Saturday, December 24, 2005

Notpron level 21 what a stupid maze
Level yang butuh waktu cukup lama untuk memecahkannya. Di source page terdapat petunjuk "first to beat it: [zeend_22] stupid maze :p" Dengan mengetahui gambar yang dipakai untuk level ini adalah "white.jpg" maka dengan gantilah urlnya dengan berbagai warna yang tertulis (mulai dari blue.jpg sampai black.jpg) anda akan mendapatkan potongan-potongan gambar yang kalau digabung akan membentuk maze seperti gambar berikut:
The Stupid Maze!!

Dengan memecahkan maze ini maka akan terbaca dua kata sebagai berikut:
Beating the stupid maze

Hore naek ke level 22...hohohohohoo (^o^)v

Friday, December 23, 2005

Notpron level 11-20

Those hints that I wrote here are also reminders for me if I'm going to repeat my game from the very first level. (to see the level's url, username and password please highlight the whole page). I hope this is some of helps....(^_^)

Level 11 (ahead of its time)
cek source page dan temukan bahwa gambar di level ini memakai file bernama screen12.jpg walaupun ini masih level 11. Dengan mengganti url menjadi .../screen11.jpg sebagai ganti .../screen12.jpg anda akan menemukan potongan gambar lain dengan username dan password untuk level ini (terangkan layar monitor anda untuk melihat lebih jelas).
username: fucking password: pans

Level 12 (stereo)
Temukan sebuah perbedaan pada dua gambar yang tersaji maka level ini akan terpecahkan. Tidak menemukan?? Lihat source page. Ada 3 petunjuk yang tersedia "switch pics for parallel view" ; "GIF me my picture back"; dan sebuah zip file (the last hint is not the answer though yet still fun). Ganti url dengan gambar yang dipakai untuk level ini ".../realscreen12.jpg" untuk melihat gambar yang bergerak ganti file extensionnya menjadi .gif ..(you'll find a thing that consists of two words).
username: remote password:control

Level 13 (lucy not in the sky)
Dengan menggerakan pointer ke berbagai area pada halaman ini maka beberapa dialog box akan muncul (2 of 5) (3 of 5) (x of 5) (x of 5) (4 of 5). Perhatikan baik-baik di setiap area di mana dialog box bermunculan terdapat sebuah huruf. (2of5)=E (3of5)=V (5of5)=L (xof5)=I (xof5)=D. Siapa itu Lucy? Lucy berada di mana? "he's been a bad boy"(didapat dari source page) ...
Lucy adalah "_EV_L" --->password (tulis dengan huruf kecil): devil
dia tinggal di "_ _ _ _" (in English)--->username: hell

Level 14 (He knew the feeling)
Jangan lupa melihat source page di sana terdapat petunjuk untuk menemukan password dan username (meskipun tidak selalu (-__-;) )
"don't use opera here!
what language is the password hint? use it properly!"
Pernah melihat gambar yang mirip ini sebelumnya? di level manakah? Dinamakan apa perasaan seperti ini? "harap ditulis dengan tanda baca yang benar"
username: deja /déjà (dengan garis miring ke kanan di atas e dan garis miring ke kiri di atas a)
password: vu

Level 15 (hit the keys)
Klik pada kenop pipa. Sebelum itu baca petunjuk pada source page
 [1] 4 [2] 1 [3] 6 [2] 3 [1] 9 [3] 7
[2] 2 6 [1] 8 5
dengan menggunakan babel fish translation bahasa perancis di baris paling bawah diterjemahkan sebagai "your keyboard is erroneous." Dengan menggunakan keyboard komputer maka angka-angka di atas e.g. [1] 4 dapat diterjemahkan sebagai baris pertama huruf nomer 4 dari kiri maka anda akan mendapatkan huruf "r" dst.
username: random
password: shit

Level 16 (resume)
Untuk membuat sebuah resume diperlukan deskripsi dari pengalaman-pengalaman yang pernah terjadi. Maka dari itu, janganlah lupa mencatat semua password dan username dari level pertama untuk menyelesaikan level ini :p
Petunjuknya "invert az" dengan kata lain a=z dan z=a
dan "# = ellwll/hrnkov/proo" dapat diganti dengan #=voodoo/simple/kill--> tanda # berfungsi untuk mengubah huruf dengan lawannya.
Bentuklah 2 buah kata dari setiap urutan huruf pada username & password dari setiap gambar dan ganti huruf dengan lawannya untuk setiap huruf yang memiliki # di depannya.
Level 4--> voodoo power; huruf ke 4 adalah "d"
username: doom password: murder

Level 17 (aliens are coming)
Hohoho....level yang tidak membutuhkan waktu banyak kecuali menebak gambar yak gambar apakah ini? atau cahaya apakah ini?? lalu masukan jawabannya dalam bahasa inggris ke link nya. Yang pasti jawabannya bukan url yang satu ini hehehe...
answer: it is a "lamp" dude...

Level 18 (sorry, going on for some more time)
Di sini kemampuan menebak melodi diperlukan untuk mengganti url dengan kata yang tepat. Pergilah ke source page dan downloadlah mus4.mp3
Kalau file musiknya belum diganti maka anda akan mendengar nada "abec" yang diualang dua kali dengan oktaf yang berbeda. Jawabannya bukan itu, saya di sini perlu menggunakan cheat karena kemampuan musik yang terbatas. Dengan mengubah 1=F maka "abec" dapat dibaca sebagai "deaf"

Level 19 (he moved it into the right direction)
Kesan pertama, level ini serem juga karena ada tangan item nunjuk-nunjuk ke arah kiri (left). By the way username dan passwordnya sudah tersedia di source pagenya. "xfjse tuvgg" kalau anda masih menyimpan baris huruf yang dipakai untuk level 16, maka setiap huruf pada kata di atas bisa disubstitusi dengan satu huruf yang berada di sebelah kirinya.
username: weird password: stuff

Level 20 (Numbers, Text, Fonts and stuff...)
Ketika level-level sebelumnya banyak memakai htm atau html page, kali ini urlnya memakai php. Meskipun begitu penyelesaiaanya tidak ada hubungannya dengan php (maybe). Petunjuknya, di mana biasanya kita bisa menemukan program WINDOWS yang memiliki numbers, text, fonts, dsb.? Dengan mengabaikan angka-angka dan hitungan yang ada maka yang tertinggal adalah simbol-simbol dari windings2 Microsoft Word.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Notpron lagi

Apa itu notpron? secara singkat notpron adalah plesetan dari "not porn" dalam game ini sendiri kadang diselipkan beberapa foto semi-porn jika tanpa sengaja masuk ke link yang salah (curious? please find the links by yourself by using the search engine because that's not the point I'm writing here) (~_~)

Game ini tidak memakan memori komputer karena pemain hanya ditantang untuk memecahkan kasus untuk mendapatkan akses ke sebuah html page yang satu ke page yang lain. Tantangan di sini adalah bagaimana menggunakan petunjuk yang cukup minim dari gambar atau page source dan mencari informasi yang tepat untuk naik ke level selanjutnya (in my case, it is included finding hints and a little bit of cheats :p LOL).

Kata pembuatnya, mas DavidM, dia mendapat banyak salutasi dari orang-orang yang pernah memainkan notpron karena mereka mendapatkan berbagai pengetahuan (kebanyakan yang berhubungan dengan macam-macam file extension kali ya kaya .jpg .gif .zip .htm etc.)

Pertama kali mencoba game ini ketika saya sering nongkrong di forum permainan kafegaul (huhu sekarang sudah jarang main ke sana...kangen). Pertama kali maen menghabiskan waktu hampir 2 jam hanya untuk mencapai level 13 itupun sudah termasuk mencari kunci jawaban di internet. Dengan sekedar mendapatkan username dan password membuat game ini tidak menarik untuk dilanjutkan. Kelebihan game notpron ini terletak di kelihaian sang pencipta dan krunya untuk menyembunyikan suatu pesan yang dapat ditemukan dengan cara tertentu di setiap level.

Bertambahnya level membuat orang berasumsi bahwa tingkat kesulitan semakin tinggi. Faktanya dalam notpron, hal itu tidak selalu terjadi. Ada beberapa level yang dapat dipecahkan dengan cepat dan mudah daripada level-level sebelumnya seperti level 18 di mana pemain hanya diminta untuk menebak gambar dan memasukan nama benda yang dimaksud dalam url. Di samping level-level sederhana, adapula level yang memiliki tingkat kesulitan tinggi sehingga pemain memerlukan berjam-jam untuk memecahkannya meskipun sudah memakai petunjuk-petunjuk yang tersedia online (tidak berlaku bagi cheater). Salah satu contohnya di level 10 yang memerlukan media player yang dapat memutar balik sebuah kaset.

