Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Living Expatriate

What do you wish as a student in a foreign country who is looking for a place to stay? If I could make one wish, I would like to stay in a place with everything I used to make this life and with people that I love and also not to move again to another place until I graduate from school. For the last three years I have been living here, I saw only one person could make it (at least among my friends who are in the same year as I am).

I myself never make it after my first year when all of us should hunt for a place to stay because we could only stay in the school's dorm only for our first year here.

Moving is hard especially for us, students who have limited budget to deal with everything. We always try how to get more with fewer funds. DON'T BUY TOO MUCH STUFF!! This is what exactly what I should do since I never know until when I could stay in a place. It will be very hard to carry everything with us when we're moving to a new place. Most of the time, those stuffs end in the garbage spot since they are impossible to be carried due to many many reasons such as:

-The new place is in another city, so it's expensive to go and back many times just to carry stuff.

-The new place is smaller, my stuff cannot fix in there, no space left.

-The new place is furnished, I am not allowed to throw the furniture away and replace them with mine, what I should do is dumping mine instead.

-I should move to my new place in sudden (natural disaster, accident, etc.) almost no time to pack, just pick the most important stuff with me.

-I am moving to another country, only 20 kilos allowed, 100 euro per 5 kilos excess luggage.

-I buy more clothes, my closet is full, and must throw the old ones hiks sometimes I want to have them all without reducing any.

So far I have moved four times during my three years stay in Holland which means I moved every year to a different place. Can you imagine if you should move to one to another place every (less) than a year? First time (well actually for the second time and follow too), I also grumbled, as I should carry so many heavy stuff with me. But thanks to my friends who helped me; or those who had the same thing happened to them so I did not feel so lonely (lol).

Anyway living in a new place is not bad at all, maybe only in the beginning when we should suffer of carrying things and adapting and then the new place are such having a brand new exciting thing. Fresh and new look. A new place to start the next chapter of my life. Therefore, I'm really enjoying the way I live now even now I'm quite far away from my mates, and I get really excited to tell you a story how those living expartiates are coloring my life.

Monday, August 22, 2005


Di mana aku? Tubuhku serasa bergoyang-goyang dengan irama yang tetap. Perlahan kubuka mataku. Pandanganku masih sedikit kabur dan kepalaku rasanya penat sekali. Setelah itu berangsur-angsur penglihatanku semakin jelas, apakah aku sedang duduk di dalam kereta? Bukan! Lebih tepatnya ini sebuah metro. Metro yang sedang melaju kencang di bawah tanah.

Kulihat orang-orang berdesakan sebagian duduk sambil menikmati goncangan-goncangan kecil yang ditimbulkan metro yang sedang berjalan di rel ini. Sementara itu, orang-orang yang lain berdiri sambil melindungi barang bawaannya supaya jangan jatuh, ada juga yang tidak kebagian pegangan dan bergantung pada keseimbangan badannya sambil kadang-kadang mencari bagian metro yang bisa digenggam ketika terjadi goncangan keras.

Mengapa aku ada di sini? Aku mau ke mana? Melupakan hal itu sejenak, kulayangkan pandanganku kalau-kalau ada seseorang yang aku kenal di gerbong ini, tetapi tak seorangpun kukenal dan tak seorangpun sedang memperhatikanku. Mereka sibuk dengan urusannya sendiri.

Dua orang anak muda yang duduk satu di sebelahku dan yang lain di depanku sedang mendengarkan mp3 dengan volume max. Tampaknya mereka sebentar lagi akan mengikuti konser. Berkali-kali dihentak-hentakkannya kaki dan ditepuk-tepukan tangannya ke pahanya seperti orang bermain drum dengan irama cepat sementara yang lain menyanyikan lagu dengan syair yang aneh.

Ahh berisik, lama-lama aku merasa terganggu juga. Aku menduga-duga jangan-jangan aktivitas mereka berdua ini yang tadi membangunkanku. Sebaiknya aku lebih baik segera pergi dari tempat ini. Aku mencoba berdiri, kepalaku masih pusing dan keseimbanganku tidak stabil mungkin karena sakit kepala ini ditambah goncangan kereta yang makin keras begitu melewati jalan menurun.

Begitu aku berdiri, kulihat sudah ada sesorang duduk di sana, aneh sejak kapan dia duduk di sana padahal belum ada semenit aku berdiri. Mengapa metro ini begitu penuh dan sesak dengan penumpang yang tak kunjung berkurang maupun bertambah. Aku melangkah melewati kursi-kursi dan berdesak-desakan dengan orang-orang yang berdiri dekat pintu metro dan berharap kalau metro ini berhenti aku akan mengetahui di mana aku sekarang dan setidaknya jumlah penumpang ini berkurang.

