In short, here is the storyline...
Seri, an unknown yet talented female chef from the country, arrives in Tokyo to work at French restaurant, Etoire, but discovers that they have gone out of business due to the departure of their main chef. Together with the restaurant's former manager, she opens a French restaurant of her own and begins to recreate the flavors her late father mastered as a famous gourmet chef. Unfortunately, Etoire returns with an unscrupulous manager, and to make matters worse, Seri learns that it happens to be owned by her birth mother living in Paris who she hasn't seen since she was a child. Seri wonders if her passion and skill will be enough to succeed.--quoted from
What a family means to someone? Two short message were delivered in this dorama; 1st you'll never cut your family tie until you die...especially for those who have blood relationship with you in a nuclear family. Second one, it hurts you more when you're cheated by someone you like than someone you dislike (of course it is^^). A person can hate his/her family members with many reasons. One could have betrayed him/her or other have left him/her that he/she thinks that those who he/she used to call mom, dad, bro, or sis don't love him/her anymore.--(huhuhu sorry I repeated so many he or she forms)
As a family we should always stick together and help each other, right??? wish..but how many families do have this principle and keep doing it? I think many have it but only few can keep it.
Let's just take a fast look through the 10 episodes of this jdorama
Kensaku is Kenzo's brother who was left by his only family; his aniki--big brother with a big restaurant that they built together but in big debt. He never knows where his aniki went, all he knows that the restaurant now has been taken over by Seri's mama's corporation and his aniki ran away from the responsibility as the owner and his brother. It hurts Kensaku very much and makes him want to cut the family tie with Kenzo. Until one day he meets Seri and Nazuna who were sent to him by his mean aniki. Kensaku realizes that Seri has a big talent in cooking that she inherits from her late father who was a master in cooking and it motivates Kensaku to open a new little french restaurant together with her. As the time goes by, finally Kenzaku reunites again with his aniki who has become senseless. He couldn't forgive his aniki and hate him so much although he now knows the reason why Kenzo left to Seri's town. Unless Kenzo didn't show his deep regret and try to reach his brother by cooking him something (even he himself couldn't taste it), Kensaku wouldn't be touched and remember that Kenzo is his only aniki who has been taking a role as his parents since their parents died. Be a family is not only one way relationship, it takes two to tango so does a family, it needs more than one person to admit that we are family.
I think..I stop it first for's 4.24 am and I've got to take some sleep (-.-) oyasumi..