Semakin banyaknya orang yang mencapai level tinggi, mereka tidak senggan untuk menulis spoiler tanpa cara mendapatkannya di forum-forum yang mengulas tentang notpron. Dengan demikian orang tidak perlu berusaha banyak untuk mencapai level yang mereka inginkan. Dalam rangka mengurangi hal ini, rupanya penggunaan username dan password dari beberapa level telah diganti beberapa kali sejak notpron pertama kali diluncurkan online.

Pada mulanya lebih tepatnya tahun lalu ketika saya pertama kali mencoba notpron, hanya 81 level yang tersedia online. Dengan berjalannya waktu dan semakin banyaknya peminat dan orang yang berhasil mencapai level terakhir, maka dari itu kini kurang lebih 41 level negatif telah ditambahkan dalam permainan notpron.

Demikian ulasan singkat tentang Notpron. Game ini cukup menarik untuk dicoba bagi anda yang seorang puzzle freak dan banyak menghabiskan waktu luang di depan komputer.

Notpron 1-10 dulu

(mereka bilang ini online puzzle tersulit di dunia)
Sebetulnya sudah setahun yang lalu saya mencoba permainan buatan orang Jerman ini, tapi buntut-buntutnya berhenti di level yang sama juga kalau kurang petunjuk. Bagi yang belum pernah main dan ingin mencoba, berikut adalah sedikit panduan Notpron level 1-21 dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Level 1 (Welcome)
"Enter the door" untuk masuk ke level 2 klik di area pintu (pada dasarnya level 1-9 adalah panduan awal bagaimana memainkan game ini).

Level 2 (Something was in his way)
perhatikan gambar tangan menunjuk ke atas yang mengaju pada "link". Perhatikan link level ini untuk masuk ke level 3.

Level 3 (Turn me on)
Sekali-kali di bagian kanan atas gambar/bagian yang gelap, muncul satu kalimat. Karena teralu cepat kadang tidak terbaca jadi jangan teralu dihiraukan. Petunjuk di sini lagi-lagi perhatikan alamat website dan coba ganti sebuah kata dengan antonim ato sinonim untuk masuk ke level selanjutnya.

Level 4 (Look in the dark)
Selamat anda baru saja masuk ke permainan sesungguhnya. Setelah level ini maka kebanyakan level akan memerlukan username dan password untuk masuk ke level selanjutnya. Cari area yang bisa diklik untuk memunculkan kotak dialog. Seperti judul level ini, perhatikan di tempat gelap terutama garis-garis dan titik-titik putih di bawah lampu. Bagi yang pernah ikut pramuka, tentu tahu ini adalah "sandi morse." Pergunakan baris atas sebagai username dan baris ke 2 sebagai password. username: voodoo password: power

Level 5 (Light your torch)
Kali ini bantuan akan sangat dibutuhkan bagi mereka yang tidak tahu penyanyi band bernama Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. Cara manual terangkan layar anda atau pergunakan ctrl+a untuk select all, maka di bawah gambar anda akan menemukan kutipan syair lagu yang dimaksud. Masukan nama lagu sebagai username dan password. username: simple password: songs

Level 6 (..the source code might help...)
temukan 2 baris angka-angka dengan meng-"highlight" (apa coba bahasa indonya??) dari bawah ke atas. Maka susunan angka dibawah ini akan terlihat di layar.
108 105 108 107 --> username
117 111 114 104 --->password
Pergunakan fungsi alt+3 angka pada ms word, tadaa...huruf-huruf bermuculan. silakan susun ulang :p :p username: kill password: hour

Level 7 (he went to the old school)
Salah satu level yang paling rumit dan membutuhkan waktu cukup lama untuk memecahkannya. Kuncinya berada pada alamat website. Dengan mengganti-ganti url di atas anda akan mendapatkan berbagai petunjuk seperti berikut:
"backwards/tieman.htm" -> "no, just name it"
"sdrawkcab/nameit.htm" -> "No, name what you see on the pic, go back!"
"backwards/nameit.htm" --> "do IT"

yang harus dinamain di sini adalah merk bungkus snack yang ada di gambar. Bagi yang belum tahu ini adalah bungkus Twix, maka urlnya bisa diganti dengan
sdrawkcab/twix.htm" -> "wenoot"--> kalau dibaca terbalik akan menjadi: "too new"

"dia pergi ke sekolah tua" merupakan sebuah petunjuk bahwa merk twix tidak disebut demikian beberapa tahun silam. Seperti merk "hansaplas" yang dulu disebut "handiplas."
Mungkin website berikut dapat membantu
change the url with what you get and put it other way around... and walla!!

Level 8 (say it loudly and proudly)
Di sini anda perlu berlatih vokal untuk mengucapkan "JAY should PACK his stuff" terutama pada kata "JAY" dan "PACK"...(bagi yang suka fotografi dan menyimpan gambar pasti kata ini mengingatkan anda pada suatu jenis file :p I said it).
Kunci pertama permainan notpron adalah menemukan user name dan password
Kunci kedua pemainan ini adalah menemukan petunjuk dari "source page" (coba bilang dari tadi yak...).
Tekan ctrl+u (untuk pengguna mozilla firefox) untuk menampilkan "source page." Lalu downloadlah file musik "../stuff/mus2.mp3" Username dan password tertulis di file ini (jangan pernah memainkan file ini pada winamp ato media musik yang lain. Just simply JAYPACK)

Level 9 (revolution)
Tidak ada yang bisa diklik di sini kecuali angka 9. "check the source page!" di sana tertulis jelas username dan password untuk level ini. Ambil tiap huruf setelah "< class=" ''not''">" dan masuk ke level selanjutnya. username: turnmeon password: deadman

Level 10 (He was impatient)
Lagi-lagi jawabannya ada di file musik dari source page. Kali ini bantuan sndrec32.exe cukup berguna untuk mendengarkan dengan sedikit jelas apa yang diucapkan operator dalam file musik itu. Cara lain pergunakanlah fleximusic ato wave editor yang lain untuk memainkan forward atau rewind, diperlambat dan dipercepat. (spoiler: he said "grey world") "highlight to reveal the words.

hoho harus balik kerja lagi...kapan-kapan lagi dilanjutin...good luck!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Kyo wa no uta..(today's song)

Hati yang gembiraaa..adalah obat

s'perti obat hati yang senang

tapi semangat yang patah

keringkan tulang

hati yang gembira..Tuhan senang

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Chicken Soup for blogging souls

Sudah lama tidak mengisi blog gara-gara tugas yang lumayan menumpuk akhir-akhir ini. Blog ini juga isinya suka-suka jarang ada yang baca kecuali orang-orang yang aku kasi tau :p hehe..tapi koq sampai sekarang juga belum bosen juga ya...beneran lohhh. Eh kadang bosen juga koq, kadang kalau sudah lama tidak pernah ngeblog bisa jadi karena berbagai alasan.
1. lupa (kalau punya blog)
2. banyak kerjaan
3. tidak punya ide
4. tidak punya internet
5. banyak hal lain yang lebih asyik daripada ngeblog
6. main ke rumah teman
7. tidak kurang kerjaan buat ngisi blog...(ups)
8. kesimpulannya aku memang males mengisi saja koq...hehehe (^-^)

Aku suka baca blog-blog orang terutama blog yang memakai bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa lain yang minimal aku bisa mengerti. Biar kadang aku tidak kenal orangnya tetapi asyik juga membaca blog mereka yang seringkali berisi kehidupan sehari-harinya. Jadi baca buku harian orang tuh ga selalu jelek koq apalagi kalau yang punya sudah menaruhnya di blog, that is what a blog for, right? Siapa tahu dari baca-baca blog orang trus dapet ide buat ngisi blog sendiri. Contohnya seperti sekarang, ini gara-gara habis baca blognya orang yang tanggal terakhir ngepostnya sudah bulan November 2005 (apa hubungannya coba?).

Bikin blog mempunyai beberapa manfaat yang langsung maupun tidak langsung.
Manfaat yang langsung misalnya:

  1. ga kalah sama teman yang punya blog

  2. punya website gratis tidak usah membayar walaupun isinya tulisan; yang penting punya

  3. pelampiasan pelajaran microsoft front page yang cuma bisa dipreview dan dibuat ujian tetapi tidak bisa di upload ke internet (perhatian: ini tidak berlaku buat murid-murid IT dan anak-anak yang tahu bagaimana upload website dari server)

  4. mengetahui apa itu yang disebut kode-kode html, bagaimana tulisan yang tidak bisa dibaca dengan berbagai aturannya bisa menghasilkan tulisan berbagai bentuk dan warna, menampilkan gambar, dan layout-layout yang lain (buat yang ambil skin dari blogskin kaya saya minimal jadi tahu bagaimana copy paste kode dari notepad ke template)

Manfaat tidak langsungnya seperti di bawah ini:

  1. Mengetahui apa yang dinamakan dengan "blog", biar tidak dibilang gaptek

  2. Ketika membuat resume bisa dicantumkan sebagai computer skill dan interest

  3. Apalagi kalau kerja di JCC terus disuruh buat website minimal sudah ada pengalaman copy paste dan buat website

  4. Buat tempat curhat, kalau tidak ada orang yang mau mendengarkan kamu lebih baik tulis di blog siapa tahu ada orang salah tulis alamat bisa buka blog kamu, membaca ceritamu dan memberi komentar.

