This is the photo that I could recall when entering year 2003. On January 13, 2003, Anna's 19th birthday at Schoterstraat 2, Haarlem :) I came over to her place by bike in the evening. The picture was taken by my first new manual camera, which I had just bought it in Media Markt with Elli. Unfortunately I lost the camera now...I don't really remember when where or even how ^^
In April 2003, my friend Rico arranged a trip to a theme park called Six Flags (note: now it is called Wallibi World). Lots of fun, first time I discovered myself not liking roller coaster riding hehhe... LOL
Somewhere in July 2003, my first summer in Holland before Via went on vacation to Indonesia
As the time flew, I met him at Bethany church in Hoofddorp. We didn't have so many photos back then. Maybe this was our first picture featuring Daniel (aka Nyot2) and Marlina (aka Qiyut or Nina) at Schiphol Airport. We went there on Saturday right after fasting-prayer at church. No particular reason, just an afternoon hangout. When was it again? If I'm not mistaken it was taken around August 2003.
December 2003
The same sentence keeps playing in my head, time does fly fast. I did not have a digicam yet therefore, not so many I can post here. I pick this picture from Silvia's friendster and my old file. During Winter holiday and in order to celebrate the coming Christmas and New Year, the Dutch Train Company or the NS usually has some special offers. Anna and I were very excited back then since we never went anywhere outside Netherlands. Two trips were decided, the first one was to Christmas market in Koln, Germany.
Few days later after a trip to Germany. We did go to our second trip, but this time with different participants. On that one chilly day, we went to Brussel in Belgium together with Anthon, Harbud, and Johan. Thanks to Harbud and his digicam, quite a lot of pictures had been made in Brussel.
Then..Christmas is here again!!! and of course a Xmas celebration. A photo of the team
Maybe we just did not want to end Xmas only at Church. In Netherlands everyone has second Christmas day. On 26th December, everyone went to our place, Anna and I. A little celebration with soft drinks and Europoly!!!!
Honestly, that was one of the best time of my life in Holland :) HONTOU yo!
6 days later on 31st December 2003, New Year's eve...a year-end service at church.
To be continued to year 2004