The story of a little ladybug. presented in English and or Indonesian language..up to the writer's mood :) Happy reading!! Uneg-uneg is just another untranslateable Indonesian words
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Learn when to stop or go on
The other also say when something allows you to earn more money you should keep doing it. This time this sentence has stopped me for a moment before I agree on it. Some thoughts are popping out in my mind,
whether it is absolutely right statement or not,
will it make me happy to have more money?
Will my saving enough to cover all my costs if I don't do part-time job?
If I continue, could it lead me to be a "money's slave? (this one is scary)
Then I look back at myself and ask, "are you strong enough to work seven days a week? I mean five weeks in the office and two days part-time during weekend?" Honestly, my body and my mind can't really handle it. To have extra income from weekend job is tempting
to be with my beloved and my friends during weekend are even more alluring.
My bf often comments that usually that exhausted tiring face and voice are always there everytime I finish my part-time work and then he gets upset that I have only a short time to chat with him because I directly go to bed an hour later after coming home. Just for your information the take-away shop where I work is in another city that takes me about one-hour for one-way trip.
What a long thinking that I had. Until two weeks ago I still considered it is ok to work on the weekend because my friends can do that and so can I. Then last Saturday I hurt my own back while tyring to lift a heavy crate of frozen food back to the fridge at my work (it did make "cracky" sound). After the little incident, I could barely stand up well when I woke up on Sunday morning. Actually I still have to work that afternoon in the same place. I went to church but my mind was not on ease, kept thinking whether I should go to work or stay and take a rest. I asked forgiveness from God for not focusing all my heart and mind during the service.
Finally after it finished I made my decision and called my lady-boss to cancel my work today. It was quite a shame as in Holland when you have made an appointment it surely is impolite to cancel it in less than two hours before the appointment time.
However, on the other hand, I think that I had made a right decision that time. I might lose my job but it is better than I fall sick even more and cannot work anymore.
What I learn so far is to know my own condition...and realize that everyone has different limit and capabilities.
Monday, August 13, 2007
At the peak
Honestly, I was having a little hope that he will let me off on Friday because anyway on Monday my real boss from other department is coming from his vacation and he's going to give me my first assignment. Unexpectably, he tried to guess my mind and uttered it to me, "I know that you actually don't want to take a day off, right?"
"umm..yeah right!" I smiled strangely while answering back (I hope he couldn't read my expression).
And he continued, "I have a plan for you, there are some things that you can do tomorrow."
I asked, "for a half day and then I can leave earlier?" (with blinking eyes which show full expectations)
"No, it is something that I hope can be done for one full day," with smiling over his face because the problem solved.
"OUCH!!" (Homer's style on mute mode)..."well ok I'll come to your office tomorrow"
And the next day, I did do some works for him for the whole day. In the end I still left some works unfinished when the time had shown ten to six.
Time did fly very fast, when there is something to do. Well for now I can say I love working than doing nothing :p . Am I trying to be cool? comment
After all I really learnt my lesson...
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Back to the office back my old habit
Friday, August 03, 2007
I have a new blog...special dedicated for my favorite hobby: watching Japanese drama hohohoho (laughing proudly like Shin-Chan posing Action Kamen).
The address: (I cannot stand the temptation to create a blog at Wordpress) (~o~).
Unfortunately it's still a mess...only some posts are there.
Ok it's almost 5 I have to go home now
Cerita tempo doeloe...Pergi ke Jerman featuring Anna, Silvia, dan Adi
humm...mau crita apa ya?kejadian kemaren bener2 masih cukup mengejutkan,lucu,cukup adventourlijk jg,menyebalkan,tapi fun jg,sing pasti sangat membekukan kaki ama tangan,membasahi badan juga,terakhir yang pasti melelahkan pyuuuuhhhh. Sebanyak itu terjadi dalam 13 1/2 jam di Keulen. (ati2 aku bakal ngoceh banyak lagi nih yang gak sempet diceritain di telpon).
Location: Schoterstraat Haarlem
ceritanya kemaren masang weker jam 4.30 tapi baru pada bangun jam 5.15. si Adi malah masih sempet2nya mandi. aku, Via, en Anna dah siap ae (ceritanya bukan belum mandi lho ya...malemnya udah). akhirnya cabut ke amster jam 6.11 pakai vol tarif lagi...(asli kaya masih malem banget...ramalannya sunnya baru keluar jam 9)
Location: Amsterdam NS
Anna dikabari Tata en Tg baru berangkat dari Haarlem. Kira2 jam 7 kretanya dateng si ICE (asli keren banget dalem'e) orang2 udah ramai juga di peron 4 pagi itu. Pas kreta dateng Tata Tg pas dateng jg..akhirnya berangkat juga 10 mnt kemudian.
Location: ICE
jalurnya sih cukup panjang dari central trus lewat Duivendrecht mo ke Utrecht-Arnhem-Oberhausen Hbf-Dusseldorf Hbf.Taunya sampai di Arnhem yang udah ketutup salju dimana-mana...tau gak ternyata kita salah gerbong ama tempat duduk. Akhirnya pada mengungsi deh gerbong lain yang ternyata lebih exclusive...(huaaa rugi kenapa gak dari tadi) masalahnya tadi Anna salah liat tiket yang buat pulangnya ntar. Gak isa lama2 d di sana meskipun kereta udah kena vetraging 20 mnt. Pd waktu sampai di Dusseldorf rata2 semuanya lagi pada bangun tidur.
Location: Dusseldorf Hbf (NS)
gara2 divertraging kita akhirnya ketinggalan kereta yang buat overstappen ke Koln Hbf dan kereta ICE selanjutnya baru berangkat 1 jam kemudian. Akhirnya abis tanya kanan kiri plus pada kademen kabeh...jadilah kita ber 6 penumpang gelap di kreta dengan jurusan yang sama ke Koln. (Kretane agak tua...kursine atos ki waduuuh).
Location: Koln Hbf (NS)
udah jam 10 pas nyampai sana...cuaca baik2 ae hehehe cuma adem'e gak karu2an (menurutku lho). Keluar dari station keliatan d katedral terbesar di Europa (jadi terkagum-kagum deh...gila buesar banget megah gak karu2an walaupun dalem'e bolong sih gak ada lantai 2 dan seterusnya menang tinggi ae). Kumat deh kebiasaan lama anak Indo...apalagi kalo gak mengabadikan moment2 kaya gini sambil nugguin Kerst Marktnya buka jam 11. abis puas ngeliatin katedralnya, aku ikutan pergi ke centrumnya d.Mungkin kota2 di Jerman kalah bagus ama Holland tapi centrumnya kereeennn!!! jalannya dipaving, outdoor (herannya aku malah inget kota Solo ^^; )-->gak nyambung. Ada beberapa toko sing sama plek ama di sini kaya C&A, Esprit,Mango,Expo, Media Markt,dll tapi ada juga sing gak ada kaya Louis Vulton, GAP, en Douglas. Aku sih gak teralu peduli selama isa dipoto (^o^)v.