Lima menit menunggu, metro ini belum pernah berhenti sekalipun kecuali jika ada metro lain yang melintas dari arah yang berlawanan. Kulayangkan pandanganku untuk ke sekian kalinya, kulihat seorang bapak tua yang ketiduran di kursinya yang dekat jendela metro. Melihat dari penampilannya sepertinya beliau tertidur bukan karena kecapaian. Dengan sebuah tas kumal dan segulung tikar dalam dekapannya, sepertinya bapak tua itu telah beberapa hari tidak tidur mencari tempat berteduh.

Kualihkan pandanganku ke gerbong sebelah yang hanya dibatasi dengan sebuah pintu kaca. Tiba-tiba pandanganku terpaku pada seorang anak muda bertopi baseball yang memasukan tangannya di tas tante gendut yang sedang ribut menyela orang-orang yang berdiri untuk mencari kalau-kalau ada tempat yang kosong. "Celaka, aku harus segera mencegahnya atau paling tidak menangkapnya, dia toch sebaya bahkan lebih kecil dariku," pikirku cepat dan segera berlari secepat mungkin melewati kerumunan dan melewati pintu pembatas. Cepat...cepat...dia sudah mendapatkan barang yang dia cari, sebuah dompet kulit merk Prada. Pencopet cilik itu berlari ke arahku, "lucky!" pikirku. Tetapi di saat yang bersamaan ketika pencopet itu mendekatiku, sekali lagi metro bergoncang keras ketika berbelok di sebuah tikungan. Aku terjatuh di lantai metro yang kasar dan kotor, begitu melihatnya lagi aku yakin sekali tanganku masih cukup panjang untuk menarik lengannya yang membawa dompet itu. Hey mengapa tidak bisa? Apa dia berlari sangat cepat sampai-sampai tanganku serasa menembus tangannya? Tidak mungkin, begitu banyak orang berdiri di sepanjang jalan. Dia tak akan bisa lolos secepat itu, siapa saja tolong tangkap dia... masa tidak ada orang yang menyadari kejadian yang baru saja terjadi?

Sesaat kemudian terdengar teriakan seorang wanita, walaupun aku tak melihatnya aku kira itu pasti teriakan tante gendut yang menyadari seseorang telah mencuri dompetnya. Aku berusaha berdiri lagi dan ingin memberitahunya bahwa aku melihat anak yang mencuri dompetnya tetapi mendadak metro menjadi gaduh, orang-orang tergesa-gesa berlari ke arahku, melewatiku, bahkan ada yang menubrukku berkali-kali sehingga aku memilih untuk tetap tinggal di tempat tetapi aku tidak merasakan sakit apa mereka teralu cepat seperti angin? Kepalaku semakin penat, mungkin karena suasana yang makin panas dan sumpek dengan orang-orang yang berdesakan ingin mencapai bagian depan dari metro ini. Ada apa? Apa yang terjadi? Kulihat orang-orang di dalam metro ini menjadi liar, mereka berteriak, menggedor pintu kendali dan jendela, saling menjatuhkan satu dengan yang lainnya seolah-olah semuanya ingin segera keluar dari kendaraan panjang yang sedang melaju kencang di bawah tanah ini. Satu-satunya pemandangan yang janggal adalah bapak tua yang masih tertidur pula itu. Ingin kuteriakan sesuatu agar beliau terbangun dan segera pergi. Tetapi mengapa aku harus berteriak, untuk apa, aku pun di sini tak bisa ke mana-mana, seandainya bisapun aku harus berbuat apa?

Temperatur ruangan semakin memanas, udara yang sangat panas seperti datang dari belakangku. Menyengat seperti akan membakar seluruh tubuhku. Ketika kupalingkan pandanganku ke belakangku dalam hitungan detik, semua yang di belakangku telah dihanguskan termasuk orang-orang yang belum sempat mencapai gerbong-gerbong depan. Begitu cepat, begitu singkat, begitu panas, memekikan telinga, betapa mengerikannya, apakah ini yang terjadi dalam tungku kremasi di rumah duka?

Kepalaku penat, sekitarku gelap, tubuhku bergoyang-goyang seirama dengan goncangan di sekitarku. Aku mulai mengingat, bukan apa yang baru saja terjadi, tetapi mengapa aku ada di sini. Aku mau menjemput tante Ann yang baru datang dari Amsterdam untuk berjalan-jalan di kota London. Lalu ledakan itu tiba-tiba terjadi. Masih teriang di telingaku teriakan pilu itu, akupun juga berteriak aku masih ingin hidup aku tidak akan mati konyol dalam terowongan ini. Aku takut untuk membuka mataku, masih teralu takut untuk melihat di manak aku sekarang.

