The story of a little ladybug. presented in English and or Indonesian language..up to the writer's mood :) Happy reading!! Uneg-uneg is just another untranslateable Indonesian words
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Recommended to watch (for Business & Politics students)
End (time to sleep)
Definition of "healthy"
Suddenly while thinking about it....a question popped up in my mind. What does health or to be healthy actually mean?
I know it is somewhat irrelevant with the news but I'm still in the mood of discussing the term "healthy."
By the end of 30th March 2007, finally I came with some thoughts.
First thought
Would it be enough to be declared "you are a healthy person" when you have no desease and your body is clean from any bacteria?
How about if nothing wrong with your body but your mind is being occupied by stress and problems? would you be still called a healthy person?
If I were in that situation, I wouldn't call myself healthy...and so would people..they would rather calling me crazy, having a mind-sickness. So I think this is not the right definition of being healthy.
Second thought
Would it be enough to say "I am very healthy" with all fullness in my life like I have a lot of money, food, jewelery, or lots of friends around people will call me whealthy (read: wealthy)?
If the answer of that statement is true, then people who don't have money, food, and have none want to be friend with..would they be called the unhealthy ones? Because they maybe sick with their living conditions and start thinking "mylife is suck!!"
I believe at least someday in someone's life, someone will feel lackness in their life...can be anything, lack of money, feeling hungry or starving, or even feeling lonely and left behind as things always come and go...
When I was thinking about these, I was reminded of an old sentence, "you can buy anything in this world but not your health." (I can look for money, buy food, bribe someone to be my friend, but I cannot persuade my sickness to go away from me) So basically this thought of mine is also not right.
Then here is my third thought coming...
I cannot say everyone but most of people wish to be always healthy and lead a good life. Nevertheless I know there are not few people were born with handicaps or they were born with a certain lethal desease(s), which the cures were nowhere to be found and most of them have to life with it for the rest of their life.
Would there be a time or some times in their life, they will be called "a healthy person"?
I was thinking hard to find an answer or anything arguing the question when suddenly a song was being played in my mind...and it goes like this:
sperti obat hati yang senang (it is like happiness medicine)
tapi semangat yang patah keringkan tulang (but a crushed spirit dries up the bones)
hati yang gembira adalah obat ((after all) a joyful heart is good medicine)
Not long after that, something popped up in my mind and said to me, "to be healthy you need yourself in the first place to declare it before anyone does." If it is possible I would say the word "healthy" means "(to) heal-thy(self)" and "thy are healed."
After all "being healthy" is not about your body or your life situation needs a body, a positive mind, and the most important thing...a joyful heart, a heart that heal thy (read:you).
(proverbs 17:22)
Monday, March 26, 2007
The reason to live
Hope is the reason to live and so is dream
People struggle to survive and live up their live for
there is something they wish to achieve
there are some things to run after
When finally the dreams come true, we are glad for it and continue hoping, dreaming for a better future...
When the dreams are broken, what would you do?
We know that the right action to take is "don't give up," get yourself back on the track and make plan B...think positively "it's not over..just not the right time yet"
all peoples chose to give up easily, there wouldn't be a lot of successful persons (I think it's good to watch the pursuit of happiness, not only because my fav actor, Will Smith was there...there was a lesson taught).
The thing is that it is not easy to be optimist person. Not few people, when their dreams and hopes are torn apart, they choose to take a shortcut.....
Running-away from the reality (a coward..maybe)
Becoming a "hikkikomori" (a Japanese term for someone who failed in many things then issolated himself from outside world..and finally let himself live in world of conspiracies--pls watch NHK ni Youkoso!).
Giving up the taking own life
(I know it is not always because someone has no hope some countries people still do it as ritual or trends (recently like what happened in Korea when two beautiful Korean actresses committed suicide and their fatal actions were followed by their fans)).
What's the reason I'm still living until today if bad things happen...if I fail in many things? Has God abandoned me?
Like it or not.........Unfortunately, there are not always answers behind all things and it seems God remains silent.
I often got so depressed easily too when everything is going wrong.
Have I ever tried to runaway? I would say many times (wished to have ctrl+alt+del installed and then to restart everything before the bad thing taken place)
Have I ever felt to dissapear, away from people? can't count anymore (was hoping to own Harry Potter's invisible cloak)
Have I ever thought of killing myself? once or twice when I was a kid
But one thing I've learnt about the reason why I still live until today
Just because of the promises, whic one of those God has promised nothing of His plans is meant to harm me in the end...if I am obidient...if I put Him as the center of my life.
I think...that's how my faith grow, to keep me hoping for a better tomorrow, and to encourage me facing my problematic life until the end. When finally the problems solved I feel like I have won a competition,
and it is giving me strengths to move on and to face the harder ones.
Through HIM we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we boast in our hope of sharing God's glory. Not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance,
endurance produces character, and character produces hope. (Rome 5:2-4)
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
An amateur story teller (AAST)
a serie of my first experiences in Holland
Story 1:The departure (in Indonesian)
Story 2: The Morning Accident on Sinterklas day (in Indonesian)
Story 3: The Boy's clothes (in Indonesian)
Story 4: In Amstedam (in (broken)English):p
A story of being one day lonely in Sweden (based on true story---ups)
Show me the meaning of being lonely norak rek!! (in English)
A (not-really) love story (while advising a friend of mine)
Can you say the magic words? (in English)--better English?? dunno though
A (self) memory of the bomb accident at London's underground Metro
Metro (in Indonesian)--one of my favorites
A fiction of my relationship---*blushing*
Between ant and flea (in Indonesian)
Monday, March 12, 2007
What did He say to you?