Sing payah orang Jerman memang lain ama orang sini! sing pasti kurang ramah, tukang main serodok ae, angel banget jalan ama mereka, cuma nek ditanyain gak keberatan koq njelasin dgn bhs Inggris (walaupun cuma sebagian) Selebihnya pakai Dutch jg gpp mudeng koq mereka dan akhirnya menjawab pakai Jerman juga (komunikasi sing aneh)
sekitar jam 11 kita mutusin ngunjungin Altermarkt...(Anna sangar dee punya kabeh infone dari internet). Lah di sini si Via dapet perkara...dee mo beli panekoek...tapi sing jual gak mau jualin karena dee yakin Via belum berusia 19 thn (???!!!!??) aku sampai geli dewe. Lah bayangin masa Via sampai nunjukin IDnya kalo dee udah 19thn, tapi sing jual tetep gak percaya...akhirnya dijualin juga tapi gak boleh milih rasa kecuali coklat (lho???!!!!). Dasar aneh2 ae....duuhh. udah tengah hari....makan di KFC d (huaaaa)-->aku dah cerita sing ini.Bar makan malah gak pergi2 malah ngobrol sampai 1 jam lebih, padahal sing ngantri lumayan juga. Critanya pada bingung mo kemana lagi. Gak isa pulang....lah bookingnya ambil kreta paling pagi (07.00) pulang paling keri (20.18) (dasar anak business memang gak tanggung2 maksimalin waktu untuk harga tiket yang sama) abis makan masih jam 1 an. Di luar udah mulai snowy lagi....dingin brrrrr.... akhirnya pada pergi dewe2 trus ketemuan lagi di kerst markt deket katedral (sing ini lebih besar dari altermarkt), trus poto2 lagi (jadi boseeeennn.....kangen rumah). sekitar jam 4 Tg ngajakin ngafe....sambil menghitung sisa jam di Mc.Cafe (di sini jg gak ada ya Mc.D punya kafe) ide yang bagus jg. Tg Tata Via duduk dewe, trus tiga yang lain duduk dewe en pesen dewe2. Si Anna lagi bingung gimana minum Caffe Latte, trus dia liatin orang sebelah yang lg minum juga, akhirnya ditiruin hehehe. Sepertinya orang sebelah tau, bar gt dia rasan2 ama temennya soal kita bertiga sambil ngguyu2 dewe.
Dasar... masih 3 jam ngapain ya, matahari udah mulai tenggelam lagi. Ternyata Kerst markt baru keliatan bagus nek malem, lampu2ne baru dinyalain. dimulai lagi kerjaan iseng...poto2 dewe termasuk barang-barang dagangannya (kurang kerjaan banget ya tapi mo gmn lagi buat killing time). O iya pas aku ama Anna mo poto patung2 Natal tiba2 ada serombongan oma2 lewat. Abis ngoceh sana-sini akhirnya mereka sadar kita mo poto patung. Sambil bilang, Gomen no nasai, sumimashen berulang kali trus minggir d. Huaa kita dipikir orang Jepang hahahha....tapi akhirnya para oma sadar koq kita gak isa ngomong hehehe. Udara udah makin dingin masih ujan salju, kaki sampai beku semua plus celana pada basah kena ujan. Mau gak mau harus tetep jalan kalo gak mau beku di jalan. Satu2nya jalan ya pergi masuk lagi ke katedral kan lebih anget. Toko2 udah mulai tutup kecuali pasarnya. lagian tinggal 2 jam lagi, jadi lebih baik balik ke ns d. Ternyata NSnya kaya di Utrecht jg ada centrum di dalam NS uih sangar. anget dan gak dingin lagi.
Akhirnya kereta datang dan kita pulang ke Belanda hohoho...
The End
(Just to remember our nice trip together)
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Difficulties to be a human
But surely harder to talk about their good side all the times
Just like ourselves
It is not difficult to talk about our good side and strengths (mostly in the interviews)
In the other hand, describing our wicknesses and weaknesses are the most difficult part.
Having a healthy tongue is a grace we can speak, we can sing, and taste food..but the bible says no one can control that little part of our body.
but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. (NIV; James3:8-10)
(by the way...the water problem is solved.)
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Water shortage in Holland
Honestly, I don't know until when this situation will last. Now I have to cook water before drinking it. Otherwise, I have to buy bottles of mineral water from the supermarket.
Wow...this is quite an experience.
Monday, May 07, 2007
I'm quite a gamer
Lea is a gamer, she likes playing computer and board games very much. However, even playing game is one of her hobbies, she is still considered as a noobs. Anyway if you like something it doesn't always mean you have to be pro, right?
These are games that she used to play a lot:
Online games: notpron (a puzzle game), rooms games, neopets (find her with small_fle4 as the username), and other flash games.
Simulation games: Sims 1, Sims hot date, Sims 2, Plushie tycoon, zoo tycoon, ski tycoon
Strategy games: Warcraft 2, Battle realms, Zeus and Master of Olympus (she doesn't really recall the game's name), and recently still playing Command and Conquer 2.
Other games will be written later (time to go to class)
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Mau ke mana?
Mungkin saya kebanyakan terpengaruh lingkungan sekitar terutama ketika mendengar rekan-rekan saya tidak sedikit yang bisa melanjutkan kerja di Belanda setelah lulus. "Holland is my first priority" pikiran seperti ini yang terus dimainkan di kepala saya. Ga jelek-jelek amat sih karena dengan demikian saya juga ikut termotivasi untuk tidak menyerah dulu mencari tempat magang untuk 6 bulan mendatang. Jeleknya saya tidak bisa melihat peluang yang mungkin lebih besar di tempat lain; apa coba kalau bukan memulai karir sendiri di satu perusahaan, trus menetap, dan mulai memikirkan rencana berkeluarga (kalau Tuhan mengijinkan).
Lepas dari semua pikiran itu sebenarnya saya masih menikmati kehidupan saya sebagai full-time mahasiswa dan pengangguran. Tinggal dekat ma gereja tempat saya pelayanan dan dekat pula dengan si doi dan teman-teman yang masih berdomisili di Belanda (meskipun jarang ketemu hehehehe). Ternyata rasa syukur itu masih ada di tengah berbagai ketidaktentuan dalam hidup saya. Jadi jalani saja deh...dengan tetap berusaha dan berdoa Amin!!
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Spring Anime(s) my watchinglist
Tidak terasa satu season sudah habis lagi. Namun sayangnya anime-anime yang ditayangkan musim semi ini kurang begitu menarik (menurut penilaian pribadi saya). Langsung saja berikut adalah anime yang masih dalam jadwal tonton saya:
Di mulai dengan anime lama dulu:
- NANA (sebetulnya sudah tamat namun yang nge-subbed baru sampai episode 39) Ternyata saya masih setia banget nungguin versi dubbingnya hhohohoho.
