Humans' relationships are viewed very complicated to understand. For example, there is a doctor is falling in love with his nurse, while one of his colleagues, a female doctor, has a crush on him. On the other hand the female doctor is still having a problem with her ex-husband who is actually the brother of the nurse. They are still arguing about who is responsible to pay the debt for the house after divorcing because they don't love each other anymore. The ex-couple bought the house some months ago (of course before they committed divorce) and have not completely paid. In order to cover the loss, the owner of the house is advertising the house to someone else, while keep asking the couple to pay the price plus the damage cost of the furniture that the couple broke during their fighting. And so on... the story is still continuing until all the problems are solved.
So the complexity of human's relationships are, so are those cables on my desk. I just moved my laptop from my little table to my desk. For having everything done, first thing that I should do is taking off all cables and adaptor from my laptop. Some information, my laptop is connected with a pair of speaker, a wireless mouse, an external drive, and some USBs such as my digital camera and the card reader. It did take time to take off those cables from the main devices and then I should carefully loose the knots one by one since they bound each other and create some complex knots. I did not create them in that way when the first time I attached those USB devices to my laptop. All I did is just connecting them one by one to my laptop and leaving them there until I want to move them to another place. Now everything is settled at their new places, I tried to arrange the cables won't make the same difficult knots again but it seems impossible I guess.
What I can see from these two phenomenon is that The Almighty Creator did not create us to have problems with each other as I hope my cables will not bind each other again after some times. His plan may force us to go through some difficulties but the goal is not for harming us.
All God has done was placing us in certain places and blessing us with free will. Then, we start knowing someone and that's how a relationship begins, then the someone knows someone else who is close related to us and so on until problems may come up coloring our relationship. That's how our life is. Then it is our own will to face or to run from the problem.
What important here is how to get the problem solved before we move to somewhere else or with other hand I can say "run away from the problem."
Perhaps some problems will be disappeared soon and swapped away as the time goes by as we have moved to a new place. Unfortunately most of them will not disappeared just like that. As long as the cable's knots have not been untied, it is impossible to place the devices properly in the new place. For sure, it is heavy and troublesome to carry my laptop at once together with all USB devices without taking them off from my laptop. Therefore, I think no one can go peacefully while carrying so many problems.
"Life is for fighting and overcoming the problems not for running from them."