The story of a little ladybug. presented in English and or Indonesian language..up to the writer's mood :) Happy reading!! Uneg-uneg is just another untranslateable Indonesian words
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Kosong............apakah ini akibat overload atau memang sedang ingin nge-blank saja? Kalau memang sedang kepingin ngeblank saja, sebentar juga pikiran-pikiran baru akan masuk dan mungkin masalah-masalah lama mulai dapat diselesaikan satu per satu. Apa ini sama dengan refreshing??
Namun kalau sedang overload, mungkin semuanya akan terlupakan begitu saja seperti baru saja di-reset. Back to zero..........asal belum sampai gila atau kehilangan diri saja sepertinya tidak mengapa kalau harus kehilangan beberapa ingatan :p
Ah sudahlah..lama-lama kalau hal ini terus dipikirkan bisa-bisa makin sering overload.
Banyak belajar banyak yang lupa
Belajar sedikit sedikit pula yan lupa
Tidak belajar tidak ada yang terlupa...alias tidak tahu apa2..
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
A valentine's chronicle
Some days or a week ahead before 14 February, many TV commercials, newspaper advertisements offer a price for two or a special package for two.
I remembered those days, when I accompanied my girl-friends shopping various chocolates with a cute decoration such as a forever friend holding the chocolate or one red rose with a heart-shape "I love you" chocolate.
Also at school, sometime, those who had already got a lover, they exchanged gift one to another in front of their classmates that made the whole class shouted those yell "whohooooo....!!!" and the couple's cheeks turned red.
My friend who was sitting beside me told me excitingly that he was going to ask his girlfriend out for dinner at a restaurant and then give her a pleasant surprise, a silver ring that he seek my advice before finally he decided to buy it. I thought how a sweet boyfriend he was (of course sweet for his girlfriend). Wished to have a boyfriend like him but not him and he was not my type :p
When I came back to my dorm, I saw overwhelming faces on my girl-friends who got some packs of chocolate and valentine cards. Then they started counting, comparing, and chatting about the boys who gave them those sweet gifts. I joined the conversation and answered them that I had got a bear-shape handmade chocolate from my bestfriend.
Honestly, there was a moment when I was jealous of my friends because I have no close boy-friend who would give me chocolate on V's day. "No boy-friends no chocolate" but it is not true actually. I still could proudly say that I got the best gift on my valentine as my bestfriend was there for me. Well a friend does last forever right?
2 years after my last valentine in High School, I met my someone who, later, officially became my first valentine. Our first valentine as a couple was spent alone because he was living in other city and that day he had to work part time in a restaurant. In contrast, I was enjoying my quiet moment at home while receiving some valentine text messages from my friends which most of them with a little quote "share this day with someone you love..." Well next year I guessed. Anyway, I did not feel lonely as there was someone who cared and told me how he wished to be with me at this moment.
A year after, 2005, I was in other country when it was close to Valentine day. My housemate and I shared the same feeling of having someone in other part of this continent. We shopped together and bought a valentine card to be sent later.
My someone did not prepare any gift for me, and he really did. Instead, he was flying to meet me on Valentine day. I think it was the best gift that he gave me *smile*
This year valentine is not less surprise. He called me that night to say happy valentine and he told me to open one of shelf in my wardrobe. A lovely scarf was wrapped nicely with a card on the top of it and kept safely in a little black bag. He had put it there when I was not aware. I'm so excited back then. Does a girl really love surprise? Well I don't know exactly but I like the way he treated me. The best thing that I got this year's valentine is not only the scarf but it is also a gift of having someone who care about me and I care about him.
A lover might not be last forever, but when you are with him/her, that could be the best thing that ever happened in your life.
At last valentine is not the matter of always giving and receiving chocolate or other presents. To acknowledge that there is/are someone/people that love you and care about you so much, after all I think it is the most beautiful thing of all.
Happy Valentine...:)
Monday, February 13, 2006
Notpron continued level 26-30 (hardest ones)
Ok, here we go with notpron level 26 until 30.
Level 26 (Number twenty six)
Open the page source and you should find the source code for the picture in this level--> "screen26.jpg" and copy it to the url. The second thing can be found at the source page is a sentence that says "The top left corner number NEVER lies, keep that in mind" this hint is useful to get through from level 26 to level 30.
Back to the picture page: the picture displayed in screen26.jpg is a zipper, means that if you change the url from screen26.jpg to, you will get a hidden zip file.
Level 27
it is in the file. yes, its 27 in here. i hope it helps you to get from 26 to 28
Level 27 said 26 needs more t***s, b**bs. Then please go back to the level 26 page. Do you remember when I told you that notpron is the connotation of not-porn??? then if you want to see t***s change the url from notpron into pron. I hope this helps you to get into level 28.
Level 28 (#28)
the top left corner NEVER lies (it's in the source page dude). What do you need to access level 29 is changing the url number from screen26 into screen29. Tadaa...welcome to level 29!!
Level 29 (#29)
we are still wrong in some way.....what's wrong??? I tried to change the link into screen30 but it does not work that way. Yeah you're right we are playing notpron and want to go to level 30. Change pron into notpron and screen29 into screen30. Enter the username and password that are available on this webpage.
Level30 (Right in the creators' face)
whose picture is that? what is the name of the creators? I mean the group leader. This time go to the deathball website and check out the team's link. Hey it's David's picture..but David who??? Click on his picture and ctrl+a or sellect all to read his message. He's not David B..but David M (M is the initial of his last name anyway for those who don't know). Yeah, more like it...the answer is on the right bottom of David M.