HE said,"learn when to hold on and when to let go"
It is to learn when you shouldn't give up early and keep trying your best.... Maybe you should consider, when people say to you "You will never know at least you try"
However, it is also to realize that every human has a limit and not every efforts results in sucess. When you have reached that point, the point where you must stop...give it back to Me....and I will take care from that moment onwards.
I asked HIM, "when? how do I know that I must stop trying?"
HE answered,"stay close to ME, ask ME, you can ask for a sign...and I will answer"
HE continued, "when you finally have to stop and let go, it doesn't mean you are a failure, a loser..."
A loser is the one who gives up without even trying.
It means, "that thing" (you wish to achieve or to own) is just not for you..just not your part.
HE said, "I know you inside out, not only your limitation in doing things but also what suit you the best to live up your life for Me."
For everything has been planned and certainly I have a plan for you too...yet it is not always the one that you want. But I guarantee someday you may see that none of My plans is meant to bring you a disastrous end.
HE said again, "I know you have been frequently asking me why I do this to you...I know that you are upset to me since the things do not go as you wish or as what you have asked for
...but if you follow My commands and keep trusting me, I'll tell you the secrets and show you what I have prepared for you in the future."
Finally HE reminded me once more,"While trying your best, please keep staying close with ME...for I will always guide you, be with you forever and I will never leave you nor forsake you." Therefore, hold on these words...I promise you.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Wawancara pertama
Pembaca...sebenarnya saya hampir melupakan bahwa kata "interview" masih memiliki terjemahan bahasa Indonesia yang tidak lain adalah "wawancara." Nah pembicaraan EYD berhenti di sini dulu.
Saya cuma mau bagi-bagi cerita tentang pengalaman saya berwawancara dengan orang. Maksudnya wawancara buat magang ma cari kerja gitu lohh (bukan saya yang mewawancarai orang). Wawancara pertama dan terakhir saya adalah waktu magang di Japanese Chamber of Commerce. Bisa dikatakan pada saat itu, saya merasa sangat bahagia dan bersyukur kepada Tuhan karena sekali wawancara langsung diterima, di tempat kerja impian lagi...(apa coba kalau bukan perusahaan yang berhubungan negeri anime dan negeri asal doraemon dan Takuya Kimura itu). Namun di samping hal itu saya juga sekali-kali jadi kepikiran karena tidak memiliki kesempatan memilih perusahaan seperti yang dialami beberapa rekan saya; yaitu mendapatkan pengalaman wawancara beberapa kali, ditolak beberapa kali, dan diterima beberapa kali juga sampai pada saatnya mereka harus memilah-milah di perusahaan mana mereka akan membubuhkan tanda tangan hitam di atas putih.
Sayaaaa...dengan kata lain tidak hanya cari pengalaman kerja namun juga mencari pengalaman wawancara maksudnya. Tahu ga waktu pas wawancara di JCC satu-setengah taon yang lalu...sempat mempermalukan diri sendiri dan bikin bingung yang wawancara karena saya melafalkan "paper" sebagai "pepper"
I told my ex-boss that my father worked in a paper company dan beliau mengira bahwa papah saya bekerja di pabrik merica (hooooooooooooooo..................). Sejak saat itu saya selalu mengingat bahwa kertas dalam bahasa Inggris dibunyikan antara bunyi "paiper dan peiper" dan merica itu dibaca "pep-perrrrr......"
Bagaimana mungkin seorang exchange-student yang nekat terbang dari Sweden ke Belanda cuma buat ikut interv eh wawancara yang belum tahu hasilnya diterima atau tidak dan seorang kandidat yang tidak bisa melafalkan bahasa Inggris dengan benar bisa diterima di JCC, organisasi Jepang yang semua pelanggan dan anggotanya cuma berbahasa Inggris dan Belanda? Pada saat itu ada tujuh kandidat lain, di mana enam di antaranya sudah diwawancara.
Saya hanya dapat berkata hari ketika saya diterima untuk menjadi trainee selama setahun di sana........dan semuanya terjadi karena kebaikan Tuhan dan anugerah-Nya.
Lord you make all things possible and it happened to me miraculously. That internship, even I cannot say the best simply because that was my very first time working with a company, it was one of the best times of my life in Holland. Thanks God!!
Bahasa Inggris saya? agak nyombong dikit ga apa-apa kan? selama setahun di sana berkembang kok...syukurlahh. Mungkin ini adalah hasil kebanyakan ngobrol ma boss di kantor, terima telpon lebih dari sepuluh kali per hari, berpuluh-puluh email sehari (meskipun banyak junknya :p), sehari 8 jam, 5 hari seminggu selama 12 bulan lamanya.
Tulisan ini cuma secuplik dari kisah hidup si mbak kutu.
Akhirnya buat yang sedang cari kerja, yang sedang menunggu balesan (bisa pekerjaan; bisa jawaban orang yang ditaksir)...jangan pernah berhenti berharap, berusaha, dan berdoa ('coz He is faithful). Masa depan itu ada dan harapanmu takkan pernah hilang amiinnn. Ganbatte kudasai ne!!