I can't say a lot words but I just wanna say that I'm sad

Too many works

to be done before Christmas so little time I have..gambatte ne Lea

now seem like I try hard to cheer myself. Hope it will work...
When I desperate like this in the coldest country that I've ever known, I'd like to go to party, socialize with others, and of course

to forget my problems a while and get a little warmth. But it's not a good way either (

hiks hiks...Finally the best way I can do is keep fighting

for my own sake and keep praying that God will lead my way and make everything in control ameen..

I want this, I want that, a lot of fun that I wanna have...but now just hold myself back for a while. I miss my friends, family, and someone there...but I put away those feelings until I successfully managed myself back:)
Gomen ne..mina I don't mean to be indifferent..really. Sometimes I just lost myself

somewhere, in the phase that over my reach. Maybe it's not the first time, as I could remember, mostly happened by the time I'm going to have my holiday. But in the end everything just back normal after the holiday. Just like refreshing stage..this is how I can enjoy my day off more. People will enjoy their spare time more when the time before they've got a lot of pressures from works or surroundings and then successfully get rid of them. Wish that will happen very soon.
Suteki desu ne...