If you are dropping by on my blog and see this please just skip this post. Don't ever look at it or even try to read this. This post is not published to be read. There are plenty other posts that contain something than this one. Nothing is being talked here, believe me.
Why are you still reading it? Is it not clear enough what I have told you before? geez you're stubborn enough. Like what people say, a command is there to be broken. If there is no command or prohibition, nothing will be broken or disobeyed, right? Just like those of you who are still reading this writing. I cleary tell you to skip it or just go to another webpage instead of reading my blog but you're still reading it anyway. What's wrong with you guys?? Is that so enjoyable to break a rule?? C'mon you don't want to be that bad, do you? Our parents always want us to be good and obidient and that what you should be now.
Humans are a unique creature. GOD has created them to have what is called free will. Therefore, people always have big curiousities towards everything and then a desire to know more, have more or just keep it and leave it like that. It is all your own decision. Just like Adam and Eve, they would have been in Eden until our generation if they had not chosen to taste the forbidden fruit. GOD likes if we want to know more about the truth and search for it, and He will satisfy us. On the other side, satan also loves if we want to know more and he plays with our curiousity about something that we shouldn't know but he plays tricks by saying you will never know until you experience it by yourself (clever he?). But GOD said "blessed those who have have not seen and yet have believed". Thus, don't play with your curiousity. We were not born to know everything and it is impossible to know all things except GOD. There are so many things that we cannot understand and all we can do is just "believing". So why you don't just believe me and keep reading until this point?
Ok, I admit it is good to know that "curiousity" is needed to help someone develop him/herself. The more you want to know and search for the truths the more knowledgeable you are. Unfortunately, I should let you down by reading this so far you get nothing but your big curiousity about what I'm trying to say. Well, prove it by yourself. If you read this sentence, it means that you have a very big curiousity, if not you have left this page since couples minutes a go. I don't play any trick..it just because you and I are created to be someone who are wondering about new thing and something that we have never known or done it before.
Least but not last thank you for wondering along with me till this part. Let me remind you one more time, this is the very last sentence please do not force yourself to continue even you see some words just ignore them okay??
hahahaahahahahahhahhhhahahahahaa....................Gotcha.....got yaaa :p :p