  5. menambah kenalan dengan mencantumkan alamat blog di blognya orang atau di mana saja bisa masukin link

  6. meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dan Indonesia, walau hanya melalui tulisan. Well, practice makes perfect right

  7. siapa tahu dengan meningkatnya kemampuan menulis bisa menemukan jati diri sebagai penulis atau profesi lain yang ada hubungannya dengan ketik-mengetik dan tulis-menulis seperti sekretaris.
  8. olahraga jari
  9. Dan tentu saja supaya bos di kantor tidak mengira kita hanya bermain-main di kantor ketika kerjaan tidak banyak :p

Demikian dulu karena sekarang sudah saatnya berberes pulang...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Finding A True Love

    "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."
    I Corinthians 13:4-8a (NIV)

This verse describes the characteristics of true love. These qualities can certainly be found in the person of Jesus Christ, and they can be found in all truly loving relationships. The problem with trying to "find" love in our dating lives, is that too often we don't look for these characteristics. Rather we look at physical appearance, popularity, or wealth. These are not the qualities that God looks at and neither should we.

    "But the LORD said to Samuel, '...The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.'"
    I Samuel 16:7b (NIV)

Love is best seen as devotion and action, not an emotion. Love is not exclusively based on how we feel. Certainly our emotions are involved, but they cannot be our only criteria for love. True devotion will always lead to action - true love.

    "Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with ACTIONS and in truth."
    I John 3:18 (NIV)

Christ was devoted to us enough to give his own life for us (Romans 5:8), even when he didn't feel like it (Matthew 26:39).

Sex is not love! Our culture has taught us that sex and love are one in the same. This is a lie. Sex is a beautiful God-given activity that is wonderful when practiced within the boundaries of a Biblical marriage. Sex is the completion of the binding of two people within Biblical marriage; it is a God-given gift.


Because premarital sex is not love, it only leads to pain and disappointment for those who are seeking that love. The Bible says that when two people are married, they become one flesh (Ephesians 5:31). Sex is consummation of that union. When two people break off their relationship after having sex, it is like ripping apart flesh. This is why two teenagers will struggle so much and become so dependent on those they give their bodies to. In light of I Corinthians 13:4-8 (above), it is easy to see that premarital sex is not patient, it is not kind, it does not protect, it is self-seeking. It is not love!


We can only identify true love and know when we have found it, based on the Word of God. When we match our relationships up to what the Bible says that love is -- and we are honestly prepared to make a life-long commitment to that person -- then we can say that we are truly "in love." The three keys to that statement are:

We have to...

  1. look at the Word of God
  2. be completely honest with ourselves
  3. understand the level of commitment that comes with true love

Copyright © 1997, Dawson McAllister Live!, All Rights Reserved - except as noted on attached "Usage and Copyright" page that grants ChristianAnswers.Net users generous rights for putting this page to work in their homes, personal witnessing, churches and schools.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Me v.s. myself

(my mobile alarm is ringing at 7.30 am)

"No, I can't make it"

"cannot wake up, too dizzy"

"I am so sick and weak"

(seeing the sky behind the curtains) "the weather is not good neither am I"
(putting hand on my forehead) "even worse now I've got fever" (actually it is the heater that creates the room temperature higher not me)

This is the recent event that mostly happens in my morning. Later on I finally realize it's all about "willingness" (and a little bit of support). I often feel so dizzy when I get up in the morning while mumbling why the night has ended. I feel like want to throw up and want to stay longer in my bed. But later in the afternoon after I start working, hey, the sickness is gone. Well, I guess I'm having morning sickness syndrome.

Why is it called morning sickness syndrome? Frankly, because I am not pregnant or even have a low tension blood or anemia or other deasease it is just kind of imaginative sickness that was created by those neurons in right brain because I'm too lazy to move my ass and go to work.

As what my dad and my friend said "laziness" is an illness. I am lazy yet pretty slow and sloppy.However as my friend said there is a way to overcome this--> by having a strong will and a goal to reach so that everyone can move on with their life and speed up the work to reach what they're dreaming on. The one who can give it is no one but themselves alone. Yes, it is so right that YOUR BIGGEST ENEMY is YOURSELF...wanna bet??

No wonder when people lost to themselves, they easilly give up on everything because the "self" always kept telling them that "there is no way-out" or "it is too far from possible" and they are FOLLOWING their thinkings.
In some rare cases or many movie stories the person ends up by having double personality (watch fighting club or me myself and Irene).
In normal case, people who start losing to themselves would likely have a similar syndrome as I do. And in my case when myself is over me, I decided to call my boss and skip the work that day. Not talking about my morning sickness syndrome. To put it simply, the symptoms can be anything that sounds negative andwhen you DECIDE to believe it is true and it happens just like that.

Dear...please be careful to what you decide to believe....
There are songs with lyrics "miracle happens when you believe" (OST Princess Diary), "There can be miracles when you believe..."(OST Prince of Egypt--Whitney & Mariah Carey). So in other way around, it is also not impossible that "tragedy and sh** do happen when you believe."

(Time to go home, I'll continue this next time :p :p LOL).

Monday, October 31, 2005

Humans and Cables are similar

Humans' relationships are viewed very complicated to understand. For example, there is a doctor is falling in love with his nurse, while one of his colleagues, a female doctor, has a crush on him. On the other hand the female doctor is still having a problem with her ex-husband who is actually the brother of the nurse. They are still arguing about who is responsible to pay the debt for the house after divorcing because they don't love each other anymore. The ex-couple bought the house some months ago (of course before they committed divorce) and have not completely paid. In order to cover the loss, the owner of the house is advertising the house to someone else, while keep asking the couple to pay the price plus the damage cost of the furniture that the couple broke during their fighting. And so on... the story is still continuing until all the problems are solved.

So the complexity of human's relationships are, so are those cables on my desk. I just moved my laptop from my little table to my desk. For having everything done, first thing that I should do is taking off all cables and adaptor from my laptop. Some information, my laptop is connected with a pair of speaker, a wireless mouse, an external drive, and some USBs such as my digital camera and the card reader. It did take time to take off those cables from the main devices and then I should carefully loose the knots one by one since they bound each other and create some complex knots. I did not create them in that way when the first time I attached those USB devices to my laptop. All I did is just connecting them one by one to my laptop and leaving them there until I want to move them to another place. Now everything is settled at their new places, I tried to arrange the cables won't make the same difficult knots again but it seems impossible I guess.

What I can see from these two phenomenon is that The Almighty Creator did not create us to have problems with each other as I hope my cables will not bind each other again after some times. His plan may force us to go through some difficulties but the goal is not for harming us.

All God has done was placing us in certain places and blessing us with free will. Then, we start knowing someone and that's how a relationship begins, then the someone knows someone else who is close related to us and so on until problems may come up coloring our relationship. That's how our life is. Then it is our own will to face or to run from the problem.

What important here is how to get the problem solved before we move to somewhere else or with other hand I can say "run away from the problem."

Perhaps some problems will be disappeared soon and swapped away as the time goes by as we have moved to a new place. Unfortunately most of them will not disappeared just like that. As long as the cable's knots have not been untied, it is impossible to place the devices properly in the new place. For sure, it is heavy and troublesome to carry my laptop at once together with all USB devices without taking them off from my laptop. Therefore, I think no one can go peacefully while carrying so many problems.
"Life is for fighting and overcoming the problems not for running from them."

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Realist Terrorist--PR nya Lea

This terrorist stuff suddenly reminds me of my assignment from my political economy class when I was in Sweden. We were obligated to summarize an article every week. So this is one of those.

Terrorism is a realist action that is really well-planned. A lot of people think that terrorism is an action that is done by some crazy people who are out their mind. But the fact it's really a realist action that needs plan just like business campaign.

According to Alan Dershowitz's article "Why Terrorism Works" Terrorism is an entirely rational choice to achieve a political objective.It is indeed a decision based on logical processes.

Palestina is one of the best example of country who has high chance of success in terrorism. Palestian terrorists take the distinction between outcome and process into account.

From that point of view, we can conclude that terrorists have some rational Characteristic as follows:
Terrorists do their action as a purposeful activity

Calculate the sufficient harm that may happen against the power of target places in order to accomplish its objectives

When they are going to do the attack depands on changing strategic circumstances

Target selection
Terrorist groups choose their target based on the political objectives they aim to

Modern terrorist generation learn the procedure from their formers

Well I don't like politic things but it's not bad to know some interesting facts about it. :) :) After all it seems that we'll never make the world a better place to live because the world is getting worse from time to time. All we can do is waiting until the world time is up and before that happens let's concerning about the way we make our life worth to be judged in the next life.