- Kekkaishi: cerita si pembasmi ayakashi (aka setan sekolahan) yang kepingin jadi tukang roti ini makin menarik saja untuk diikuti. Sayangnya karena belum tamat banyak teman saya yang memilih untuk mendonlot ketika serinya selesai (duh).
- Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge: hiyaa kuwaii-nee-san da yo!!! ternyata setelah 20 episode berselang Sunako belum juga menjadi lady dan keempat cowok cakep itu masih saja belum menyerah. Begitu pula saya yang masih penasaran dengan seri aneh ini.
Anime-anime baruuu!!!!!:
- Kamichama Karin: versi kolaborasi sailor moon dan cardcaptor sakura!!!..Biarin mo dibilang kekanak-kanakan tapi emang cute banget si Karin dan Kazunenya.
- Romeo X Juliet: Jangan berpikiran negatif dulu...ceritanya kali ini penuh dengan improvisasi..more than you have ever heard and seen (ceile). Misalnya si Julietnya yatim piatu dan sebelum dia berusia 16 tahun menyamar jadi anak cowok bernama Odin. Trus Romeonya lebih terkesan culun dan suka jalan-jalan muterin kota ma pegasus bersayapnya. Design grafiknya boleh lah dapet 8 :)
- Lucky Star: Loli-loli melulu....ngomong-ngomong melulu. Sebetulnya saya belum menemukan alasan untuk melanjutkan seri ini -__-#
- Ichigo Mashimaro OVA: Akhirnya video animasinya dirilis..sayang cuma sebulan sekali hiks hiks.
- Lovely Complex: Sebetulnya kurang tertarik karena sudah nonton versi layar lebarnya yang dibintangi Koike Teppei, salah satu anggota WAT--grup band Jepang yang didalangin dua cowok remaja. Setelah nonton satu episode ternyata versi animenya sama menariknya. Cerita persahabatan seorang cewek super tinggi dengan cowok yang pendek yang kebetulan sama-sama temen sekelas yang memiliki masalah dengan tinggi mereka. Yang lebih unik lagi baik filem ma animenya keduanya menggunakan dialek Kansai (kansai-ben).
Uih ternyata ga banyak ya....Bener-bener lagi payah nih anime-animenya. Terus beberapa anime juga sudah saya buang dari jadwal saya karena sudah selesai ataupun sudah ga minat lagi.
Yang sudah selesai:Ghost Hunt, Sumomo momomo
Yang dibuang karena bosen: Death Note
Ya sudah segini dulu dehhh heheheheeh...
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Being Pathetic
Friday, April 20, 2007
Adakah skenario dibalik kejadian seperti ini?
- Kejadian seorang anak tertua membunuh kedua orang tuanya dengan pisau dapur di siang bolong waktu adiknya sedang bobok siang. Katanya karena si pelaku tidak diturutin keinginannya untuk memiliki sebuah sepeda motor. Akhirnya si pelaku mengambil nyawanya sendiri dengan menikam dirinya.
- Lalu beberapa bulan yang lalu, seorang istri yang sedang ditinggal suaminya mencari kerja di luar kota tega meracuni keempat anaknya dengan memberinya minuman beracun dan yang lebih seram seluruh kejadian itu direkam dalam sebuah video hp. Lalu si ibu meracun dirinya sendiri dengan meninggalkan pesan minta maaf atas perbuatannya dan berharap dengan berbuat demikian akan mengurangi beban ekonomi sang suami.
- Yang paling baru, kejadian di sebuah universitas Virginia, pembantaian terhadap para mahasiswa di siang bolong oleh seorang murid Korea jurusan sastra bahasa inggris yang ditemukan mengidap tekanan jiwa karena penderitaanya dan keluarganya yang tidak kaya. 32 mahasiswa-mahasiswi ditemukan tewas di tempat dan Sang pelaku juga ditemukan mati di sebuah ruangan tertutup dengan menembak dirinya sendiri. Selang beberapa hari, sebuah stasiun televisi menyiarkan video dan foto yang berisi pesan terakhir si pelaku tentang motif dan alasan melakukan semuanya itu.
Apakah ada sebuah buku petunjuk tentang melalukan pembantaian brutal bahwa setelah melakukan tindak kriminalnya maka si pelaku harus mengambil nyawanya sendiri? Saya pernah mendengar seorang sastrawan Jepang menerbitkan buku tentang cara bunuh diri namun tidak menyebutkan sebelum bunuh diri seseorang harus mengambil beberapa nyawa orang lain.
Atau sang pelaku hanya tidak ingin ditangkap dan dijatuhi hukuman oleh pihak yang berwajib? Lebih baik mati sekarang dan menjadi hero daripada menyandang gelar kriminal yang akhirnya juga dijatuhin hukuman mati?
Pada akhirnya saya kembali berpikir...tidakkah para pelaku itu menyadari apa yang menanti di kehidupan setelah mati? Bukankah yang terjadi setelah kematian itu bersifat abadi dan tidak ada kesempatan kedua? Sedangkan di bumi, orang masih memiliki kesempatan untuk bertobat dan memulai hidup yang baru untuk mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik setelah mati?
Saya bertanya kepada Tuhan, kalau hidup itu adalah suratan takdir apakah akhir hidup seseorang itu juga sudah direncanakan? termasuk mereka yang mengakhiri hidupnya sendiri? atau hal itu adalah sebuah pilihan? Dalam beberapa kasus, tidak sedikit orang-orang yang tidak berhasil mengambil nyawanya sendiri.
I have belief that heaven is so real and so is hell. That's why I come to this conclusion;
Life-span given in the earth is like a time given in an exam. There are some little sections with questions and options. The choices are our rights to decide which answer to choose. If we think we have made mistakes in some parts, we can still revise and correct the wrong ones as long as there is time left. However, when the time is finally up there will be no more chance and only two results will be rewarded either PASS or FAIL.
The only difference between life-span and exam's time is that we never know when our time on earth ends OR how much time is still left...10 more years? a week? or even 1 more minute?...just like that in one glance IT HAPPENS & FINISH.
Really I do not want to scare anybody but I sometimes feel very afraid of how short our life is. Even the oldest person on the earth age cannot compare the age of the earth where we have been living till today.
The doer of Virginia incident was only 23 as old as I am can't I thank you that I am still given a time to live until this day.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
The last enemy defeated
When Jesus rose again on the third day after His crucifixion (I shout HORRAYY!!!). Apostle Paul wrote in his letter that He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead and soon this will be followed by great harvest on earth: the risen of, first, people who died in Christ and then followed by those who put their faith in HIM.
Why this is a biggest celebration that has ever taken place on earth's history?
I think death is always frightening for most people because none from afterlife world has ever given testimony how life after dead looks like. If death is not that horrible, why would in every funeral, people cry and mourn..hardly find someone with a cherish face? Even when the scariest leader, Saddam Hussein, was sentenced death a couple months ago.......I am very much sure there are people who felt left and couldn't accept this.