Jelas orang-orang itu tidak melihatku, orang yang duduk di tempatku sudah ada di sana jauh sebelum aku membuka mataku, akulah yang duduk di tempatnya. Pencopet itu tidak menyadari aku melihat perbuatannya karena dia tidak bisa melihatku, aku tak bisa menangkapnya bukan karena dia berlari teralu cepat tetapi karena aku memang tembus pandang, dan bapak tua itu tidak mendengar teriakanku karena tak seorangpun tahu aku ada bersama mereka dalam metro yang sesak itu. Mungkinkah aku..aku telah…meninggalkan dunia ini dan terperangkap dalam waktu yang berulang-ulang seperti kisah misteri yang kubaca beberapa hari yang lalu. Ternyata kisah itu bukan sekedar fiksi belaka.

Goncangan itu berhenti, tetapi kepalaku masih pusing dan berat. Ada suara memanggilku dari jauh, siapa? Apakah itu panggilan malaikat pencabut nyawa? Tidak..aku belum siap. Suara itu semakin mendekat dan bukan satu tapi ada beberapa. Mereka memanggil namaku. Apakah akhirnya metro ini berhenti di stasiun terakhir? Di manakah itu aku bertanya-tanya? Ayolah, aku tidak boleh jadi pengecut seperti ini, buka mata! Hadapi kenyataan. Kelopak mataku begitu berat, napasku sesak, tubuhku tidak bisa bergerak, dalam pandanganku yang kabur aku dapat melihat beberapa bayangan hitam memandangiku menghalangi cahaya putih yang begitu menyilaukan sampai-sampai membuat mataku sakit. Mereka meneriakkan namaku dan bahasa lain yang tak asing lagi di telingaku.

Surgakah atau neraka? ini di mana? Dapat kucium bau yang begitu khas di tempat itu. Sesosok berbaju putih mendekatiku dengan tongkat bersinar di tangan kanannya. Malaikatkah? Bukan, sosok itu adalah seorang dokter. Aku berada di rumah sakit rupanya. Tubuhku serasa begitu sakit, tetapi hatiku melonjak dan tak henti-hentinya mengucap syukur karena aku dapat merasakan rasa sakit itu lagi. Aku hidup…aku masih hidup teriakku dalam hati.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Facing the real world

I'm enjoying the sunshine outside my window while wearing my cardigan inside my office. What a contrast look...I'm freezing even there's no air conditioner and it's quite hot outside. I WANT TO GO OUTSIDE....yeah I wish I could. Do I really want to? nope...I'm still enjoying myself enough by sitting in front of my desk staring at a page of Rembrandt paintings book opening with a cup of hot coffee latte and a rice cookie snack...how fabulous and artistic is my situation. Well then I get a mood to write something on my blog.

I remembered when I wrote something about Indonesian dramas that are trapped in a fairy tail world. Not because I change my view about it, it just I'm thinking of a wonderful tale that is created by a modest story Honey & Clover--Hachimitsu to Clover.

If you see the opening song video clip, perhaps you'll think that this anime is kind of science fiction and imaginative with those artistic-weird-cuisines. It does tell about the daily living of a group of art university's students and their problematic life. But the storyline is not over someone's imaginations. Simple, comfortable, calm, funny, and entertained, those are feelings that I sense while watching it. I don't want to tell a long story here because it will make the scroll shorter and the blog page even longer. Just check the link above out if you to figure out the story.

Not like a common story where the main character will always get the dream girl, the heroine usually has a perfect body and face, or the handsome/pretty ones always get what they want. Almost everything in this story is turned up side down. The main character, Takemoto, is an ordinary college student and also the narator in the whole story. So most of the time the events that happens are viewed from his point of view.
Takemoto is falling in love with Hagumi a.k.a Hagu-chan, a 19 years old girl who more looks like an eight years old due to her chibi look. Unfortunately Hagu is having a crush with Takemoto's housemate, Morita Shinobu-kun (honestly, he's my fav chara here ^o^). Morita is actually a genius creative art student, only he's crazy about money very much (no one knows exactly what he does perhaps a secret agent?? he has a lot of hi-tech spy radar inside his room and a complicated password to enter his room ). Everytime, the job is calling, he will leave everything including the deadline of his final thesis as the ultimate condition so that he can graduate from the university. Therefore, Morita who should have graduated a few years ago, is still around in the university for his 6th year.
Morita always disturbs Hagu everytime he's around and hardly shows whether he has the same feeling towards that girl or not. Until one day, before Morita leaves for America without any news, he kisses Hagu in sudden, then the scene ends with Morita runs away when he realizes what he has done and leaves Hagu in confusion.