Death Note

Before those Indonesian police indentified that the Bali bomb accidents were using suicide-bombing method, I was thinking if I were the doer, it would be easy to remove myself from the criminal list by exploding myself then the case is finish. Just a crazy thinking of mine when I heard that one of the victims was found only his head and leg. Anyway, now the police think the way I have ever thought too. Cool isn't it? I laughed loudly when a few moments after I finished my imagination, the "thing" became real.

This situation reminds me of a manga that I am recently reading right now on Net. Perhaps some of you also know this manga called DEATHNOTE. Perhaps, if the shinigami or the death god is really giving his death note to a human, this somehow could explain the cause of Bali bombing 2.

If Kira had been exist, he would have remembered the faces and written the names of those three criminals whose heads were found by police in three spots of the bombing accidents. Kira can control the last action of someone he wishes to kill. All he has to do is only writing the cause of deaths and time then the person will do exactly what is written and die at the mentioned time and date.
Thus those three bombers had ever met Kira somewhere and after their name have been written, they all together went to Bali with three packs of dynamites. In a certain place, those three finally said goodbye to each other and unconsciously walked to three different places to do their final farewell action and then they blew up themselves. No one will know who is the main actor behind those events, the police will keep searching and thinking those three are the criminals but they will never know the bombers were no one but ordinary people who met their bad luck, and soon the case will be closed without any solutions. In the end, Kira will be the one who laughs at those scenes and enjoys reading the news day by day while thinking of another terrorism plan.

AARRGGGHHHH....stop dreaming!!!! I do hate those terrorists, especially if the terrorist is a native who terrors his/her own country only for getting attention and sensation. Real terrorists are not that stupid, they have clear (mostly political) objectives and a spesific target, which may endanger their country.
Stupid terrorists only know how to imitate world terrorist by bombing their own country because they want to be famous and when they get caught and judged they use regional reason "god's will" as the only background and happy to die for their god. Then all I can say is just die and you'll find how's life after dead is when you'll meet the real judgement. "Peace man!!"

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Apakah dia yang kamu cari?

Bagaimana meyakinkan diri kita kalau pasangan kita sungguh-sungguh atau sekedar merayu dengan kata-kata manisnya untuk sekedar menenangkan dan menyenangkan hati kita???
Simak penuturan Paul Joanndes, PhD , penulis Guide to Getting It On berikut:

  • Pendengar yang baik. Saat Anda bicara, matanya akan fokus pada Anda. Setiap kata disimaknya dengan seksama hingga Anda tak perlu repot mengulang. Oh, ini pertanda bagus!
  • Tepat waktu. Saat kencan atau janji menjemput, dia bersedia datang lebih awal atau minimal tepat waktu. Minimal kalau terlambat sekian menit, ada pemberitahuan sebelumnya
  • Cinta itu tak memaksa. Tubuh Anda sedikit melar dan dia mulai protes? Idih, maaf ya. Sepanjang pertambahan bobot tubuh masih dalam batas kewajaran, jangan biarkan dia berkomentar panjang lebar. Atau tolak saja deh
  • Bahasa tubuh. Ini pertanda natural yang hampir 'tak pernah salah'. Jika dia dapat menghargai Anda, sikap dan perilakunya membuat Anda nyaman, hmmm…mungkin si dia inilah sosok yang selama ini Anda cari. So, tunggu apa lagi?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Good Morning...

Hello, osashiburi's been almost two months since I started my placement. Briefly these are what I do during my working days.

07.00: My mobile alarm rings, it plays my favourite song, Waltz from Suneohair. I grab my mobile and turn it into snooze mode for another half an hour.

08.00-08.30: Finally, I wake up after having snoozed my alarm twice. Lazily I get up, wash my face and brush my teeth, then turn on my laptop to watch anime. While watching I prepare myself to get ready to go.

08.40: I'm in a rush, putting everything into my bag, finishing my breakfast, locking my doors and waiting for the lift coming. Sometimes I forget my cellphone and go & back to pick them for another 2 minutes.

08.52: If I'm on time, this is the first metro 51 that I could catch.

09.05: I'm 5 minutes late for many many times ^^; I greet my boss who has always been there when I come and already busy with her bunch of works and she greets me back "OHAYOU!!" I don't know why but sometimes she reminds me of my mother who is always busy every morning with her cash book and calculator when I just woke up from my dream.

10.00-11.00: I'm working in front of my computer, checking email, filing invoices, updating the seminar list, having fun with dreamweaver and not forgetting to answer the phone and also prepare myself a cup of tea and some snacks...yummy. I'm gaining some weights in the last 2 months. I hardly bring snacks to the office actually, but there is often someone has oishii snacks to be shared.

11.30: Sleeepyyyy...sleepy...and my head is a bit dizzy after staring at my monitor for the last 2.5 hours. I'm thinking about my project but haven't got anymore idea. I open some online games and news page or relax myself by reading some interesting books available in my office. I've found some interesting book about Rijkmuseum, Rembrandts collections, and of course Van Gogh. Lately, I'm still reading Van Gogh book, huhu how I love this painter since I knew him from my childhood tabloid 11 years ago and now I'm in his country HOLLAND and had got a chance to visit the museum.

12.30: Lunch break!! Most of the time I'm too lazy to move my butt somewhere else when I want to save some euros:p so, I stay in the office and make myself a cup of soup and reading some manga online. Unless, I will go downstair and go to Burger King then enjoy myself to be alone with a crispy chicken menu.

13.30-16.00: Time to go back, so I go to the post office to pick up mails then go back to my office on the 9th floor. Sometimes, my boss asks me to go to the bank or to other company (in the same building of course) to pick up something or deliver some messages from her. At least I can move my body a little bit. It's not good sitting too long and waiting for jobs when you've got nothing to do or no phonecalls. So I go downstairs and go around the building from one tower to another tower or find a shortcut and finally meet people.

16.00-17.00: Horrayy!!! one hour to go...I become so exciting finishing my work. Then around 16.45 I wash my dishes and prepare myself to go home. Sometimes by the end of the day, I have a little chat with my boss, she likes telling stories about recent news, Japan, her hometown, her son, and some stuff she's doing recently, not seldom too she sometimes asks about me and my country and I love to listen to her since I'm missing my mom and I have no one to talk at home :) :) hehehe...

Ok I think that's all for now...I hope I can successfully manage to finish this placement well even now I'm still not good in answering phone and sometimes feel nervous to greeting strangers hihihihi...once there was a mind-illness guy came to the office and he kept talking to me for more than 45 minutes.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Believe it or not...

When I told them about the cause of Mandala Airline's accident, some said it's so stupid, other said they had known it already, but not few said that I told a lie....but it's true that the cause of the airplane crash was the overweight of "2 tons of duren fruits!!" that were being carried unconstantly inside the plane...nah, can you believe it?... (have no comment) (-__-#)

Friday, September 09, 2005

Kalau saatnya tiba

Ketika saat itu tiba tak seorangpun pernah menduganya, tak seorangpun bisa mencegahnya. Saat itu adalah saat yang telah ditetapkan-Nya.

Orang berkata akhir jaman ah itu sih masih jauh. Nyatanya kemarin malam tak terjadi apa-apa, hari ini pun matahari bersinar dengan cerahnya. Banyak orang takut akan datangnya akhir jaman, terlebih setelah mereka membayangkan apa yang akan terjadi seperti dinubuatkan dalam kitab suci dan apa yang mereka dengar dari para tetua tentang datangnya hari itu.

Tetapi ketika hari itu belum datang, pesta pora masih berlangsung, kejahatan masih di mana-mana, tempat-tempat prostitusipun semakin menjamur, karena mumpung masih bisa bersenang-senang sebelum hari itu datang dan mungkin datangnya masih bertahun-tahun lagi.

Benarkah demikian? Mengesampingkan hari kiamat itu sendiri, berapa banyak kah orang yang memikirkan berapa lama lagi dia dapat hidup? Orang kaya bisa membayar dokter paling ahli tetapi dia tidak dapat membeli kesehatannya. Demikian pula memiliki kesehatan yang baik pun tidak menjamin dirinya akan hidup lebih lama daripada orang yang sudah divonis hidupnya tinggal 1 bulan lagi. Mungkin orang-orang yang sudah divonis itu harus merasa lebih bersyukur karena minimal mereka bisa mengira-ngira kapan waktunya di bumi akan berakhir.

Kejadian Tsunami Natal lalu dan jatuhnya Pesawat Mandala baru-baru ini seharusnya sudah cukup memberi sebuah pelajaran beharga bahwa hidup ini bukan kita yang menentukan lamanya. Manusia boleh berusaha tetapi yang Di Ataslah yang menentukan.