(Imagined if I were a rationalist who is trying to find the answer to this problem)
Healthy is over when sickness comes...and sick is gone when the cure is found...(see the circulation?)
Life ends when death comes....then how can death come to end? What next?
Are dead persons really gone from the world...have they disappeared forever from universe
Will there be a reincarnation as some religions believe there will
Honestly, I really don't like this kind of belief if it is really happened...a never ending life-cycle..born as a human, then do bad things in the world, die, and then reincarnate as a pig...pig goes to butchery process, die as a roasted pig..and then what?? Maybe it's better to check this clip from youtube for a while.
If the reincarnation is a fact, why should the world concern about the increase of world's population? I hate the fact if life is really a circle, there is simply NO ending and NO clear beginning about who I originally was.
Over the reincarnation issue, I would say, the history of the fall of first humans into sins, then centuries afterwards, Jesus who was sent to earth by God Himself died at the cross, burried and rose again on Easter Sunday and conquered the death...has given me a much better image about what comes next after the death....
There is a hope of an eternity live in the heaven, a place that is thousand times better than the earth...
“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die” (John 11:25-26).
Friday, April 06, 2007
Good Friday
He died so that through His blood we could be forgiven and saved...
That son of man's name is Jesus,
my Lord and my saviour.
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to those sins and live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed (1Pet2:24)
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Recommended to watch (for Business & Politics students)
End (time to sleep)
Definition of "healthy"
Suddenly while thinking about it....a question popped up in my mind. What does health or to be healthy actually mean?
I know it is somewhat irrelevant with the news but I'm still in the mood of discussing the term "healthy."
By the end of 30th March 2007, finally I came with some thoughts.
First thought
Would it be enough to be declared "you are a healthy person" when you have no desease and your body is clean from any bacteria?
How about if nothing wrong with your body but your mind is being occupied by stress and problems? would you be still called a healthy person?
If I were in that situation, I wouldn't call myself healthy...and so would people..they would rather calling me crazy, having a mind-sickness. So I think this is not the right definition of being healthy.
Second thought
Would it be enough to say "I am very healthy" with all fullness in my life like I have a lot of money, food, jewelery, or lots of friends around people will call me whealthy (read: wealthy)?
If the answer of that statement is true, then people who don't have money, food, and have none want to be friend with..would they be called the unhealthy ones? Because they maybe sick with their living conditions and start thinking "mylife is suck!!"
I believe at least someday in someone's life, someone will feel lackness in their life...can be anything, lack of money, feeling hungry or starving, or even feeling lonely and left behind as things always come and go...
When I was thinking about these, I was reminded of an old sentence, "you can buy anything in this world but not your health." (I can look for money, buy food, bribe someone to be my friend, but I cannot persuade my sickness to go away from me) So basically this thought of mine is also not right.
Then here is my third thought coming...
I cannot say everyone but most of people wish to be always healthy and lead a good life. Nevertheless I know there are not few people were born with handicaps or they were born with a certain lethal desease(s), which the cures were nowhere to be found and most of them have to life with it for the rest of their life.
Would there be a time or some times in their life, they will be called "a healthy person"?
I was thinking hard to find an answer or anything arguing the question when suddenly a song was being played in my mind...and it goes like this:
sperti obat hati yang senang (it is like happiness medicine)
tapi semangat yang patah keringkan tulang (but a crushed spirit dries up the bones)
hati yang gembira adalah obat ((after all) a joyful heart is good medicine)
Not long after that, something popped up in my mind and said to me, "to be healthy you need yourself in the first place to declare it before anyone does." If it is possible I would say the word "healthy" means "(to) heal-thy(self)" and "thy are healed."
After all "being healthy" is not about your body or your life situation needs a body, a positive mind, and the most important thing...a joyful heart, a heart that heal thy (read:you).
(proverbs 17:22)
Monday, March 26, 2007
The reason to live
Hope is the reason to live and so is dream
People struggle to survive and live up their live for
there is something they wish to achieve
there are some things to run after
When finally the dreams come true, we are glad for it and continue hoping, dreaming for a better future...
When the dreams are broken, what would you do?
We know that the right action to take is "don't give up," get yourself back on the track and make plan B...think positively "it's not over..just not the right time yet"
all peoples chose to give up easily, there wouldn't be a lot of successful persons (I think it's good to watch the pursuit of happiness, not only because my fav actor, Will Smith was there...there was a lesson taught).
The thing is that it is not easy to be optimist person. Not few people, when their dreams and hopes are torn apart, they choose to take a shortcut.....
Running-away from the reality (a coward..maybe)
Becoming a "hikkikomori" (a Japanese term for someone who failed in many things then issolated himself from outside world..and finally let himself live in world of conspiracies--pls watch NHK ni Youkoso!).
Giving up the taking own life
(I know it is not always because someone has no hope some countries people still do it as ritual or trends (recently like what happened in Korea when two beautiful Korean actresses committed suicide and their fatal actions were followed by their fans)).
What's the reason I'm still living until today if bad things happen...if I fail in many things? Has God abandoned me?
Like it or not.........Unfortunately, there are not always answers behind all things and it seems God remains silent.
I often got so depressed easily too when everything is going wrong.
Have I ever tried to runaway? I would say many times (wished to have ctrl+alt+del installed and then to restart everything before the bad thing taken place)
Have I ever felt to dissapear, away from people? can't count anymore (was hoping to own Harry Potter's invisible cloak)
Have I ever thought of killing myself? once or twice when I was a kid
But one thing I've learnt about the reason why I still live until today
Just because of the promises, whic one of those God has promised nothing of His plans is meant to harm me in the end...if I am obidient...if I put Him as the center of my life.
I think...that's how my faith grow, to keep me hoping for a better tomorrow, and to encourage me facing my problematic life until the end. When finally the problems solved I feel like I have won a competition,
and it is giving me strengths to move on and to face the harder ones.
Through HIM we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we boast in our hope of sharing God's glory. Not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance,
endurance produces character, and character produces hope. (Rome 5:2-4)
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
An amateur story teller (AAST)
a serie of my first experiences in Holland
Story 1:The departure (in Indonesian)
Story 2: The Morning Accident on Sinterklas day (in Indonesian)
Story 3: The Boy's clothes (in Indonesian)
Story 4: In Amstedam (in (broken)English):p
A story of being one day lonely in Sweden (based on true story---ups)
Show me the meaning of being lonely norak rek!! (in English)
A (not-really) love story (while advising a friend of mine)
Can you say the magic words? (in English)--better English?? dunno though
A (self) memory of the bomb accident at London's underground Metro
Metro (in Indonesian)--one of my favorites
A fiction of my relationship---*blushing*
Between ant and flea (in Indonesian)
Monday, March 12, 2007
What did He say to you?
HE said,"learn when to hold on and when to let go"
It is to learn when you shouldn't give up early and keep trying your best.... Maybe you should consider, when people say to you "You will never know at least you try"
However, it is also to realize that every human has a limit and not every efforts results in sucess. When you have reached that point, the point where you must stop...give it back to Me....and I will take care from that moment onwards.
