt), trus poto2 lagi (jadi boseeeennn.....kangen rumah). sekitar jam 4 Tg ngajakin ngafe....sambil menghitung sisa jam di Mc.Cafe (di sini jg gak ada ya Mc.D punya kafe) ide yang bagus jg. Tg Tata Via duduk dewe, trus tiga yang lain duduk dewe en pesen dewe2. Si Anna lagi bingung gimana minum Caffe Latte, trus dia liatin orang sebelah yang lg minum juga, akhirnya ditiruin hehehe. Sepertinya orang sebelah tau, bar gt dia rasan2 ama temennya soal kita bertiga sambil ngguyu2 dewe.

Dasar... masih 3 jam ngapain ya, matahari udah mulai tenggelam lagi. Ternyata Kerst markt baru keliatan bagus nek malem, lampu2ne baru dinyalain. dimulai lagi kerjaan iseng...poto2 dewe termasuk barang-barang dagangannya (kurang kerjaan banget ya tapi mo gmn lagi buat killing time). O iya pas aku ama Anna mo poto patung2 Natal tiba2 ada serombongan oma2 lewat. Abis ngoceh sana-sini akhirnya mereka sadar kita mo poto patung. Sambil bilang, Gomen no nasai, sumimashen berulang kali trus minggir d. Huaa kita dipikir orang Jepang hahahha....tapi akhirnya para oma sadar koq kita gak isa ngomong hehehe. Udara udah makin dingin masih ujan salju, kaki sampai beku semua plus celana pada basah kena ujan. Mau gak mau harus tetep jalan kalo gak mau beku di jalan. Satu2nya jalan ya pergi masuk lagi ke katedral kan lebih anget. Toko2 udah mulai tutup kecuali pasarnya. lagian tinggal 2 jam lagi, jadi lebih baik balik ke ns d. Ternyata NSnya kaya di Utrecht jg ada centrum di dalam NS uih sangar. anget dan gak dingin lagi.

Akhirnya kereta datang dan kita pulang ke Belanda hohoho...

The End

(Just to remember our nice trip together)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Difficulties to be a human

It is easy to bad-mouth about someone else (especially behind their back)
But surely harder to talk about their good side all the times

Just like ourselves
It is not difficult to talk about our good side and strengths (mostly in the interviews)
In the other hand, describing our wicknesses and weaknesses are the most difficult part.

Having a healthy tongue is a grace we can speak, we can sing, and taste food..but the bible says no one can control that little part of our body.

but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. (NIV; James3:8-10)

(by the way...the water problem is solved.)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Water shortage in Holland

I don't know if I write the title correctly. As you know that Holland is one of those countries where you can drink the water directly from the tap. But...since yesterday the local newspaper warned the people not to drink from the tap because the tapwater company, PWN found that the water is containing e-coli bacteria the news. Who said that it is impossible to happen in the developed country like Holland. Well, as you see, it is possible (some say it is only a politic played by the government to increase the water plumb tax and other say it could be part of end-time prophecy.. who knows)

Honestly, I don't know until when this situation will last. Now I have to cook water before drinking it. Otherwise, I have to buy bottles of mineral water from the supermarket.
Wow...this is quite an experience.

Monday, May 07, 2007

I'm quite a gamer

(let's just say this is the only thing I can do to reduce my boring-meter)

Lea is a gamer, she likes playing computer and board games very much. However, even playing game is one of her hobbies, she is still considered as a noobs. Anyway if you like something it doesn't always mean you have to be pro, right?

These are games that she used to play a lot:
Online games: notpron (a puzzle game), rooms games, neopets (find her with small_fle4 as the username), and other flash games.
Simulation games: Sims 1, Sims hot date, Sims 2, Plushie tycoon, zoo tycoon, ski tycoon
Strategy games: Warcraft 2, Battle realms, Zeus and Master of Olympus (she doesn't really recall the game's name), and recently still playing Command and Conquer 2.

Other games will be written later (time to go to class)


Nahhh...mulai lagi deh. Hari hujan, kelas pagi-pagi namun sayang sekali bapak dosen tidak datang. Kalau begini rasa ingin cepat pulang dan kembali membungkus diri dengan selimut sambil menikmati bunyi rintik hujan dari jendela...(sok puitis huhu). Sayangnya hari ini belum berakhir, ada satu kelas lagi yang harus diikuti dalam 1/2 jam mendatang dan sebuah pekerjaan yang menunggu seusai kuliah. Saya sedang diserang rasa bosan yang amat sangat setelah liburan seminggu yang penuh dengan aktivitas (yang pasti banyak hura-huranya wakakakakaka-teringat tertawanya Sukri).
Makanya jangan teralu senang-senang ataupun teralu bersedih...ketika hidup kembali normal perasaan bosan itu kembali menyerang. Ya sudahlah mari jalani saja dengan lapang dada hehehe...