Kalau pesawat itu tidak jatuh...

Sang pilot pesawat mungkin kemarin sudah merayakan ulang tahun anaknya yang ke-5

Novi sang pramugari akan kembali ke rumahnya dengan berseri-seri mempersiapkan pernikahannya di bulan November

Pak Hendramon tidak harus kehilangan toko dan kedua anak balitanya, dll.

Peristiwa-peristiwa di atas sekarang hanyalah sebuah andai-andai belaka.

Bagi yang masih diberi waktu untuk hidup janganlah memikirkan hari kiamat itu masih jauh karena kalau seseorang meninggal maka waktunya di bumi ini juga sudah berakhir. Lebih baik memikirkan bagaimana kita hidup hari ini, karena tak seorangpun tahu apa yang akan terjadi di hari esok sehingga ketika waktunya tiba kita tidak didapati sedang melakukan sesuatu yang mengakibatkan penyesalan selamanya.

human's time is limited, GOD's time is for eternity

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Wishing lists...

Things to be done before this year end.
  • Way to behave well
  • Greeting guests well and nicely
  • Speeding up the work completion
  • Be more sincere to myself
  • Serving ocha
  • Speaking up
  • Not smiling too too much..(lol)
  • Answering phone and listening carefully to what they are saying
  • Remembering properly everyone's names
  • Learning the art of bowing?
  • Having meal-time 3 times a day
  • Stopping to snooze my alarm clock...WAKE UP!!
  • Understanding more Japanese
  • Riding my bike until my office not only until metro station
I'll add some more if I remember something...

Monday, September 05, 2005

How should a leader be?

  • A leader is someone who can guide us to certain direction.
  • Someone who is able to make a fair decision.
  • A person who knows exactly when to say yes when must to say no.
  • A leader is someone who not only can make good promises but also knows how to fulfil those promises.
  • He/she is the one who get the trust from the fellows and the fellows know where to go when they have a problem.
  • To be a leader means not only to lead but also to serve
  • Someone can lead the others to follow his/her instructions if only he/she first listens and understand each of his/her followers.
  • Not to accuse and blame but to show the way and give another chance.
  • A leader is considered having the ultimate decision, but he should not feel the right one before the fellows feel the same way too.
  • A leader is not to be protected at the first place but to protect his men and show them how much they mean for this organization.
  • Someone who always remembers his/her fellows in his/her prayer and not thinks about his/her own needs.
  • A leader shoud not only be strong and tough but also be sensitive too to sense problems arising in his/her surrounds.

  • Everyone will hate their leader if the one always shows up and never admits that he/she has made a mistake.
  • A leader should listen to others but he/she should be able to make a clear decision and not follow the majority or a strong influence that comes from his/her close person.
  • A cruel leader is someone who punish his/her own people for something that they weren't able to do and on the other hand be very friendly just to persuade someone to be a member (even the person has no interest to join) just because that person is very skillful.
  • A cruel leader is a leader who only knows how to be the most right and most knowledgable one. You are fool and I am smart, you are wrong because you don't pay attention to what I say.
  • No one likes either weak leader who can only follow what people say or someone who is PRETENDING to be the leader (even she is the leader's wife).
  • I don't like big mouth leader who loves tell stories how suffered he/she is when he/she did many great things just to show that he/she's deserved to be a leader.
  • Please open the eyes of those leaders who don't realize yet that everything what they say everthing what they do just make their fellows leave them one by one.
  • Please...please forgive them, and please give us strength to be stronger and more patient to stand with that kind of leader.

Anyway, I'm disappointed with my leaders whose names I don't want to mention here. Not because that they did something bad to me but more about what they have done which hurt my fellow friends deeply. Hope that God will open their eyes...and change their heart.

Friday, September 02, 2005

to be with..

tahun pertama kita terpisahkan oleh batas kota
tahun kedua kita terpisahkan oleh laut dan negara
di tahun yang ke tiga ini, kita terpisahkan oleh station metro...
moga-moga kita masih bisa terus bersama di tahun berikut dan berikutnya meskipun terpisahkan oleh batas ruang dan waktu.
tentu saja 'slalu dalam lindungan Yang di Atas....aminn.

2 B with U
zutto isshoni ne...

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Living Expatriate

What do you wish as a student in a foreign country who is looking for a place to stay? If I could make one wish, I would like to stay in a place with everything I used to make this life and with people that I love and also not to move again to another place until I graduate from school. For the last three years I have been living here, I saw only one person could make it (at least among my friends who are in the same year as I am).

I myself never make it after my first year when all of us should hunt for a place to stay because we could only stay in the school's dorm only for our first year here.

Moving is hard especially for us, students who have limited budget to deal with everything. We always try how to get more with fewer funds. DON'T BUY TOO MUCH STUFF!! This is what exactly what I should do since I never know until when I could stay in a place. It will be very hard to carry everything with us when we're moving to a new place. Most of the time, those stuffs end in the garbage spot since they are impossible to be carried due to many many reasons such as:

-The new place is in another city, so it's expensive to go and back many times just to carry stuff.

-The new place is smaller, my stuff cannot fix in there, no space left.

-The new place is furnished, I am not allowed to throw the furniture away and replace them with mine, what I should do is dumping mine instead.

-I should move to my new place in sudden (natural disaster, accident, etc.) almost no time to pack, just pick the most important stuff with me.

-I am moving to another country, only 20 kilos allowed, 100 euro per 5 kilos excess luggage.

-I buy more clothes, my closet is full, and must throw the old ones hiks sometimes I want to have them all without reducing any.

So far I have moved four times during my three years stay in Holland which means I moved every year to a different place. Can you imagine if you should move to one to another place every (less) than a year? First time (well actually for the second time and follow too), I also grumbled, as I should carry so many heavy stuff with me. But thanks to my friends who helped me; or those who had the same thing happened to them so I did not feel so lonely (lol).

Anyway living in a new place is not bad at all, maybe only in the beginning when we should suffer of carrying things and adapting and then the new place are such having a brand new exciting thing. Fresh and new look. A new place to start the next chapter of my life. Therefore, I'm really enjoying the way I live now even now I'm quite far away from my mates, and I get really excited to tell you a story how those living expartiates are coloring my life.

Monday, August 22, 2005


Di mana aku? Tubuhku serasa bergoyang-goyang dengan irama yang tetap. Perlahan kubuka mataku. Pandanganku masih sedikit kabur dan kepalaku rasanya penat sekali. Setelah itu berangsur-angsur penglihatanku semakin jelas, apakah aku sedang duduk di dalam kereta? Bukan! Lebih tepatnya ini sebuah metro. Metro yang sedang melaju kencang di bawah tanah.

Kulihat orang-orang berdesakan sebagian duduk sambil menikmati goncangan-goncangan kecil yang ditimbulkan metro yang sedang berjalan di rel ini. Sementara itu, orang-orang yang lain berdiri sambil melindungi barang bawaannya supaya jangan jatuh, ada juga yang tidak kebagian pegangan dan bergantung pada keseimbangan badannya sambil kadang-kadang mencari bagian metro yang bisa digenggam ketika terjadi goncangan keras.

Mengapa aku ada di sini? Aku mau ke mana? Melupakan hal itu sejenak, kulayangkan pandanganku kalau-kalau ada seseorang yang aku kenal di gerbong ini, tetapi tak seorangpun kukenal dan tak seorangpun sedang memperhatikanku. Mereka sibuk dengan urusannya sendiri.

Dua orang anak muda yang duduk satu di sebelahku dan yang lain di depanku sedang mendengarkan mp3 dengan volume max. Tampaknya mereka sebentar lagi akan mengikuti konser. Berkali-kali dihentak-hentakkannya kaki dan ditepuk-tepukan tangannya ke pahanya seperti orang bermain drum dengan irama cepat sementara yang lain menyanyikan lagu dengan syair yang aneh.

Ahh berisik, lama-lama aku merasa terganggu juga. Aku menduga-duga jangan-jangan aktivitas mereka berdua ini yang tadi membangunkanku. Sebaiknya aku lebih baik segera pergi dari tempat ini. Aku mencoba berdiri, kepalaku masih pusing dan keseimbanganku tidak stabil mungkin karena sakit kepala ini ditambah goncangan kereta yang makin keras begitu melewati jalan menurun.

Begitu aku berdiri, kulihat sudah ada sesorang duduk di sana, aneh sejak kapan dia duduk di sana padahal belum ada semenit aku berdiri. Mengapa metro ini begitu penuh dan sesak dengan penumpang yang tak kunjung berkurang maupun bertambah. Aku melangkah melewati kursi-kursi dan berdesak-desakan dengan orang-orang yang berdiri dekat pintu metro dan berharap kalau metro ini berhenti aku akan mengetahui di mana aku sekarang dan setidaknya jumlah penumpang ini berkurang.