I asked HIM, "when? how do I know that I must stop trying?"
HE answered,"stay close to ME, ask ME, you can ask for a sign...and I will answer"
HE continued, "when you finally have to stop and let go, it doesn't mean you are a failure, a loser..."
A loser is the one who gives up without even trying.
It means, "that thing" (you wish to achieve or to own) is just not for you..just not your part.
HE said, "I know you inside out, not only your limitation in doing things but also what suit you the best to live up your life for Me."
For everything has been planned and certainly I have a plan for you too...yet it is not always the one that you want. But I guarantee someday you may see that none of My plans is meant to bring you a disastrous end.
HE said again, "I know you have been frequently asking me why I do this to you...I know that you are upset to me since the things do not go as you wish or as what you have asked for
...but if you follow My commands and keep trusting me, I'll tell you the secrets and show you what I have prepared for you in the future."
Finally HE reminded me once more,"While trying your best, please keep staying close with ME...for I will always guide you, be with you forever and I will never leave you nor forsake you." Therefore, hold on these words...I promise you.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Wawancara pertama
Pembaca...sebenarnya saya hampir melupakan bahwa kata "interview" masih memiliki terjemahan bahasa Indonesia yang tidak lain adalah "wawancara." Nah pembicaraan EYD berhenti di sini dulu.
Saya cuma mau bagi-bagi cerita tentang pengalaman saya berwawancara dengan orang. Maksudnya wawancara buat magang ma cari kerja gitu lohh (bukan saya yang mewawancarai orang). Wawancara pertama dan terakhir saya adalah waktu magang di Japanese Chamber of Commerce. Bisa dikatakan pada saat itu, saya merasa sangat bahagia dan bersyukur kepada Tuhan karena sekali wawancara langsung diterima, di tempat kerja impian lagi...(apa coba kalau bukan perusahaan yang berhubungan negeri anime dan negeri asal doraemon dan Takuya Kimura itu). Namun di samping hal itu saya juga sekali-kali jadi kepikiran karena tidak memiliki kesempatan memilih perusahaan seperti yang dialami beberapa rekan saya; yaitu mendapatkan pengalaman wawancara beberapa kali, ditolak beberapa kali, dan diterima beberapa kali juga sampai pada saatnya mereka harus memilah-milah di perusahaan mana mereka akan membubuhkan tanda tangan hitam di atas putih.
Sayaaaa...dengan kata lain tidak hanya cari pengalaman kerja namun juga mencari pengalaman wawancara maksudnya. Tahu ga waktu pas wawancara di JCC satu-setengah taon yang lalu...sempat mempermalukan diri sendiri dan bikin bingung yang wawancara karena saya melafalkan "paper" sebagai "pepper"
I told my ex-boss that my father worked in a paper company dan beliau mengira bahwa papah saya bekerja di pabrik merica (hooooooooooooooo..................). Sejak saat itu saya selalu mengingat bahwa kertas dalam bahasa Inggris dibunyikan antara bunyi "paiper dan peiper" dan merica itu dibaca "pep-perrrrr......"
Bagaimana mungkin seorang exchange-student yang nekat terbang dari Sweden ke Belanda cuma buat ikut interv eh wawancara yang belum tahu hasilnya diterima atau tidak dan seorang kandidat yang tidak bisa melafalkan bahasa Inggris dengan benar bisa diterima di JCC, organisasi Jepang yang semua pelanggan dan anggotanya cuma berbahasa Inggris dan Belanda? Pada saat itu ada tujuh kandidat lain, di mana enam di antaranya sudah diwawancara.
Saya hanya dapat berkata hari ketika saya diterima untuk menjadi trainee selama setahun di sana........dan semuanya terjadi karena kebaikan Tuhan dan anugerah-Nya.
Lord you make all things possible and it happened to me miraculously. That internship, even I cannot say the best simply because that was my very first time working with a company, it was one of the best times of my life in Holland. Thanks God!!
Bahasa Inggris saya? agak nyombong dikit ga apa-apa kan? selama setahun di sana berkembang kok...syukurlahh. Mungkin ini adalah hasil kebanyakan ngobrol ma boss di kantor, terima telpon lebih dari sepuluh kali per hari, berpuluh-puluh email sehari (meskipun banyak junknya :p), sehari 8 jam, 5 hari seminggu selama 12 bulan lamanya.
Tulisan ini cuma secuplik dari kisah hidup si mbak kutu.
Akhirnya buat yang sedang cari kerja, yang sedang menunggu balesan (bisa pekerjaan; bisa jawaban orang yang ditaksir)...jangan pernah berhenti berharap, berusaha, dan berdoa ('coz He is faithful). Masa depan itu ada dan harapanmu takkan pernah hilang amiinnn. Ganbatte kudasai ne!!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Mereka juga manusia
Saya tidak membenci kaum homo terlebih ketika beberapa teman kerja saya sendiri adalah penganut homosexual. Ketika mereka menceritakan kisah hidupnya, saya malah cenderung merasa simpatik dengan perjuangan hidup mereka di tengah dunia yang belum bisa menerima kehadiran golongan ini dan lebih menganggapnya sesuatu yang taboo. Di samping rasa simpatik saya, jujur saja hati kecil saya masih berteriak hal itu adalah perbuatan yang salah dan...sebuah dosa yang serius.
Apakah menjadi seorang homo itu adalah pengaruh lingkungan di masa kecil atau memang sebuah tulah karena kesalahan yang dilakukan di masa lampau, sampai sekarang saya tidak yakin akan jawabannya kecuali tetap percaya bahwa Tuhan tidak pernah menciptakan manusia dengan tujuan yang jelek. Adalah sebuah pilihan pribadi untuk memilih jalan hidup...
Kedua rekan kerja saya selalu menunjukan perasaan puas dengan kehidupan yang sekarang mereka jalani. Terlebih karena negara ini melegalkan pernikahan sesama jenis. Biarpun begitu ada saatnya ketika mereka menceritakan keluarganya di Indonesia, saya merasakan sesekali ada sebuah penyesalan dan perasaan bersalah terhadap keluarga terutama orangtua dibalik jalan hidup yang telah mereka pilih. Mereka tidak pernah mengatakannya secara tersurat namun tidak jarang mereka mengatakan hasil jerih payah di negeri Belanda ini akan dikirim untuk menyuport keluarga di Indonesia ataupun dipakai untuk mengunjungi sanak keluarga di sana. Saya masih sangat berharap biarpun secuil mereka masih memiliki keinginan utuk menjadi lelaki yang normal dalam arti berbalik dari hubungan cinta dan hubungan badan dengan sesama jenis. Meskipun bukan berarti berharap mereka dapat tertarik kepada lawan jenisnya.
Kenyataannya tidak sedikit orang-orang selama hidupnya tidak berpasangan, ada yang memilih menjalani kehidupan selibat membaktikan diri kepada agama dan orang lain, adapula yang tidak mampu karena kekurangan badani dan mental.
