No picture in January 2004 till February 2004
MARCH 2004
I had my 20th birthday pictures taken by Dipta. Here is one with all birthday-participants minus Anton (he had to go home earlier because of some deadlines, can't help it).
APRIL 2004
Life is not about school and college right? when you are abroad, maybe you will think the same way...anytime there is time and enough budget, why don't we go somewhere new.
So we booked 4-days-trip to Paris, France on April 2004. Yes again, Anna, Harbud, Anton, and I, four of us.
Four of us, student-travellers
with Anna
with Anton, featuring Anna at the back :)
Next, a visit to once-a-year-flower-garden-exhibition in Lisse, Netherlands, which is known as Keukenhof. Together with Anna and her part-time job's colleagues. *still no digicam, this is a scanned one
One and half year in Netherlands was long enough to make me miss home. This year I made up my mind and spent my summer in Indonesia for 5 weeks. Speaking of which, I have almost no picture during my vacation in Indonesia, I mean the digital ones. Instead I secretly took one of my toddler's photo from home and scanned it. This is how I am looked like when I was one year old with my mom and dad eating nostalgic hihi (did I look more like my mom?).
Then I was back in Holland only for 2 weeks before leaving for Sweden and taking my double degree program. End of my summer...
What a once lifetime experience. I was about to spend my winter in one of the coldest country in the world. I was scared enough to face it but my excitement of this country was over all of those worries. I lived in a city called Gavle located 2 hours away by train from Stockholm, the capital city of Sweden.
My first picture was taken with Baltic sea as the background (can you believe it?? I've visited Baltic sea)
This is the uni where I was studying in Gefle.
6th September, at Sindhu's birthday, the Indonesian contingents minus Ooq
And when you are in a new country, it is natural to find a new way of living (which people know it as "ADAPTATION"). Speaking of new way of living, first thing we had to learn was how to prepare our is our first dinner:
Reddy the chefwannabe, Sindhu read sms how to cook raw fish, Lea and Lya were the meal testers and eaters LOL
Then we learnt how to get in touch with other cultures, for example
Greek Dinner with Saziki??&%* (dunno how to spell it). Anyway it's Greek Omelet (^o^)
Talking about culture-learning I will never forget to mention the parties every Thrusday's night. I didn't and I don't like going to the party. Nevertheless I did come to some of them.
just a normal party
beach party in the autumn
November 2004
It's lebaran Although in Sweden we could still celebrate it with a little party at our place, Lya's and mine.
And the next morning when I opened my curtain, the snow was everywhere, white was the most color I could see.
and since then the sun went down earlier than before...geez I was quite depressed. During the winter the sun rose at 10:00 AM and went down around 3 in the afternoon. Therefore my housemate and I often felt like dinner time was a way too long to wait. Nights were just too long for us who were born and used to live in a tropical country for the last 18 years.
Another Christmas and New Year occassion. We celebrated this season by posing in front of Swedish Christmas Goat, the goat that would be burnt by the end of the month (why? don't ask's just the tradition):
To live up the Christmas spirit what else we could think but a nice pre-Chirstmas dinner
However, I missed him, Anna, church, and others in Holland. I prayed to God and tried my best to pursue my daddy to let me go back during Christmas and new year. Thanks God, He and my dad did allow me to enjoy my Christmas and New Year in Holland (about this trip I have written it in this blog two year ago New Year 2005). And this is how I ended year 2004.
Next..welcome to year 2005