Lima menit menunggu, metro ini belum pernah berhenti sekalipun kecuali jika ada metro lain yang melintas dari arah yang berlawanan. Kulayangkan pandanganku untuk ke sekian kalinya, kulihat seorang bapak tua yang ketiduran di kursinya yang dekat jendela metro. Melihat dari penampilannya sepertinya beliau tertidur bukan karena kecapaian. Dengan sebuah tas kumal dan segulung tikar dalam dekapannya, sepertinya bapak tua itu telah beberapa hari tidak tidur mencari tempat berteduh.

Kualihkan pandanganku ke gerbong sebelah yang hanya dibatasi dengan sebuah pintu kaca. Tiba-tiba pandanganku terpaku pada seorang anak muda bertopi baseball yang memasukan tangannya di tas tante gendut yang sedang ribut menyela orang-orang yang berdiri untuk mencari kalau-kalau ada tempat yang kosong. "Celaka, aku harus segera mencegahnya atau paling tidak menangkapnya, dia toch sebaya bahkan lebih kecil dariku," pikirku cepat dan segera berlari secepat mungkin melewati kerumunan dan melewati pintu pembatas. Cepat...cepat...dia sudah mendapatkan barang yang dia cari, sebuah dompet kulit merk Prada. Pencopet cilik itu berlari ke arahku, "lucky!" pikirku. Tetapi di saat yang bersamaan ketika pencopet itu mendekatiku, sekali lagi metro bergoncang keras ketika berbelok di sebuah tikungan. Aku terjatuh di lantai metro yang kasar dan kotor, begitu melihatnya lagi aku yakin sekali tanganku masih cukup panjang untuk menarik lengannya yang membawa dompet itu. Hey mengapa tidak bisa? Apa dia berlari sangat cepat sampai-sampai tanganku serasa menembus tangannya? Tidak mungkin, begitu banyak orang berdiri di sepanjang jalan. Dia tak akan bisa lolos secepat itu, siapa saja tolong tangkap dia... masa tidak ada orang yang menyadari kejadian yang baru saja terjadi?

Sesaat kemudian terdengar teriakan seorang wanita, walaupun aku tak melihatnya aku kira itu pasti teriakan tante gendut yang menyadari seseorang telah mencuri dompetnya. Aku berusaha berdiri lagi dan ingin memberitahunya bahwa aku melihat anak yang mencuri dompetnya tetapi mendadak metro menjadi gaduh, orang-orang tergesa-gesa berlari ke arahku, melewatiku, bahkan ada yang menubrukku berkali-kali sehingga aku memilih untuk tetap tinggal di tempat tetapi aku tidak merasakan sakit apa mereka teralu cepat seperti angin? Kepalaku semakin penat, mungkin karena suasana yang makin panas dan sumpek dengan orang-orang yang berdesakan ingin mencapai bagian depan dari metro ini. Ada apa? Apa yang terjadi? Kulihat orang-orang di dalam metro ini menjadi liar, mereka berteriak, menggedor pintu kendali dan jendela, saling menjatuhkan satu dengan yang lainnya seolah-olah semuanya ingin segera keluar dari kendaraan panjang yang sedang melaju kencang di bawah tanah ini. Satu-satunya pemandangan yang janggal adalah bapak tua yang masih tertidur pula itu. Ingin kuteriakan sesuatu agar beliau terbangun dan segera pergi. Tetapi mengapa aku harus berteriak, untuk apa, aku pun di sini tak bisa ke mana-mana, seandainya bisapun aku harus berbuat apa?

Temperatur ruangan semakin memanas, udara yang sangat panas seperti datang dari belakangku. Menyengat seperti akan membakar seluruh tubuhku. Ketika kupalingkan pandanganku ke belakangku dalam hitungan detik, semua yang di belakangku telah dihanguskan termasuk orang-orang yang belum sempat mencapai gerbong-gerbong depan. Begitu cepat, begitu singkat, begitu panas, memekikan telinga, betapa mengerikannya, apakah ini yang terjadi dalam tungku kremasi di rumah duka?

Kepalaku penat, sekitarku gelap, tubuhku bergoyang-goyang seirama dengan goncangan di sekitarku. Aku mulai mengingat, bukan apa yang baru saja terjadi, tetapi mengapa aku ada di sini. Aku mau menjemput tante Ann yang baru datang dari Amsterdam untuk berjalan-jalan di kota London. Lalu ledakan itu tiba-tiba terjadi. Masih teriang di telingaku teriakan pilu itu, akupun juga berteriak aku masih ingin hidup aku tidak akan mati konyol dalam terowongan ini. Aku takut untuk membuka mataku, masih teralu takut untuk melihat di manak aku sekarang.

Jelas orang-orang itu tidak melihatku, orang yang duduk di tempatku sudah ada di sana jauh sebelum aku membuka mataku, akulah yang duduk di tempatnya. Pencopet itu tidak menyadari aku melihat perbuatannya karena dia tidak bisa melihatku, aku tak bisa menangkapnya bukan karena dia berlari teralu cepat tetapi karena aku memang tembus pandang, dan bapak tua itu tidak mendengar teriakanku karena tak seorangpun tahu aku ada bersama mereka dalam metro yang sesak itu. Mungkinkah aku..aku telah…meninggalkan dunia ini dan terperangkap dalam waktu yang berulang-ulang seperti kisah misteri yang kubaca beberapa hari yang lalu. Ternyata kisah itu bukan sekedar fiksi belaka.

Goncangan itu berhenti, tetapi kepalaku masih pusing dan berat. Ada suara memanggilku dari jauh, siapa? Apakah itu panggilan malaikat pencabut nyawa? Tidak..aku belum siap. Suara itu semakin mendekat dan bukan satu tapi ada beberapa. Mereka memanggil namaku. Apakah akhirnya metro ini berhenti di stasiun terakhir? Di manakah itu aku bertanya-tanya? Ayolah, aku tidak boleh jadi pengecut seperti ini, buka mata! Hadapi kenyataan. Kelopak mataku begitu berat, napasku sesak, tubuhku tidak bisa bergerak, dalam pandanganku yang kabur aku dapat melihat beberapa bayangan hitam memandangiku menghalangi cahaya putih yang begitu menyilaukan sampai-sampai membuat mataku sakit. Mereka meneriakkan namaku dan bahasa lain yang tak asing lagi di telingaku.

Surgakah atau neraka? ini di mana? Dapat kucium bau yang begitu khas di tempat itu. Sesosok berbaju putih mendekatiku dengan tongkat bersinar di tangan kanannya. Malaikatkah? Bukan, sosok itu adalah seorang dokter. Aku berada di rumah sakit rupanya. Tubuhku serasa begitu sakit, tetapi hatiku melonjak dan tak henti-hentinya mengucap syukur karena aku dapat merasakan rasa sakit itu lagi. Aku hidup…aku masih hidup teriakku dalam hati.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Facing the real world

I'm enjoying the sunshine outside my window while wearing my cardigan inside my office. What a contrast look...I'm freezing even there's no air conditioner and it's quite hot outside. I WANT TO GO OUTSIDE....yeah I wish I could. Do I really want to? nope...I'm still enjoying myself enough by sitting in front of my desk staring at a page of Rembrandt paintings book opening with a cup of hot coffee latte and a rice cookie fabulous and artistic is my situation. Well then I get a mood to write something on my blog.

I remembered when I wrote something about Indonesian dramas that are trapped in a fairy tail world. Not because I change my view about it, it just I'm thinking of a wonderful tale that is created by a modest story Honey & Clover--Hachimitsu to Clover.

If you see the opening song video clip, perhaps you'll think that this anime is kind of science fiction and imaginative with those artistic-weird-cuisines. It does tell about the daily living of a group of art university's students and their problematic life. But the storyline is not over someone's imaginations. Simple, comfortable, calm, funny, and entertained, those are feelings that I sense while watching it. I don't want to tell a long story here because it will make the scroll shorter and the blog page even longer. Just check the link above out if you to figure out the story.

Not like a common story where the main character will always get the dream girl, the heroine usually has a perfect body and face, or the handsome/pretty ones always get what they want. Almost everything in this story is turned up side down. The main character, Takemoto, is an ordinary college student and also the narator in the whole story. So most of the time the events that happens are viewed from his point of view.
Takemoto is falling in love with Hagumi a.k.a Hagu-chan, a 19 years old girl who more looks like an eight years old due to her chibi look. Unfortunately Hagu is having a crush with Takemoto's housemate, Morita Shinobu-kun (honestly, he's my fav chara here ^o^). Morita is actually a genius creative art student, only he's crazy about money very much (no one knows exactly what he does perhaps a secret agent?? he has a lot of hi-tech spy radar inside his room and a complicated password to enter his room ). Everytime, the job is calling, he will leave everything including the deadline of his final thesis as the ultimate condition so that he can graduate from the university. Therefore, Morita who should have graduated a few years ago, is still around in the university for his 6th year.
Morita always disturbs Hagu everytime he's around and hardly shows whether he has the same feeling towards that girl or not. Until one day, before Morita leaves for America without any news, he kisses Hagu in sudden, then the scene ends with Morita runs away when he realizes what he has done and leaves Hagu in confusion.