Satu kali teman saya yang lain melontarkan kepada salah satu teman homo saya betapa dia telah mempermalukan kaum pria dan keluarganya dengan menjalani hidup sebagai seorang banci. Tentu saja teman saya tersinggung dan berkata, "sirik banget sih lu sama gue?" namun dia tidak mengelak atau membela dirinya melakukan hal yang benar.
Saya berpikir, berapa banyak orang yang berani berkata face-to-face kepada seorang homo tentang kesalahan yang dia perbuat dibandingkan dengan orang-orang yang hanya mengatai di belakang saja namun pura-pura tidak ada apa-apa di hadapan mereka?
Kejadian ini membuat saya berpikir lagi, bahwa pada dasarnya mereka juga ingin diperlakukan seperti manusia pada umumnya, bukan hanya perasaan diterima namun juga diingatkan dan ditegur atas perbuatannya yang salah.
Ga percaya?
Coba sendiri..tapi jangan kurang ajar ngomongnya :)
Ditegur memang sakit apalagi kalau teguran itu benar adanya. Saya juga sering merasa tersinggung tetapi setelah itu tidak pernah berhenti memikirkan teguran teman saya dan menanyakan balik terhadap diri sendiri, apa benar begitu? Namun kalau sudah tahu salah tidak ada yang negur sakitnya makin menjadi-jadi karena kepala ini dipenuhin dengan berbagai konspirasi akan orang-orang yang berbicara di belakang kita.
Renungan singkat
Saya memang tidak bisa menegur secara gamblang seperti teman saya yang tadi (biasanya cuma menyindir tanpa tahu yang disindir nyadar atau tidak).
Satu hal saja yang dapat saya simpulkan dari fenomena ini, dosa manusia yang paling umum dan seringkali tidak disadari adalah "berkompromi" dengan membenarkan apa yang dilarang menjadi sesuatu yang bisa ditolerir dan tidak berakibat apa-apa karena orang lain juga melakukannya.
Namun hukum Tuhan tidak pernah berubah dan tidak pernah menganggap dosa yang satu lebih ringan atau lebih berat daripada yang lain. Saya juga merasa ngeri dengan hukumNya yang tidak bisa ditawar-tawar, Dia berkata "upah dosa ialah maut." (Roma 6:23a)
Ah masa sih?
(konteks di neraka--testimoni dari hamba-hamba Tuhan yang pernah di bawa ke sana) masa seorang pembunuh dan tukang memperkosa orang mendapat hukuman yang sama dengan orang yang melacurkan dirinya? hukumannya memang berbeda namun si pelacur tidak merasa lebih bahagia dari si pembunuh dan pemerkosa... Resources
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Fushigi no yume...alias mimpi aneh nih!!!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Valentine is here again
In contrast, on this year's val's day I have myself study for database re-exam..(I missed it last time because I came in the wrong hour and the exam had already finished LOL). Honestly I am feeling a little bit lonely but still happy as I can feel love is in the air and everywhere today (j/k). I received some valentine sms from my friends there. From my heart thankss...*sigh I love you so much. My honey? he doesn't want to disturb my study so he stays at home :)
My wish for you all is that to keep this valentine spirit alive in your daily life on only on this valentine day. Nothing's wrong with caring and loving someone everyday, isn't it? It's also commanded by God to do so, to love Him with all your hearts and to love your neighbors as you love yourself.
Love never fails, therefore don't be upset when the people we love and care about do not reply in the way that we have been expecting.
To love is daring to take all the consequences that may come with it. It's the most wonderful feeling when someone you love loves you back in return. If it is a true love, sure you will feel hurt many times but strong enough to bear the pain...
At last happy valentine again, share it with the person you love
*listening to You Belong to Me....(humming)*
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Making up my mind
I think I start making up my mind........I'm trying my best to stay in Holland and finding a fixed job, if I can't find one till then..I'm going back for good :) I may be feeling sad when finally I have to go back to Indonesia for good without getting a job. However, if I never tried and did some efforts to find job here and just go back, I would be much sorry for myself.
It's hard to look from God's point of view but He always reminds me to keep trying and keep that I may find out what He has been preparing for me in the future.
Once my good friend told me that for each of us, God actually has provided a reward somewhere there...the problem is how can we run after it. Just like in a running competition, the reward is there waiting in the finish line, but how can we get it if we never start running to reach it.
Well I think that what life is all about... :)
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Strange translation of Indonesian language
Bola dunia--> world ball (M: globe)
Bulu tangkis--> smashing feather XD (M: badminton)
Cerita penghantar tidur--> sleeping delivery story (M: fairy tale)
Es kelapa muda--> the gun (read: degan) (M: Young cocounut juice)
Jeruk bali-->balinese orange (M: grapefruit)
Juru kunci-->keys expert (M: (grave) caretaker)
Keliling dunia-->around the world (M: world trip)
Puteri salju-->Snow princess (it's Snow White)
Puteri tidur-->Sleeping princess (Sleeping beauty)
Puteri duyung-->mermaid princess (little mermaid :p )
Roti tawar-->tasteless bread (M: sandwich bread)
Roti dadar--> flatten bread; pen cake??!!! (M: pancake)
Rumah kaca--> glass house (M: green house)
Rumah makan--> Eating house (M: restaurant)
Rumah sakit--> Sick house (M: hospital)
Rumah tangga-->ladder house (M: household)
Taman kanak-kanak-->Children's park (M: kindergarten)
I'll update it again soon...any idea?
Minggu kemarin
- Kejadian hampir nubruk pertama terjadi di H&M pas turun elevator setelah beli amplop ukuran A4. Eh lebih tepatnya saya telah membuat seorang mevrouw yang turun dari elevator di belakang saya mau menubruk gara-gara saya berhenti dadakan huhuhu. Sempet juga si mevrouw ngomel saya juga lupa ngapain koq berhenti dadakan.
-Kurang dari satu menit kemudian ketika sedang seru-serunya bercerita ma Anton, tak sadar si tiang aka pilar sudah nangkring beberapa centi doang dari hidung saya ketika pak manager H&M teriak "PAS OP!!" Koq ya pas si meneger lewat trus sambil komentar kalau hampir saja saya dinobatkan menjadi orang pertama yang nabrak tiang toko yang nangkring di situ. Jadi dengan kata lain belum pernah ada orang nabrak dunk? *blushing (maluuuu).
-Ketiga kalinya ketika mo pulang dari centrum, gara-gara saya kepingin muter lewat toko WE saya berhenti dulu sebelum belok sambil tarik si Anton supaya ikutan berhenti jalan juga. Siapa yang mengira di belakang Anton ada mevrouw setengah baya (catetan bukan mevrouw yang tadi lohh, kalau sampe mevrouw yang di H&M tadi saya bisa kena gamprat kali). Jadilah kali ini si Anton yang mau ditabrak mevrouw...... (-__-) huhu
Gomen nasaii!!...saya janji akan belajar berjalan ga pake berhenti-henti dan pake mata hehe (^o^)
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Skin change?