Level 31's link:
Veel plezier jongens!!! morgen is valentijn dag...!!! maar ja, moet ik nog werken
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Lagu cinta jaman doloe...
GOMBLOH - Kugadaikan Cinta
Di radio aku dengar lagu kesayanganmu
Kutelepon di rumah mu sedang apa sayangku
Kuharap engkau mendengar
Dan kukatakan rindu
Malam minggu pukul tujuh aku apel di rumah mu
Kubersiul dan bernyanyi membayangkan dirimu
Bercanda dan bercumbu duduk berdua denganmu
Tetapi mimpi apa aku semalam
Kulihat engkau duduk berdua
Bercanda mesra dengan seorang pria
Kau cubit kau peluk kau cium
Di radio aku dengar lagu kesayangan mu
Kututupi telingaku dengan dua tanganku
Biarlah cepat berlalu dan kugadaikan cintaku
Kugantungkan cintaku yeee..
Kugadaikan cintaku ....
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Nostalgiaku di tahun '80an
Blog ini didedikasikan untuk mengenang taon2 yang indah itu. Dekade 80-an!!
Biar aja orang pada bilang norak, jadul, najong, memble... yang penting kita2 tetep merasa kece dan juga hepi bisa bernostalgia
Oke Coy!! (
Begitulah kutipan dari sebuah blog berbahasa Indonesia yang mengulas pernak-pernik di tahun 80an. Setelah membaca beberapa postnya, saya merasa menjadi bagian dalam era tahun 80an itu meskipun pada akhir tahun 80an, 1989-1990, saya masih berusia 5 tahun. Sebut saja hal-hal di bawah ini yang cukup mewarnai masa kecil saya juga.
- Game watch (Super Mario Bros dan Green House) ( yang super mario tidak ketemu gambarnya, yang green house ini permainannya mematikan serangga yang mau makan tanaman)
- Kaset video sewaan (ada yang warna hijau untuk semua umur, yang biru untuk 13 tahun ke atas termasuk di antaranya film-film Warkop DKI, dan yang berwarna merah untuk usia 17 tahun ke atas)
- Panggung boneka si Unyil (masih ingat kan ma Unyil, Cuplis, Pak Ogah, bu Bariah, dan siapa yang ga kenal ma pak Raden yang pelit galak?? gara-gara nonton cerita unyil yang ada adegan nasi-nasi yang menangis, sejak saat itu saya tidak pernah membuang-buang makanan lagi)
- Drama Oshin jam 18.30 WIB sebelum sholat mahgrib (drama Jepang yang mempopulerkan kebudayaan Jepang di televisi Indonesia termasuk salah satunya menyebut anak yang punya kulit putih bermata sipit dibilang mirip Oshin)
-Sinetron Losmen di hari Rabu malem yang bercerita tentang keseharian keluarga pak Broto
-Jaya-jayanya berbagai film Indo mulai dari yang komedi Dono Kasino Indro, Ateng dan Ishkak, yang romantis seperti Catatan si Boy filmnya Ira Maya Shopa, terus film laganya Barry Prima ma Eva Arnaz, sampai yang horor kaya Tuyul dan Sundel Bolong ( serius saya sudah pernah menonton semuanya meskipun hanya siaran ulang di layar kaca ). Tercatat terakhir kali FFI (Festival Film Indonesia) diadakan adalah tahun 1992 setelah itu dunia perfilman Indonesia mati sampai sekitar tahun 2004. Syukurlah sekarang film-film layar lebar mulai bermunculan kembali di tanah air kita.
-Jajanan ama snack: sebut saja nama-nama berikut seperti kreep-kreep, anak mas, pindy, wafer superman, chiki, choki-choki, ama nyam-nyam, jagoan neon. Yang saya tahu beberapa di antara produk ini masih ada dalam kemasan yang baru, meskipun demikian rasanya sudah agak berubah kaya si anakmas yang kini hanya tersedia dalam rasa ayam dan bumbunya makin dikit, mienya sama saja tetap sedikit huuuuuuuuuuuuuu.............
Demikianlah sekilas dari pengetahuan saya di tahun 80an. Cukup menarik juga untuk menyadari bahwa 21 tahun kehidupan saya di bumi ini telah memiliki sebuah nostalgia di tahun 80an. Mungkin tidak selama dan sebanyak nostalgia jaman mama-papa kita atau emak dan engkong kita, tetapi dengan menengok kembali ke masa 16 tahun yang lalu, saya sudah dapat melihat betapa banyaknya hal yang sudah berubah di Indonesia sejak tahun itu.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Everyday, everything I was in the mood, I took my pen and wrote a story about what has happened to me. Then, I kept the book in the place that I considered none knew. However, there was always someone who was curious about what I had written. When I was away, that person sneaked in my room and tried to find my diary. It was true that I wrote something not good of that person because I was angry. The story was recorded because I just didn't want to release my anger to her.... Anyway in the end the person found my diary and read it through every story I wrote especially that divulged her name. The day after she stopped talking to me in sudden, looked at me with suspicious look and I knew nothing but her hatred. Until one day her mother told my mom that she had read my diary and that explained anything that happened between that person and me.
So much sore just because some pieces of stories on the pages. Even worse, the stories were something that had already been in the past. Since that day...I stop writing on my diary again.