Another relationship that is appeared in the story is a triangle love story between Yamada Ayu, a beautiful adorable smart art student, who is expecting the love of Mayama, a graduated from art academy who works in an interior design company, Takemoto's sempai and housemate, who also loves hopelessly his sensei's wife in the same company, Rika-san. Mayama is not good looking even he's a very nice guy after all, this makes Ayu's fans become very jealous of him "A man like that is not suitable to get Ayu-sama's attention." Ayu tries many ways to have Mayama's attention, and she does get it since Mayama really care about her as a very good friend of him. But still Mayama's feeling towards Rika hasn't changed at all especially since he saved Rika who collapsed in her bathroom due to her painful and horrible accident scars on her body (Rika's husband dead in a car accident with her inside). Since then, Mayama feels responsible and wants to love her unconditionally even they know they'll never be together.

The story seems very dramatic for many audiences but still interesting to follow as the producer always put a lot of humors too in the right times (such as when Morita sang a nostalgic Japanese song in Hanami event and forgot his final project intentionally, or when Ayu was scared of leaving Hagu alone at home since Hagu reminded her of her dead cute little hamster). Those funny parts reduce the melancholic atmosphere in the story without ruining the main plot.

Well that's it, a good story is a story who is able to send the message to the audiences clearly and naturally. The happiness doesn't come from the happy ending, but more from how to finish the story well without leaving so many unanswerable questions. This reminds me to "Tersanjung" a never-ending Indonesian drama...this series is suck!! gomen (-__-#) but it is true according to me.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Unpredictable weather

Holland is the country with the worst weather that I've ever known. In a day, you will need to bring your raincoat, umbrella, and also your sunglasses. Even now is still summer, the sun has not been shinning since the last six weeks. The fall seems coming earlier this year (note: Fall starts on September 21st). Sometimes when I went to my office, my friend said that I was wearing my winter clothes in summer. But it was really damn cold. On the other day, such as this morning, I wear my turtle neck t-shirt since I noticed that the sky was quite cloudy from my window and I remembered the weather forecast told that the sun won't shine until tomorrow. Suddenly when I came out, the sun started shinning and increased the temperature....great!!, I have chosen the wrong costume again.

The weather forecast is never 100% right, it can be totally wrong in a day. In two websites such as yahoo and msn I never find the weather forecasts in the same area are completely the same. Slightly similar yes, but not identic at all. Is God having His own plan? Or perhaps He's playing dice now to decide whether it should be raining or sunshine.

This weather forecast phenomenon has shown that human's ability to observe the truth is limited. Therefore in normal case such as observing the ancestor of human being or evolution theories, everyone hardly ends up with same conclusions.
(The questions below are free quoted from many sources with biblically ways of answering so if you don't agree feel free to think by your own :p )
  • Is that right that human comes from ape species who went through the evolution process for centuries? Well, I don't know all I know that Adam and Eve are the first two persons on earth and we were created based on HIS image (Genesis 1:26). I think that's a good thing to know that I wasn't created like the monkey (lol).
  • Is it true that our earth will end soon if the commet really out of its orbit and crush and will it be our doom day? When is the last day of this earth? Maybe it's true that the earth will be destroyed because of the meteor or other galaxy's stuff because on that day, the sky will be dark and everything would be burnt in fire and made dissappeared from the surface no one knows when the day will come, one thing for sure the earth will come to end when He comes again for the second time to judge the living and the dead.(2 Peter 3:10-13)
  • How does a life after dead look like? it depends how your life goes when you are still living. (Efesus 5:15-16)
Well that's life, everything is full of mysteries as the Almighty Creator, He is mysterious with His own plans. However, back to the weather forecast, I still need it anyway to plan my day. Just assume those weather forecasts are the cheats of God's plans. Thanks God for making my day (no certain reason of writing this post actually). Owari...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Stupid as stupid does

Hey do you remember the movie called Forrest Gump? Lately it becomes one of my favourites ever. For almost two hours listening to Forrest's story, I just realized that Forrest just wanted to ask the way to go to her lover's house, Jenny. Is this man really an idiot as his IQ report when he was just six? I don't really think so. Just like Forrest mother said, stupid as stupid does and Forrest exactly did what he supposed to do to make his life even people said he was a slow-witted person. No one would believe that a guy like Forrest Gump could be a hero in the Vietnam war and got an honor medal, won a ping-pong international competition in China and became an idol even he never knew why since all he did was only hitting the ball, and also Forrest even got a chance to meet many U.S. presidents from Kennedy to Nixon. Until finally, he could marry his beautiful dream girl, Jenny, whom he loved since he was a kid. That was Forrest's life fate; he just went through it although he never knew the reasons why they happened. I believe each of us has one too even in the bad times we tend to run from our fate.

"Life is a box of chocholate, you never now what you're going to get""

I think fate is different from what is called destiny. Fate has already been settled since we were born and it can hardly be changed while destiny is something that we can still fight for to make our life better. Many kinds of people exist in this world when they are facing their fate.

There are some people who give up their life, just make a wish and dreams without doing something for reach their dreams. When those dreams don't come true, they grumble and often then blame God for not fulfilling their desires. However, some of them are quite lucky, sometimes they get what they want instantly winning a lottery for example. That's why they are called fortunate people who get something accidentally. I hope they don't loose it accidentally too ( ^^;)

Other people often see that someone's fate and life is always much better than them, and then result in dissatisfactory of his/her life and a question, "why could I be like him or her? I've been trying a lot but seems God is not really fair." It seems that they couldn't accept themselves as they are. Just imagine if all people in this world are the executive directors, who are going to be the workers and buyers? Everyone was born to this world with certain reasons and they will have their own role in the society. Therefore everyone is created to be unique.

There are also realistic type people, those who always search for the truth and reason behind everything that happen in our daily life. God likes people who are searching for the truth and He shall give us answer with His own way. But human is somehow impatient to understand God's ways and tend to try finding the answer by human's ways and reject His lead. I'll do it with my way. This reminds me to Leutenant Dan who rejected to be saved by Forrest during the Vietnam war. He wished to die that time so that he'll be respected as a national hero. But it wasn't his time according to God (if this story became real I mean). He was fated to be the director of the Prawn Ship together with Forrest and then he got married with a vietnam lady. Even both his leg got amputated, Isn't still it more beautiful than "dead"? If he was dead, people would remember him as a hero, but would his soul go directly to heaven? no one knows (again if it were real hehe). What a human thinks is good is not always good in God's eyes.

Forrest always did stupid things according to the people around him, but when he got a lot of success , those people thought hard "how come is it possible?" Human nature has a tendency to imitate someone who is viewed as a cool and smart person, and anything that he/she considers would not embarrass him/herself. To be same as the world is not what God wants since He created us according to His image. Be yourself is the best thing to do because you are unique and none is like you. Yep, stupid as stupid does...I am myself as anybody is.

Well I've been too much talking now. Shall it be finished now? Well, fate and destiny are two different things but they have to cooperate each other. GOD has provided us a box of gold in the finish line as our reward, but if we don't start running to reach the finish line the gold will stay there and we'll get nothing but disappointed. Everyone of us has been granted by a fate as we were born. By accepting the fate means we follow His will. But keeping on fighting for our destiny is a must to reach a good end of our fate with one condition that our efforts should be done according to His ways. As long as God with us nothing is impossible, isn't it? I can say nothing about this because everyone has different opinions. So let's prove it by ourselves.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Dah lama juga blog ini kosong, hehe maklum deh sudah lama tidak ngenet nih. Di samping alasan malas, aku sedang dalam vacation mode. Lumayan deh meskipun dari sebulan kosong yang bisa dibilang vakansi cuma seminggu terakhir sebelum aku mulai magang. Ada aja urusannya, mulai dari cari-cari tempat tinggal baru, ngurus passport, cari-cari asuransi baru, ngurus ijin kerja, bantuin temen buat report, numpang sana-sini, ngunjungin yayang di kota sono, pengobatan luka tangan yang ga kunjung kering, memperpanjang passport, sampe dapet rumah trus dilanjutkan acara pindahan bertahap. Akhirnya bisa istirahat juga biar cuma 6 hari ^^; di Nijmegen.