Maikaaa...(kalau orang Jepang ngomong "ya sutra lah") Despite the skin stuff, I really have to learn how to improve the quality of my writings. Please pray for me (!__!)v
Antara kutu dan semut
Semut dan kutu sama-sama serangga tul ga?
Dua-duanya suka hidup menggerombol dan bergotong royong
Si semut bergotong-royong mengangkat nasi
Si kutu bergotong royong pindah rumah dari kasur satu ke kasur orang lain
Bedanya semut amat kecil dan kutu super mini,
toh masih sama-sama dibilang binatang kecil
Semut dan kutu punya banyak persamaan
Semut bisa nggigit dan bikin gatel begitu pula si kutu
Bedanya semut menggigit taruhannya nyawa karena dia langsung keliatan dan dipites ma yang dibikin gatel.
Namanya sudah suratan, turun-temurun masih saja semut menggigit dan dipites.
(Yang pasti yang diceritakan di sini bukan si semut angkrang yang bisa bunuh orang hehe, bayangin aja si semut hitam kecil yang jinak dan suka merambat di tembok rumah)
Namun kutu tidak demikian, dia masih bisa menggigit dan bersembunyi di dalam kasur
dan menggigit lagi di saat yang lain sampai yang punya kasur muak dan ambil itu racun serangga, matilah seluruh kutu dalam kasur kalau mereka terlambat transmigrasi.
Meskipun tidak transmigrasi, dengan datangnya musim dingin tahulah para kutu waktunya untuk hidup sudah tidak lama lagi. (Notes: cerita kutu kasur nih..jangan ditambahin kutu-kutu lain termasuk kutu rambut dan kutu buku)
Biarpun banyak persamaan di antara kutu dan semut, namun saya bertemu mereka di dua belahan dunia yang berbeda, di Indo saya melihat semut di mana-mana namun tidak di Belanda. Demikian pula si kutu kasur, pertemuan pertama dan terakhir kami terjadi di kamar 201 Heilig Hart Kerk, student dorm Haarlem. Keduanya tidak pernah bertemu (lagi menurut saya) apalagi memikirkan untuk hidup bertetanggaan.
Hanya dalam kehidupan manusia si semut dan si kutu dapat berdampingan, dipertemukan oleh waktu dan menjalin hubungan sampai batas waktu yang diijinkan Tuhan. Inilah kisah Ant dan Flea :p (yeeeeeeee ga mutu *tertawa ngikik*)
First aid aka P3K
sakit perut--teh manis panas
pengen sakit perut--jus pencit
merasa keracunan--susu, air kelapa, atau es jeruk (salah satu boleh, semua lebih boleh lagi)
pengen keracunan--baygon
diare (murus-murus)--segelas oralit
susah buang air besar--air plus garam inggris (LOL)
mabuk darat, laut, udara--sprite atau minuman bersoda yang lain
mabuk beneran--dua botol barcadi
tenggorokan serik (aka batuk berdahak)--minum jeruk nipis hangat dicampur kecap manis (serius!! ga bercanda)
susah tidur--susu hangat
terserang kantuk--kopi espresso, kalau kurang manteb minum jeruk nipis langsung dari buahnya
tidak bisa bangun--seember air dingin
ngapain saya pagi-pagi ngepost? karena yang punya blog lagi terserang mag gara-gara lupa makan malem...huhu gomen nasai
Friday, February 02, 2007
Want a cup of coffee?
When I was little I only knew that coffee is a bitter beverage for adult only. My mom always had this black nescafe powder and served it to my father's friend. Hum..both my parents don't drink coffee a lot as far as I know (but they do drink tea every morning..sorry out of topic :p).
I did try once or twice but couldn't stand with the bitter taste, what was the enjoyment of drinking bitter-taste-coffee? A delicious drink should taste sweet-sour and it should smell nice. Coffee does smell good until today I still think it does. My little me after all thought it didn't go well with the taste. That's why I put so many sugar when I said to everyone I could drink coffee and be a big-girl.
Then I went to this country, Netherlands, where everyone drinks tea, beer, and of course coffee as their must-drinking beverages. Even until today I am not a coffee addict but I can trully enjoy drinking coffee as much as I can, during work, school, or even when I'm home enjoying my free time. Sometimes I still put one or two teaspoon of sugar but the other time I can just drink two cups of black coffee without sugar and I can say no other taste goes well with coffee without its bitterness and that smell. In that bitter taste I can still sense the sweetness and excitement of drinking coffee as that liquid flows through my throat, warms my body, and refreshes my mind.
Am I trying to say I'm an adult now? That I don't really know. 23 years are long enough to see the sweet and bitter of life. I'm sure you get what I mean when you are living abroad alone miles away from your family. Maybe it sounds really fool when I say you need coffee to live in a country like Holland especially when it's winter. Sorry out of topic again.
I like drinking cappucino with a thick foam on the top of the cup. Even without sugar, it still tastes mild not really that bitter. I think it is the effect of milk mixed in it. However, when I was working in the office, I think two cups of pure espresso a day were the best to give a little refreshment besides keeping my eyes open and my mind focus.
I went to the cafe for the first time when I was doing my double degree in a little city called Gefle in Sweden. That was the first time too when I knew that coffee can be mixed with any kinds of flavours and tastes besides milk and chocholate and yet it tastes great. Say in that cafe, they mixed the coffee with hazelnoot, mocca, or even vanilla and served it with various kinds of shortcakes. It was just a cup of coffee and a piece of shortcake in a small coffee shop but it cost me around 500 SEK (around 6 or 7 Euros) to enjoy. Back in Holland, again I found that coffee can be mixed with some sorts of alcohol too, I like baileys-coffee with Irish cream a lot (does it make me an alcoholic?)
Now I am back to college and I have to save money for long-term supply. Thus, less going out and drinking along in a cafe. That's why back to instant coffee is a good choice after all. Lately in the morning I prefer drinking frappe a.k.a. ice coffee instant. It's just fresh and quick and of course can be drunk directly as it is cold already :p (no need to wait). Then sometimes in the cold evenings, I can make myself a cup of hot wiener melange instant as a substitute of my favourite, chocholate coffee. This is more less composed from similar ingredients, coffee, milk, and chocholate.
Well I think my family doesn't know about this recent habit of mine unless they read my blog. Ok that's it for now, want a cup of coffee?
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
it keeps running even you try to hold it carefully
but when you carelessly it will run faster through your hand and leave your hand dry.
nothing can hold time and none can stop it from running out.
