Before those Indonesian police indentified that the Bali bomb accidents were using suicide-bombing method, I was thinking if I were the doer, it would be easy to remove myself from the criminal list by exploding myself then the case is finish. Just a crazy thinking of mine when I heard that one of the victims was found only his head and leg. Anyway, now the police think the way I have ever thought too. Cool isn't it? I laughed loudly when a few moments after I finished my imagination, the "thing" became real.
This situation reminds me of a manga that I am recently reading right now on Net. Perhaps some of you also know this manga called DEATHNOTE. Perhaps, if the shinigami or the death god is really giving his death note to a human, this somehow could explain the cause of Bali bombing 2.
If Kira had been exist, he would have remembered the faces and written the names of those three criminals whose heads were found by police in three spots of the bombing accidents. Kira can control the last action of someone he wishes to kill. All he has to do is only writing the cause of deaths and time then the person will do exactly what is written and die at the mentioned time and date.
Thus those three bombers had ever met Kira somewhere and after their name have been written, they all together went to Bali with three packs of dynamites. In a certain place, those three finally said goodbye to each other and unconsciously walked to three different places to do their final farewell action and then they blew up themselves. No one will know who is the main actor behind those events, the police will keep searching and thinking those three are the criminals but they will never know the bombers were no one but ordinary people who met their bad luck, and soon the case will be closed without any solutions. In the end, Kira will be the one who laughs at those scenes and enjoys reading the news day by day while thinking of another terrorism plan.
AARRGGGHHHH....stop dreaming!!!! I do hate those terrorists, especially if the terrorist is a native who terrors his/her own country only for getting attention and sensation. Real terrorists are not that stupid, they have clear (mostly political) objectives and a spesific target, which may endanger their country.
Stupid terrorists only know how to imitate world terrorist by bombing their own country because they want to be famous and when they get caught and judged they use regional reason "god's will" as the only background and happy to die for their god. Then all I can say is just die and you'll find how's life after dead is when you'll meet the real judgement. "Peace man!!"