Finally my natsu-yasumi my summer break is over when I have to start working at a new place and meeting new people. Even a lot of things happened, many that I should do before last 1st of August, I did enjoy my holiday very much. Thanks God I always had something to do. Day by day, step by step, He fulfilled each of my needs, answered my prayers, eased my worried, and changed my sadness and suffers into joy and giving thanks. God's ways are not always easy, sometimes He let me to be hurt and suffers but in the end, all what He has done are for my sake and it's so good.
He is so good to me
He is so good to you
Jesus He is so good to you and me...

Monday, June 27, 2005

Kembali ke Belanda

Akhirnya perjuangan selama 10 bulan di Sweden berakhir juga. Rasanya lega sekali karena saya sudah kembali ke habitat saya di Belanda meskipun harus menumpang di rumah teman. Mengapa bukan Indonesia yang saya rindukan? Sayapun tidak tahu bagaimana menjelaskan fenomena ini. Yang jelas, Belanda telah menjadi kampung halaman saya yang kedua setelah rumah ortu.
Situasi di sini tidak banyak berubah, mungkin karena tiga minggu yang lalu saya sempat pulang satu minggu untuk interview.

Satu program yang berakhir bukan berarti saya bisa tenang sambil berleha-leha sekarang. Tugas-tugas yang baru telah menanti untuk diselesaikan begitu saya sampai di Belanda. Terbukti begitu saya sampai, saya harus pergi ke baggage service untuk menanyakan kemana perginya koper saya yang ternyata masih tertinggal di Stockholm karena ada masalah teknis (alias: mesin penyalur kopernya rusak). Mungkin hal ini tidak ada hubungannya dengan apa yang saya tuliskan di awal alinea ini, tetapi saya sadar perjalanan masih panjang dan tugas-tugas semakin berat. Nyatanya setelah itu, saya tidak bisa beristirahat sampai malam harinya (catatan: saya sampai jam 10 pagi di Amsterdam) dikarenakan beberapa acara telah menunggu seperti menemani Via beli panci di centrum, dilanjutkan acara BBQnya Hariadi yang merayakan hari ultahnya 2 minggu yang lalu.
Cape...cape sekali, but I really enjoyed it..(huhu ngelantur lagi). Ya begitulah saya tidak akan cerita panjang lebar..tapi banyak yang harus saya kerjakan setelah ini.

Jalan hidup saya masih panjang dan semakin berliku-liku, tetapi setiap satu terselesaikan berarti saya semakin lebih dekat ke tujuan hidup yang ingin saya capai. Maka dari itu untuk bertahan dengan semuanya ini kuncinya hanya mempertahankan harapan saya dan berusaha mewujudkannya dengan bimbingan yang di Atas. Saya percaya kalau Dia sudah berencana, sesulit apapun itu Dia pasti buka jalan.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

When it's time to say goodbye

Winter Semester
Time passed so fast, I remembered the first day when I came to Sweden was also the day when I said goodbye to everyone in Schipol airport.
Few days later after that day, I knew you all for the first time. We met and introduced each other and then walked together to the campus. That 30 minutes journey was felt like 5 minutes when I spent my time to get to know you.
We had many parties every week even I seldom came joining, you still remembered me and never gave up to invite me and my housemate. We formed group together in the class, visited each other just to say hi or shared the same feeling of being in foreign country, had dinner together with many kinds of cuisines from our countries, even got on the cruise trip together. How could I forget those memories...those are more than just pictures that I took with my camera.

Some of you were staying with me and my other Indonesian friends until this spring semester, but some of you left after the winter semester. I cried and I was so sad when someone of us was going back to France, then the next day some also went back to Germany, more and more farewell parties until my turn to go on my Christmas holiday in Holland I said goodbye to my Chinese friends who would be gone when I came back after the new year.

Spring Semester
New year was coming, I returned to Sweden again...some of you were still packing for your leaving while new people were coming for the Spring Semester. Again, one of you were back to South Africa and got ready for your wedding. The week after, two of us also left for Greece one would continue his study and the other was preparing for his army academic year in the military camp.

(I hate to get to know someone again when I know I'll have to say goodbye some months later but that's life...)
We who were still in Gavle since last winter started to introduce ourselves again to new comers from Netherlands, Spain, Italy, and Greece again. Didn't mean forgeting you who have left but at least we tried to open our heart to welcome new friends. We started all over again with new funs and laughter and kept wishing that you had been still here with us and our new pals.

10 months have almost passed since we came to this country. Those farewell parties were returning. Sadness, tears, and wishes to meet again someday in the future were uttered even more for you who have stayed here with us for the whole year. More and more people are leaving but this moment, no new people come until next August 2005. I shouldn't say that they leave us behind in Gavle but I thank God that they're now continuing with their life to reach what we're dreaming of. So when it's time to say goodbye even I'm sad or crying...I'd like to send you off with a big smile as a silent sign that we are so glad to know you here in Gavle.

=Dedicated to all of foreign students of University of Gefle 2004/2005 who had a great time in Satra, Gavle, Sweden. P.F. 12 June 2005=

Friday, June 10, 2005


What a nice weather today, unfortunately I'm not in a happy mode as the sunshine. Don't know what's wrong but I just can't feel better. I went to the city with my pals, ate ice cream, had a chicken kebab as my dinner, tried to cheer myself but it just didn't work at all. I was wishing that someone would ask me by sms how was I doing..but nothing happened with my mobile. It just keeps silent till now just it used to be everyday every night. I wish I could do the same thing..not thinking about someone and about what is he doing now? is he still sad?........I just can't. I hate myself to be like this......wanna cry but my eyes have been dry enough since the last time I cried a lot. Not many can be expected to be come true even I made a lot of wishes and pray everyday....he said he just can't; one is time-wasted and he's too lazy to do it because he's busy and another one is just too expensive to do.....What should I do???? I'm speechless and thinking to give up. have no idea except waiting and extending my patience. May God helps me through this...

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Story 4: Amsterdam here I come

I am caught in the moment with people I don't know. Finally, I'm in Amsterdam alone for the first time. An hour ago, I was so happy that I could enter my room. Without thinking so much, I took shower, dressed up, grabbed my key, and ran for the next train to Amsterdam. I was so pissed off by Tifa who left me without key in my hand, actually it was my own fault not remembering to take my key with me. But still, I got a little bit angry with her. She seemed hiding her plan to go to Zandvoort with Fajar from me.

So where am I going now?? I walk myself from the central station to the bridge where I can see some tourist boats by the Amstel river side. The weather is quite chilly and windy, even I wear my long underwear, I can still feel my feet trembling. I speed up my foot steps and go to the next place that I remembered when the last time I went to Amsterdam with Lia. It's about a month ago. I want to see the dam square, if I find it then I am (really) in Amsterdam. It's there...I can see it from distance a big square with the old castle and other big building around it. When I arrive right on the spot, I see some pigeons are there waiting for someone dropping snacks. Not as many as the first time I arrived in Amsterdam, it was summer, but they are still there now protecting their tiny bodies from the wind by making themselves looked fatter with those grey feathers. "Stubborn pigeons" I mumble while staring at them.

I wait until a trem passing by before I cross the street to the other side of the square with a famous monument that I forget the name and a big department store Bijenkorf on my left. Where am I suppose to go now? I look around and it seems everyone is the citizens of this region. My eyes suddenly catch a odd view in a corner of this square. A tourist group with a guide is having a trip around the city. "follow them", those are two words that I can think of in three seconds when seeing them heading to the side of this city that I've never been before.

Walking straight forward on a small path behind the square, this should end at the China town of Amsterdam, but it doesn't. I find myself in a place where high ancient buildings and typical Dutch houses are blocking the light. In the middle of that place stands a huge old church from black bricks and some long plants on its wall. The guide is speaking a language that I don't understand and the tourists are taking pictures of that weird place. I just keep following them as a stranger.

Then, they go to another small street between two buildings that have many glass windows and doors. I'm curious what they are "wow"ing about and walk to the small street to find out. One sexy girl is standing in front of the glass window, another one in a room besides her is trying to invite a guy to come in, another girl in the glass room on my opposite is fixing her bra, and many on my way to the edge of the street some also covered with red curtains. What the heck is this place?

I find fresh air again by the end of the street. A river in front of me with lots of bicycles on its sides and some bridges. I lost the tourist group but I don't care anymore since I couldn't take my eyes of what I've experienced. Well, it's six o'clock now..time to go home. At least, I've got enough fun and a fascinating adventure for myself.

Back in my room, I found no one there. My roomate, she should have come by now but she's not there. The room is just like when I left it. I think I know where she is, I go downstair to the first floor and knock on Lia's door. I'm right, she's there...she looks so happy when seeing me arrived. "Thanks God, finally you're here...I forgot my key when I was in hurry." that what she says to me. Ups..I notice both of us are just the same that time..she doesn't remember about the hostel assistant either who has a master key. Poor Willy..we hardly remember that we have a hostel assistant. Owari...^^;