Dah lama juga blog ini kosong, hehe maklum deh sudah lama tidak ngenet nih. Di samping alasan malas, aku sedang dalam vacation mode. Lumayan deh meskipun dari sebulan kosong yang bisa dibilang vakansi cuma seminggu terakhir sebelum aku mulai magang. Ada aja urusannya, mulai dari cari-cari tempat tinggal baru, ngurus passport, cari-cari asuransi baru, ngurus ijin kerja, bantuin temen buat report, numpang sana-sini, ngunjungin yayang di kota sono, pengobatan luka tangan yang ga kunjung kering, memperpanjang passport, sampe dapet rumah trus dilanjutkan acara pindahan bertahap. Akhirnya bisa istirahat juga biar cuma 6 hari ^^; di Nijmegen.
Finally my natsu-yasumi my summer break is over when I have to start working at a new place and meeting new people. Even a lot of things happened, many that I should do before last 1st of August, I did enjoy my holiday very much. Thanks God I always had something to do. Day by day, step by step, He fulfilled each of my needs, answered my prayers, eased my worried, and changed my sadness and suffers into joy and giving thanks. God's ways are not always easy, sometimes He let me to be hurt and suffers but in the end, all what He has done are for my sake and it's so good.
He is so good to me
He is so good to you
Jesus He is so good to you and me...