Another relationship that is appeared in the story is a triangle love story between Yamada Ayu, a beautiful adorable smart art student, who is expecting the love of Mayama, a graduated from art academy who works in an interior design company, Takemoto's sempai and housemate, who also loves hopelessly his sensei's wife in the same company, Rika-san. Mayama is not good looking even he's a very nice guy after all, this makes Ayu's fans become very jealous of him "A man like that is not suitable to get Ayu-sama's attention." Ayu tries many ways to have Mayama's attention, and she does get it since Mayama really care about her as a very good friend of him. But still Mayama's feeling towards Rika hasn't changed at all especially since he saved Rika who collapsed in her bathroom due to her painful and horrible accident scars on her body (Rika's husband dead in a car accident with her inside). Since then, Mayama feels responsible and wants to love her unconditionally even they know they'll never be together.

The story seems very dramatic for many audiences but still interesting to follow as the producer always put a lot of humors too in the right times (such as when Morita sang a nostalgic Japanese song in Hanami event and forgot his final project intentionally, or when Ayu was scared of leaving Hagu alone at home since Hagu reminded her of her dead cute little hamster). Those funny parts reduce the melancholic atmosphere in the story without ruining the main plot.

Well that's it, a good story is a story who is able to send the message to the audiences clearly and naturally. The happiness doesn't come from the happy ending, but more from how to finish the story well without leaving so many unanswerable questions. This reminds me to "Tersanjung" a never-ending Indonesian drama...this series is suck!! gomen (-__-#) but it is true according to me.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Unpredictable weather

Holland is the country with the worst weather that I've ever known. In a day, you will need to bring your raincoat, umbrella, and also your sunglasses. Even now is still summer, the sun has not been shinning since the last six weeks. The fall seems coming earlier this year (note: Fall starts on September 21st). Sometimes when I went to my office, my friend said that I was wearing my winter clothes in summer. But it was really damn cold. On the other day, such as this morning, I wear my turtle neck t-shirt since I noticed that the sky was quite cloudy from my window and I remembered the weather forecast told that the sun won't shine until tomorrow. Suddenly when I came out, the sun started shinning and increased the temperature....great!!, I have chosen the wrong costume again.

The weather forecast is never 100% right, it can be totally wrong in a day. In two websites such as yahoo and msn I never find the weather forecasts in the same area are completely the same. Slightly similar yes, but not identic at all. Is God having His own plan? Or perhaps He's playing dice now to decide whether it should be raining or sunshine.

This weather forecast phenomenon has shown that human's ability to observe the truth is limited. Therefore in normal case such as observing the ancestor of human being or evolution theories, everyone hardly ends up with same conclusions.
(The questions below are free quoted from many sources with biblically ways of answering so if you don't agree feel free to think by your own :p )
  • Is that right that human comes from ape species who went through the evolution process for centuries? Well, I don't know all I know that Adam and Eve are the first two persons on earth and we were created based on HIS image (Genesis 1:26). I think that's a good thing to know that I wasn't created like the monkey (lol).
  • Is it true that our earth will end soon if the commet really out of its orbit and crush and will it be our doom day? When is the last day of this earth? Maybe it's true that the earth will be destroyed because of the meteor or other galaxy's stuff because on that day, the sky will be dark and everything would be burnt in fire and made dissappeared from the surface no one knows when the day will come, one thing for sure the earth will come to end when He comes again for the second time to judge the living and the dead.(2 Peter 3:10-13)
  • How does a life after dead look like? it depends how your life goes when you are still living. (Efesus 5:15-16)
Well that's life, everything is full of mysteries as the Almighty Creator, He is mysterious with His own plans. However, back to the weather forecast, I still need it anyway to plan my day. Just assume those weather forecasts are the cheats of God's plans. Thanks God for making my day (no certain reason of writing this post actually). Owari...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Stupid as stupid does

Hey do you remember the movie called Forrest Gump? Lately it becomes one of my favourites ever. For almost two hours listening to Forrest's story, I just realized that Forrest just wanted to ask the way to go to her lover's house, Jenny. Is this man really an idiot as his IQ report when he was just six? I don't really think so. Just like Forrest mother said, stupid as stupid does and Forrest exactly did what he supposed to do to make his life even people said he was a slow-witted person. No one would believe that a guy like Forrest Gump could be a hero in the Vietnam war and got an honor medal, won a ping-pong international competition in China and became an idol even he never knew why since all he did was only hitting the ball, and also Forrest even got a chance to meet many U.S. presidents from Kennedy to Nixon. Until finally, he could marry his beautiful dream girl, Jenny, whom he loved since he was a kid. That was Forrest's life fate; he just went through it although he never knew the reasons why they happened. I believe each of us has one too even in the bad times we tend to run from our fate.