Thus, take a good care and
make a good use of the time you still have.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Berbagai alasan untuk mengerjakan satu hal
Alasan ketiga? saya menerima serangan flu dari bang Bud yang lagi flu juga. Nah ini yang mbuat orang jadi pengennya batuk terus dan bobok terus karena kepala selalu terasa berkunang-kunang apalagi ditambah "my morning syndrom" ketika ga ada ayam berkokok di luar masih gelap gulita ketika jam menunjukan jam 7 pagi. Siapa bilang kalau kuliah bisa masuk dan bangun seenaknya tidak seperti masa-masa internship aka magang. Dari keempat kelas saya selama seminggu 3 diantaranya dimulai jam 8.30 dan yang satu masih di bawah jam 10 pula.
Apa saya kurang motivasi? atau teralu sering menyalahkan pihak lain dan ga tanggung-tanggung berani nyalahin Tuhan lagi "Lord, why this should be happening now? when this week is my last week before exam..sigh."
Anyway saya belum nyerah buat exam (meskipun sudah miss satu karena salah jam LOL) hehehe...hayooo fighto fighto...uhuk.
Sudah deh gitu dulu...
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
5 years since then (year 2004)
No picture in January 2004 till February 2004
MARCH 2004
I had my 20th birthday pictures taken by Dipta. Here is one with all birthday-participants minus Anton (he had to go home earlier because of some deadlines, can't help it).
APRIL 2004
Life is not about school and college right? when you are abroad, maybe you will think the same way...anytime there is time and enough budget, why don't we go somewhere new.
So we booked 4-days-trip to Paris, France on April 2004. Yes again, Anna, Harbud, Anton, and I, four of us.
Four of us, student-travellers
with Anna
with Anton, featuring Anna at the back :)
Next, a visit to once-a-year-flower-garden-exhibition in Lisse, Netherlands, which is known as Keukenhof. Together with Anna and her part-time job's colleagues. *still no digicam, this is a scanned one
One and half year in Netherlands was long enough to make me miss home. This year I made up my mind and spent my summer in Indonesia for 5 weeks. Speaking of which, I have almost no picture during my vacation in Indonesia, I mean the digital ones. Instead I secretly took one of my toddler's photo from home and scanned it. This is how I am looked like when I was one year old with my mom and dad eating nostalgic hihi (did I look more like my mom?).
Then I was back in Holland only for 2 weeks before leaving for Sweden and taking my double degree program. End of my summer...
What a once lifetime experience. I was about to spend my winter in one of the coldest country in the world. I was scared enough to face it but my excitement of this country was over all of those worries. I lived in a city called Gavle located 2 hours away by train from Stockholm, the capital city of Sweden.
My first picture was taken with Baltic sea as the background (can you believe it?? I've visited Baltic sea)
This is the uni where I was studying in Gefle.
6th September, at Sindhu's birthday, the Indonesian contingents minus Ooq
And when you are in a new country, it is natural to find a new way of living (which people know it as "ADAPTATION"). Speaking of new way of living, first thing we had to learn was how to prepare our is our first dinner:
Reddy the chefwannabe, Sindhu read sms how to cook raw fish, Lea and Lya were the meal testers and eaters LOL
Then we learnt how to get in touch with other cultures, for example
Greek Dinner with Saziki??&%* (dunno how to spell it). Anyway it's Greek Omelet (^o^)
Talking about culture-learning I will never forget to mention the parties every Thrusday's night. I didn't and I don't like going to the party. Nevertheless I did come to some of them.
just a normal party
beach party in the autumn
November 2004
It's lebaran Although in Sweden we could still celebrate it with a little party at our place, Lya's and mine.
And the next morning when I opened my curtain, the snow was everywhere, white was the most color I could see.
and since then the sun went down earlier than before...geez I was quite depressed. During the winter the sun rose at 10:00 AM and went down around 3 in the afternoon. Therefore my housemate and I often felt like dinner time was a way too long to wait. Nights were just too long for us who were born and used to live in a tropical country for the last 18 years.
Another Christmas and New Year occassion. We celebrated this season by posing in front of Swedish Christmas Goat, the goat that would be burnt by the end of the month (why? don't ask's just the tradition):
To live up the Christmas spirit what else we could think but a nice pre-Chirstmas dinner
However, I missed him, Anna, church, and others in Holland. I prayed to God and tried my best to pursue my daddy to let me go back during Christmas and new year. Thanks God, He and my dad did allow me to enjoy my Christmas and New Year in Holland (about this trip I have written it in this blog two year ago New Year 2005). And this is how I ended year 2004.
Next..welcome to year 2005
5 years since then (2003's memory)
This is the photo that I could recall when entering year 2003. On January 13, 2003, Anna's 19th birthday at Schoterstraat 2, Haarlem :) I came over to her place by bike in the evening. The picture was taken by my first new manual camera, which I had just bought it in Media Markt with Elli. Unfortunately I lost the camera now...I don't really remember when where or even how ^^
In April 2003, my friend Rico arranged a trip to a theme park called Six Flags (note: now it is called Wallibi World). Lots of fun, first time I discovered myself not liking roller coaster riding hehhe... LOL
Somewhere in July 2003, my first summer in Holland before Via went on vacation to Indonesia
As the time flew, I met him at Bethany church in Hoofddorp. We didn't have so many photos back then. Maybe this was our first picture featuring Daniel (aka Nyot2) and Marlina (aka Qiyut or Nina) at Schiphol Airport. We went there on Saturday right after fasting-prayer at church. No particular reason, just an afternoon hangout. When was it again? If I'm not mistaken it was taken around August 2003.
December 2003
The same sentence keeps playing in my head, time does fly fast. I did not have a digicam yet therefore, not so many I can post here. I pick this picture from Silvia's friendster and my old file. During Winter holiday and in order to celebrate the coming Christmas and New Year, the Dutch Train Company or the NS usually has some special offers. Anna and I were very excited back then since we never went anywhere outside Netherlands. Two trips were decided, the first one was to Christmas market in Koln, Germany.
Few days later after a trip to Germany. We did go to our second trip, but this time with different participants. On that one chilly day, we went to Brussel in Belgium together with Anthon, Harbud, and Johan. Thanks to Harbud and his digicam, quite a lot of pictures had been made in Brussel.
Then..Christmas is here again!!! and of course a Xmas celebration. A photo of the team
Maybe we just did not want to end Xmas only at Church. In Netherlands everyone has second Christmas day. On 26th December, everyone went to our place, Anna and I. A little celebration with soft drinks and Europoly!!!!
Honestly, that was one of the best time of my life in Holland :) HONTOU yo!
6 days later on 31st December 2003, New Year's eve...a year-end service at church.
To be continued to year 2004
5 years since then
August 16, a couple hours after leaving Indonesia, our first picture together in Kuala Lumpur
August 17, our first dormitory in Haarlem, NL
First excursion to Zaanse Schaanse
My first international group,
Four of us, Silvia, Tata, Anna, and I
First and finally in 2002, my dream-comes-true, first snow in Haarlem,
End of 2002 sorry no year-end picture, I was lost in Schiphol with Anna and Silvia without "vervoer" or public transportation around. All public transportations stopped after 19.00, 5 hours before the new year.
To be continued