I did love old Indonesian dramas on tv. I was dying to watch them every week and couldn't wait to watch what would happen in the next episode. But then I grow up and move to another part of this world and learn what "reality" is. Sorry to say, but Indonesian dramas' lovers were totally bullied by those dramas on Indonesian television. They are treated as children who believe in fairy tale.
Salutation to the producers you are great to attract those audiences by playing with their emotions. Children mostly dislike politics, drugs, world issues since they are not suited enough for their ages. But in contrast, children do like something fun, something that can make their heart beat fast; fear is a fascinating feeling; there are good people who are always been scolded by the evil ones, then a hero will come to save the good one and wish for a happy ending. This is what is happening in my country now; they keep producing dramas with the tendency to have similar "childish" plots. People think those dramas are for adults but world see them as fairy tales.
The fact here is that the happy ending won't come for at least two years production and through never-ending sessions and story. Should I say it's a great job? Is it the proper marketing strategy? But it seems work very well amongst certain Indonesian audiences such as housewives and teens. I know many people curse on a television drama called "Tersanjung" that have been produced for about 5 years; 7 sessions; and without ending in each session (it's continued in the next session). Tjonge, jonge even though they keep watching it every week. Is it true? Yes it is. According to a fact, this drama was on the first rating of Indonesian drama for about 2 years.
Ok, I think it's enough for me to talk a lot about those circumstances. How about if we take a brief look at some new dramas
Dara Manisku--my sweet girl
What a Cinderella story, since the girl, named Cleo who comes from a rich family pretends to be a maid at her lover's house to examine his love. Stupid lover (Daniel), he even can't recognize the girl that he loves deeply. Instead, the maid was treated badly by his lover's cousin who lives under the same roof and has a crush on Daniel. Many times Daniel suspects his maid is the girl that he adores but something happens and keeps her secret safe from her master.
Cinta SMU--High School's love
It was one of my favorite series when I was in high school. It's about a love story in a high school. That time, I had never been in love ^^;the story had a nice scenario and the conflicts made me think how difficult it was to have a relationship during high school. But what a disappointment when I came back home last summer, the series is still broadcasted on Tv but now the story go beyond the spirit world. Get what I mean? In this extended session they made the story also about the ghost of a student who was in love with his classmate when he was alive.
A drama that was dedicated for young audience, it is a story about a little girl whose mother has already passed away and her imaginary friend; an angel. After her mother passed away, her father married a widow with a son. The step mother and the step brother are kind persons when the father is around. But when he's away for work, the girl was suffered due to the bad attitudes of her step family. The girl is very kind-hearted, she never tells her father about what her step mother has been doing to her. Instead of that she always tells her angel and the angel always teach her to be a good one. The basic story is good for child education.
As the time goes by (again when I went back last summer to Indonesia), when now the girl is a high school student, the step mother became even evil than before. She poisons her own husband until he loses his memory and becomes an imbecile. Sometimes, she often tries to endanger her step daughter by spelled her with dark magic. However, the girl keep being a good girl and forgiving all her step mother's deeds.
Well, I just sum all up how I view nowadays Indonesian drama production. More than that, I let you to find out by yourself. Let us pray that our country will be better in the future. Amen.