"Life is a box of chocholate, you never now what you're going to get""

I think fate is different from what is called destiny. Fate has already been settled since we were born and it can hardly be changed while destiny is something that we can still fight for to make our life better. Many kinds of people exist in this world when they are facing their fate.

There are some people who give up their life, just make a wish and dreams without doing something for reach their dreams. When those dreams don't come true, they grumble and often then blame God for not fulfilling their desires. However, some of them are quite lucky, sometimes they get what they want instantly winning a lottery for example. That's why they are called fortunate people who get something accidentally. I hope they don't loose it accidentally too ( ^^;)

Other people often see that someone's fate and life is always much better than them, and then result in dissatisfactory of his/her life and a question, "why could I be like him or her? I've been trying a lot but seems God is not really fair." It seems that they couldn't accept themselves as they are. Just imagine if all people in this world are the executive directors, who are going to be the workers and buyers? Everyone was born to this world with certain reasons and they will have their own role in the society. Therefore everyone is created to be unique.

There are also realistic type people, those who always search for the truth and reason behind everything that happen in our daily life. God likes people who are searching for the truth and He shall give us answer with His own way. But human is somehow impatient to understand God's ways and tend to try finding the answer by human's ways and reject His lead. I'll do it with my way. This reminds me to Leutenant Dan who rejected to be saved by Forrest during the Vietnam war. He wished to die that time so that he'll be respected as a national hero. But it wasn't his time according to God (if this story became real I mean). He was fated to be the director of the Prawn Ship together with Forrest and then he got married with a vietnam lady. Even both his leg got amputated, Isn't still it more beautiful than "dead"? If he was dead, people would remember him as a hero, but would his soul go directly to heaven? no one knows (again if it were real hehe). What a human thinks is good is not always good in God's eyes.

Forrest always did stupid things according to the people around him, but when he got a lot of success , those people thought hard "how come is it possible?" Human nature has a tendency to imitate someone who is viewed as a cool and smart person, and anything that he/she considers would not embarrass him/herself. To be same as the world is not what God wants since He created us according to His image. Be yourself is the best thing to do because you are unique and none is like you. Yep, stupid as stupid does...I am myself as anybody is.

Well I've been too much talking now. Shall it be finished now? Well, fate and destiny are two different things but they have to cooperate each other. GOD has provided us a box of gold in the finish line as our reward, but if we don't start running to reach the finish line the gold will stay there and we'll get nothing but disappointed. Everyone of us has been granted by a fate as we were born. By accepting the fate means we follow His will. But keeping on fighting for our destiny is a must to reach a good end of our fate with one condition that our efforts should be done according to His ways. As long as God with us nothing is impossible, isn't it? I can say nothing about this because everyone has different opinions. So let's prove it by ourselves.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Dah lama juga blog ini kosong, hehe maklum deh sudah lama tidak ngenet nih. Di samping alasan malas, aku sedang dalam vacation mode. Lumayan deh meskipun dari sebulan kosong yang bisa dibilang vakansi cuma seminggu terakhir sebelum aku mulai magang. Ada aja urusannya, mulai dari cari-cari tempat tinggal baru, ngurus passport, cari-cari asuransi baru, ngurus ijin kerja, bantuin temen buat report, numpang sana-sini, ngunjungin yayang di kota sono, pengobatan luka tangan yang ga kunjung kering, memperpanjang passport, sampe dapet rumah trus dilanjutkan acara pindahan bertahap. Akhirnya bisa istirahat juga biar cuma 6 hari ^^; di Nijmegen.

Finally my natsu-yasumi my summer break is over when I have to start working at a new place and meeting new people. Even a lot of things happened, many that I should do before last 1st of August, I did enjoy my holiday very much. Thanks God I always had something to do. Day by day, step by step, He fulfilled each of my needs, answered my prayers, eased my worried, and changed my sadness and suffers into joy and giving thanks. God's ways are not always easy, sometimes He let me to be hurt and suffers but in the end, all what He has done are for my sake and it's so good.
He is so good to me
He is so good to you
Jesus He is so good to you and me...