Tuesday, March 13, 2007

An amateur story teller (AAST)

I actually have posted some short-stories aka "cerpen" in this blog. Since it is quite hard to find them directly, I intentionally make this post to outline some of those stories...you may say these are my very own quick-private-links ^^

a serie of my first experiences in Holland
Story 1:The departure (in Indonesian)

Story 2: The Morning Accident on Sinterklas day (in Indonesian)

Story 3: The Boy's clothes (in Indonesian)

Story 4: In Amstedam (in (broken)English):p

A story of being one day lonely in Sweden (based on true story---ups)
Show me the meaning of being lonely norak rek!! (in English)

A (not-really) love story (while advising a friend of mine)
Can you say the magic words? (in English)--better English?? dunno though

A (self) memory of the bomb accident at London's underground Metro
Metro (in Indonesian)--one of my favorites

A fiction of my relationship---*blushing*
Between ant and flea (in Indonesian)